The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 80: The King of the Gods Jiang Youli

The next day, it was midnight.

Zhang Jiuyang took a bath in the room. The soup he used was called Wuxiang Tang, which was made from Angelica dahuricae, peach bark, cypress bark, incense and green wood incense. It can purify the body, wash away dust and remove impurities.

While bathing, he recited the mysterious words silently in his heart.

"Eliminate the unknown, guard by two children, make a home for the seven spirits, practice yoga in Yunjin, and make everything healthy..."

This is a Taoist bathing etiquette, and you don’t need to bother with it normally. But if you want to open an altar, you must remember to follow it and do not violate it.

This is also one of the preparations for Fengshen.

It is worth mentioning that you must not forget anything when taking a bath, otherwise everything will be in vain.

A moment later, Zhang Jiuyang finished bathing and was wearing a green Taoist robe. The so-called green refers to the Dongfang Jia Yi Mu Tai Gua. It is also the Qing Dragon that generates strong energy, which is the descendant of Donghua Emperor.

The shoes and socks are also blue and white, which symbolizes that monks should hold their bodies in blue and white and be indifferent to fame and fortune.

Opening the door, a handsome Taoist priest wearing a Ziwu hairpin and a green robe appeared in the moonlight. He was tall and tall, handsome and handsome, as bright as the moon.

Ah Li has prepared the star altar, with incense burners, yellow paper, candles and other items placed on it.

Her eyes were full of expectation. Ninth Brother said that he wanted to make himself a god, and that the God King Talisman that can do anything... sounded very powerful.

I, Ah Li, am also going to make a career!

"Ali, the time has come, are you ready?"

She nodded vigorously.

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly, and then took out the golden talisman. There was a vague word "ram" on it, and the words and ink were like wind and thunder, and there seemed to be murderous intent rolling in.

This is an extremely ferocious talisman, named Du Ramang God King.

Among the Chinese people, there has always been a saying of worshiping the Five Rams. There are Wu Ram temples in many places, and Taoists call them the Five Rams Soldiers and Horses.

The so-called five rampant soldiers and horses are equivalent to a special force composed of ghosts and gods, usually composed of two groups of people.

Along the way were the generals and soldiers who died in the battle under Emperor Xuanyuan Huang. Later, Emperor Xuanyuan sealed them all on the Iron Chao Mountain in Fengdu with the talisman of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, giving them the ability to live forever, but they lost their sense of autonomy and could only Follow the orders.

On the other side, there are the remaining six-dong demons that Marshal Zhao of Longhu Xuantan and Zhang Tianshi subdued back then, and they belong to the Beidi.

Therefore, "Beiyin Fengdu Black Law" records: Anyone who drives the six cave demons and their demon soldiers to fight ghosts must be worshiped by Marshal Tianpeng to suppress them. Otherwise, the demon soldiers accidentally injure the people, and the judge will be punished with death.

The five rampant soldiers and horses are extremely fierce. The "three hundred thousand soldiers, guarding me nine levels" mentioned in the Canopy Curse refers to this group of soldiers and horses.

It is said that if the mage's words are not clear when inviting the five rampants, once the five rampages are released, they will often sweep away even the ordinary lonely ghosts.

What's even more frightening is that if Wu Yang finds that there are no enemies after being released, or the enemies have run away, they may even capture the mage's soul.

If there is no incense in the Wuyang Temple in some places for a long time, it will become a cold altar. The ferocious Wuyang soldiers and horses will look for trouble on their own. Once someone bumps into them, they will go crazy, become demented, yell at them, or become silent.

This is the so-called cold altar tyrant.

Therefore, the five rampant soldiers and horses in various places need a commander with absolute strength, called the Duram God King, who is responsible for managing this group of unruly and fierce rampant soldiers.

The golden talisman gifted by the Great God Zhong Kui is the Talisman of the Du Yang God King. It is not used against the enemy, but to confer the title of Du Yang God King.

Generally speaking, only the fierce ghosts among the fierce ghosts, the demons among the demons, and the most ferocious among the rampant soldiers can be crowned as the Du Yang God King and suppress the unruly group of rampant soldiers.

But there are no rampant soldiers in this world. Zhang Jiuyang saw a Yin soldier once, but it was a monster with red hair, which looked too weird.

The only person he can seal is Ah Li.

As for what would happen after the edict was sealed, and what abilities Ah Li would gain, he didn't know, but thinking about it, Great God Zhong Kui would never harm him.

Moreover, Ah Li’s divination powers also sensed that this talisman was extremely important to her and she longed for it.

Zhang Jiuyang is naturally happy to fulfill this. In this world, Ah Li is the person he trusts most, and she is also his sister. If there are good things, he must first keep his family close to him.

"Study the Tao with diligence, and accumulate faith and sincerity. Burn incense to worship Taiyi, and the true energy will be mixed with the smoke. I only hope to open up the great forgiveness, and live in the dark world of the Seventh Ancestor House."

