The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 96 Athena, are you serious? (5 more)


A key figure that cannot be avoided in the Trojan War.

The core of this war is of course the struggle for hegemony in the Aegean Sea, but Helen, as the fuse of this war, naturally has its special significance.

Helen walked out of the shadows.

Obviously, she deliberately put on a palace maid's dress in order to escape. If you look closely, you can see the luxurious purple dress inside.

No longer hiding, she consciously took off the thick veil on her face.

At this critical moment, no one is willing to open the blind box.

As an ominous symbol in the eyes of the Trojans, a real beauty, she has rarely shown her true face in recent years.

Unveiling the veil itself is the subtext of "I can do anything".

"Oh!" Ange exclaimed in a low voice.

As the most beautiful woman in Greece, Helen has an oval face with a very classical atmosphere.

Unlike the cone-shaped faces that were popular in China a while ago, Helen's face looks quite soft, especially in line with the classical Chinese aesthetic, with smooth and beautiful contours.

This kind of classical beauty may not be stunning at first glance, but it will definitely become more beautiful the more you look at it, and finally make people intoxicated.

If you have to say who her face is closer to, for Ange, it is probably more like Liu Yifei.

But think about Helen's end, it's quite pitiful. In history, Troy was broken, and the record in "Homer's Epic" is that Helen's beauty saved her life again. Her original husband, King Menelaos of Sparta, chose to forgive her.

Putting this kind of thing in history books, it's a thing that has been beautified a million times.

Just think about it, you know that the Trojan War was caused by Helen, and then so many kings of Greek city-states helped you Menelaos fight on the surface, and pulled the army to let you endure for ten years. After all, these kings and heroes were all Helen's pursuers back then, and Menelaos could not execute her even if he hated her.

As for the days when Helen returned, was she abused by her family all day long? Or did she cry every day? There is no record of it in history books.


Don't ask, the answer is that the DNA of the Wayne family has moved again.

Ang*Cao*Wayne said - this time it is Batman's fault again!

Ang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but he didn't say the answer Helen wanted, because he caught a glimpse of a being with the corner of his eye: "Ms. Helen, whether you can leave or not, I don't have the final say. Right! Goddess Athena!"

Ang's voice fell, and the two women were startled at the same time. Following Ang's gaze, they saw an owl standing on a tree near the portal.

"Did you find it? Sharp mortal!" The owl spoke human words, and there was a faint divinity rippling, accompanied by an invisible pressure, the kind of blood pressure that seemed to come from the root spread throughout the scene.

The heart and lungs stopped, and the six spirits were at a loss.

The absolute power made people hesitate for a moment, and then they surrendered easily.

Helen almost instinctively knelt down to salute. Penthesilea was stunned for a moment, and chose to bow with gritted teeth. Only Ange stood there straight, his waist as straight as a javelin.

This undoubtedly surprised Athena.

Athena did not seem angry, but said coldly: "No one can take away the spoils belonging to the Greeks!"

Ange raised the corner of his mouth, even though he was nervous, he decided to trick Athena: "Yes! You are right. No one. But... have you confirmed who the power in me comes from?"

The owl's "Kazilan big eyes" suddenly widened to the maximum. It (she) seemed to see through Ange's soul.

One person and one owl stared at each other in silence for ten seconds.

Ange was confident on his face. He was betting that Athena could not see through his system.

"You..." Athena lost confidence for the first time in her life. In her eyes, the other party's soul and power were covered with a layer of mysterious mist.

Ange grinned: "Hint, my power is inherited from Her Majesty Hippolyta! Guess where the source of this power is?"

Ange was talking nonsense.

With Athena's power, his concealment was meaningless.

Don't forget, it was Zeus who personally injected the power of [God Killer] into Diana Prince's soul, which was Zeus's backhand to deal with the god of war Ares.

Although Athena couldn't completely analyze the power in Ange, it didn't prevent her from figuring out how the power was composed.

There is no doubt that this was the work of the king of gods Zeus.

The main gods of Olympus have never been of one mind, let alone her and her father Zeus. The old pervert Zeus sometimes even set his sights on Athena, his daughter.

The main gods of Greece sometimes choose to cooperate for the sake of interests, and sometimes fight each other for the sake of competing for divine power.

Break up and get together, they are so willful.

Athena can do whatever she wants in private, at least she will not openly disobey Zeus.

Knowing that Ange might cheat her, Athena really didn't dare to confront him directly.

At this moment, Athena thought about countless possibilities, and finally she said: "You can take Helen away, but that's all."

Ange heard the subtext in her mouth, let alone fear, he didn't even have the slightest respect: "Hey! Athena, are you serious?"

This tone is really arrogant.

At this moment, not to mention Helen trembling with fear, even Penthesilea was worried about Ange.

That's the main god of Olympus!

How dare you talk to Athena like this?

Or is your background so great that it scares the gods?

On this side, Ange's big talk really shocked Athena.

Unfortunately, the authority of the gods cannot be challenged. Athena unexpectedly remained silent even though she clearly felt something was wrong.

Ange sneered. If Athena was really that awesome, she would not have disappeared in the later "DC history".

Since he connected to the world of Wonder Woman, this means that the [world] must form a closed loop. If the [world] wants to justify itself, Athena would be quite miserable even if she didn't throw herself to the bottom. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as Ares beating Zeus.

Ange raised his head proudly: "Very good! Since it's your decision, then let it be. I hope that one day in the future, you won't come to beg me."

This sentence made the other three pairs of eyes on the scene stare to the limit.

This is blasphemous words!

How dare Kratos! ?

But Athena didn't say a word, and then the owl flapped its wings and flew away.

In the night sky, apart from the shouting and killing in the distance, there was only the clear "cooing" sound of the owl.

"Let's go!" Ange held Penthesilea with one hand, while Helen dared not breathe and ran over.

The portal was shining with magical light again, and just as Ange and the other two were about to leave, several Greek chariots came in a hurry.

From Helen's shocked and terrified expression, Ange knew who was coming?

He hugged Helen, and then said hello to the old man in bronze helmet and bronze armor in the distance, who looked golden all over: "Goodbye!"

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