As he spoke, he faced Xingdou, twisted the incense and bowed three times.

In Taoist rituals, there are three categories: burning incense, walking incense, burning head incense, heart incense and twisting incense. The so-called twisting incense means holding the incense with the left hand, not the right hand, and then twisting the incense three times, chanting the incense praise, and burning the incense talisman.

It symbolizes the support of the three heavenly deities of Yuqing Palace, Shangqing Palace and Taiqing Palace respectively.

Putting the incense into the turtle furnace, Zhang Jiuyang lit a piece of yellow paper, with Ah Li's name and birthday written in cinnabar on it.

As the yellow paper turns to ashes and falls into the incense burner, all the preparations are over, leaving only the last step.

Zhang Jiuyang holds the Du Ram God King Talisman in his hand, steps on Gang steps, and mutters something in his mouth.

"Disciple Zhang Jiuyang received a talisman from the great god Zhong Kui. Now he enthrones Jiang's Youli as the king of the gods of the capital city. He can unify the five rampant soldiers and horses, subjugate demons, punish evil and promote good..."

As he finished reading the last sentence, the Du Yang God King Talisman in his hand instantly bloomed with a dazzling golden light, and the originally dark courtyard suddenly lit up. In a daze, he seemed to hear countless fighting and roaring sounds.

The roar of the 300,000 rampant soldiers shook the sky, and the might of the army was enough to shake the sun and the moon!

Call the world colorless!

Immediately afterwards, the Du Ramang God King Talisman turned into a stream of light and flew into Ah Li's eyebrows, causing her whole body to be enveloped in golden light, and there was a faint hint of majesty on her young face.

The Yin Qi in her body quickly became stronger, but what was different from ordinary evil ghosts was that there was a bit of majesty in the shocking and vicious aura.

Zhang Jiuyang felt slightly nervous and stared at Ah Li closely.

After an unknown amount of time, the golden light on Ah Li's body finally slowly dissipated, and her rapidly growing Yin Qi also stopped. Only then did Zhang Jiuyang notice that the white dress on her body was almost completely dyed red with blood, leaving only the last hem of her clothes. .

She has already half-stepped into the fierce level, just like Yun Niang back then.

Zhang Jiuyang secretly said that it was strange that the little ghost that Yun Niang had easily controlled back then was now a man in red. Coupled with the two pink kitchen knives, Yun Niang might not be Ah Li's opponent in a real fight.

Eyelashes trembled slightly, Ah Li slowly opened her eyes, her eyes seemed a little confused.

"How does it feel?"

Zhang Jiuyang asked.


She looked at her hand and said doubtfully: "It seems like she ate a piece of candied haws that was a little hot."

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and laughed. It was indeed a description that only a little girl would have.

At this time, Ah Li looked up at Zhang Jiuyang, let out a light sigh, and said, "Brother Jiu, why do you have so many strange fireworks on your body..."

She sniffed it and said, "It smells so good!"

Zhang Jiuyang was shocked. Could the fireworks be incense?

Although "The Picture of Zhong Kui Chewing Ghosts" has been replaced by "The Picture of Wang Lingguan Guarding Lingxiao", as the legend of Zhong Kui catching ghosts spreads, many incense sticks will still fly in every day and disappear into his sea of ​​consciousness.

This makes Zhang Jiuyang very regretful. If he could give these incense to Wang Lingguan, maybe he would be able to inherit it now.

These incense are invisible and formless, and even Yue Ling's Dharma eyes can't see them. Ah Li couldn't see them before, but now she can.

"These fireworks...can you eat them?"

Zhang Jiuyang asked, if Ah Li can also eat incense and become stronger, will the extra incense be available to her in the future?

Ah Li tried to take a sip. The incense entered her mouth but escaped from her nose. She could not absorb it at all.

She was so greedy that her mouth was almost watering.

"It smells great, but I just can't eat it..."

Zhang Jiuyang felt at ease. It seemed that she couldn't eat other people's incense. So, did she need others to worship her?

"Ah Li, if you have the chance these days, you can do good deeds and help others."

He is going to try to let Ah Li take the path of Shinto.

Although Ah Li didn't understand why, she kept it in her mind. She never asked much about what Brother Jiu asked, and she just followed it.

"By the way, Ninth Brother, in addition to divination, I seem to have gained another ability!"

"What ability?"

She patted her chest proudly and said, "I can summon five powerful soldiers and horses!"

Zhang Jiuyang was shocked, five rampant soldiers and horses?

It stands to reason that Ah Li is now the first Duyang God King in this world, but he can command all the Wuyang soldiers and horses in the world. Unfortunately, he is only a bare commander, and it is useless to have authority.

But if she can really summon five rampant soldiers and horses, that will be awesome!

Zhang Jiuyang felt itchy in his heart when he thought of those ferocious five rampant soldiers and horses in the picture just now. Ah Li's is naturally his. If he could really have such a group of powerful ghosts and gods serving under his command and obeying orders, wouldn't he be invincible in the world?

What hell, I'll give you a bloodbath in minutes!

Under his expectant gaze, Ah Li began to cast spells, holding two pink kitchen knives in hand, dancing like a god under the moon, chanting incantations that Zhang Jiuyang could not understand, which did not seem to be the language of the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the night wind howled, the air was gloomy, and the entire courtyard seemed to be covered by an invisible aura.

Zhang Jiuyang swallowed nervously.

One moment passed, two moments passed...

Even Ah Li was tired from dancing. She lay on the ground panting and said doubtfully: "That's not right. I should be able to summon him..."

At this moment, Zhang Jiuyang suddenly raised his eyes and looked to the southeast corner. He stretched out his palm and the ghost-killing sword automatically flew to his palm, glowing with red light under the moonlight.

But he soon lowered his guard, because what came was just an ordinary wandering soul, an old man who took three steps, rested one step, and had to take off his old leg and knock it.

Worse than the old man, he was a sickly man who looked like a scholar. He kept coughing, spurting out black blood, his face was extremely pale, and he had to stop and cough several times every step he took.

The two of them were racing, and it was like a bright moment. The snails next to them were all home, and they had not yet decided the winner.


A figure flew from the sky, making Zhang Jiuyang's eyes light up. This one looked a bit reliable.

However, before he could be happy, a gust of wind blew by, and the figure suddenly staggered and fell into the pool with a plop, making a gurgling sound.

Ah Li smiled sheepishly and hurriedly ran to the pool to fish him out. Only then did Zhang Jiuyang see clearly that the ghost was a little baby with a pacifier on it. No wonder it would be blown down by a gust of wind.

"Second King of Rampant Soldiers, I've seen the commander!"

"Rampant soldiers...cough cough, Fan Changsheng...have seen...cough cough...cough cough..."

The scholarly ghost didn't even try to catch him, but he vomited out a certain piece of internal organs.

As for the ghost baby, it made a series of squeaking sounds, obviously it hadn't learned to speak yet.

Zhang Jiuyang's face was full of black lines.

What the hell?

You call this the Five-Devils Army?

Isn't this just a combination of the old, weak, sick and disabled?

Let alone a bloodbath in the underworld, it's hard to even take a bath.

Ah Li didn't despise them. She looked at her three subordinates and began to paint a picture.

"From today on, you are the three generals of the Five-Devils Army under my command, and the right-hand men of me and Brother Nine!"

She pointed at the old man and said, "You are the braised general, in charge of hunting in the mountains, collecting souls and setting up bans for the Five-Devils!"

She pointed at the sick ghost of the scholar and said, "You are the steamed general, in charge of removing cold and stopping pain, sealing the knife and setting bones for the Five-Devils!

Finally, she pointed to the ghost baby.

"You are the fried general, in charge... shout and respond by yourself, waving flags and shouting for the Five-Devils! "

The three ghosts were overjoyed and bowed to receive the order.

Zhang Jiuyang was silent.

But he soon found something unusual. After Ali conferred the title on the three ghosts, the Yin energy on the three of them seemed to be much more condensed, and even their confused eyes became clear.

Ali found a jar, waved her hand, sucked the three ghosts into the jar, drew a pattern she drew with blood, and gave it to Zhang Jiuyang like a treasure.

"Brother Jiu, this is called the Wuchang Army Altar, and they can train soldiers in it in the future! "

Zhang Jiuyang put his eyes close to the mouth of the bottle and was immediately surprised.

There were mountains, water and a training ground in the bottle. The three ghosts were as small as men. They cultivated their Yin Qi and practiced military skills in it. They were diligent and never slackened, as if Ah Li's words were an imperial decree to them.

"Brother Jiu, they can't beat anyone now. When they become stronger, they can be sent to sweep everywhere and subdue ghosts as soldiers~"

Ah Li imagined the scene of millions of soldiers under his command, and his little face was happy.

Zhang Jiuyang finally understood that what Ah Li called the summoning of the five soldiers was actually the summoning of some nearby ghosts, who were summoned by magic. The ghosts seem to have their consciousness tampered with, thinking that they are the soldiers of the rampage, and they are absolutely obedient to A Li.

But this may not be a bad luck for them.

For example, these three wandering souls were on the verge of dissipation, and now they have become soldiers of the rampage. Not only can they survive, but they may also become stronger in the future.

Given time, the small Five-Devil Soldiers Altar may become a hiding place for a million-strong army...

When Zhang Jiuyang thought of this, his eyes changed when he looked at A Li. This little girl might be extraordinary.

Little A Li gave him the jar like a treasure.

"Brother Jiu, they are A Li's generals, and A Li is your general!"

Zhang Jiuyang laughed loudly when he heard this, and touched her pigtails. He also felt a sense of pride in his heart, and said loudly: "Okay, let's raise a million-strong army together and let the evil spirits in this world see it..."

"The fierce power of the Five-Devil Soldiers!"


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