The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 104: How to thread the nine-bend pearl

Li Shimin didn't think at all that Lu Dongzan and others came here with the intention of peace and friendship!

"It's nothing too special. Na Lu Dongzan is quite capable." Zhao Chen said casually.

Obviously, he didn't take Lu Dongzan too seriously.

Seeing Zhao Chen so confident, Li Shimin was secretly happy.

"By the way, I have something going on here and I need your help!" Li Shimin said to Zhao Chen with a smile.

Li Shimin had no choice.

When Lu Dongzan met Li Shimin at the court meeting today, he sent some so-called tributes.

It also brought a problem to Li Shimin.

It's called silk satin wearing nine curved pearls.

It is to pass a soft silk satin through the nine holes of the pearl.

The pearl has nine eyes, and each eye is round and round.

How can a piece of silk go through these nine holes?

Lu Dongzan and Li Shimin said that they would come back tomorrow at the court meeting to see if anyone could wear silk and satin with nine-curved pearls.

As soon as Lu Dongzan left, Li Shimin asked the ministers of the dynasty to think about how to wear silk and satin with nine-curved pearls.

Every method has been tried, but no one has been able to succeed.

Thinking that they would be laughed at by Lu Dongzan tomorrow, and their Tang Dynasty would be completely embarrassed by then.

Li Shimin then thought of Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen is thinking a lot, maybe he can actually do it!

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chen said casually.

"Look at this!" A nine-curved pearl emerged from Li Shimin's arms.

Lu Dongzan brought a lot of these things, and Li Shimin also brought one with him.

"Isn't this the Nine-Tune Pearl? Why, you want to thread it through?" Zhao Chen glanced at the bead in Old Li Tou's hand and smiled.

Zhao Chen has seen a lot of this kind of thing.

In my previous life, I often used it for fun.

It's a very simple thing, but if you don't think of a method, it will be really difficult.

\u003e Li Shimin felt so happy when Zhao Chen took one look at it and said the name of the thing.

It's as sweet as drinking honey.

He secretly said that he was not wrong. Zhao Chen's ability could not be matched by all the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty combined.


Li Shimin was secretly proud.

"What to do?" Li Shimin asked softly.

"Simple, you go and catch an ant with you, and I'll get you some honey!" Zhao Chen commanded.

"Ant?" Li Shimin didn't know what to do and looked at Zhao Chen strangely.

But he didn't refuse. He turned around and squatted on the ground, looking for ants.

"What are you doing, Lao Li?" Uncle Fu walked out with the food. When he saw Li Shimin squatting on the ground, carefully looking for something, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Looking for ants!" Li Shimin replied without raising his head.

Although I don't know the reason why Zhao Chen wants to find the ants by himself, he thinks that if he doesn't listen to Zhao Chen, the matter of silk satin wearing Jiuqu Pearl will not be solved.

Li Shimin still patiently looked for the ants on the ground.

My eyes were so dazzled that I found such an ant.

"Boy Zhao, what do you want with this ant?" Li Shimin asked strangely, sitting on a stool and watching Zhao Chen smearing a little honey on the opening of the Jiuqu Pearl.

"Old Li Tou, do you usually do nothing at home?" Zhao Chen asked with a frown.

Not even knowing the honey-loving habits of ants, Zhao Chen really doubted whether Old Li Tou was eating and sleeping every day at home.

That’s why I developed such a big belly!

When Zhao Chen said this, Li Shimin felt a little embarrassed.

He doesn't have time to care about these things on weekdays. He is busy with state affairs every day.

"Old Litou, go out for a walk more often when you have nothing to do, and you won't be so ignorant!"

"A little pearl with nine curves has stumped you. It's really..." Zhao Chen sighed.

He looked like he hated iron but couldn't turn it into steel.

Li Shimin's face twitched twice, but he didn't say anything.

There were so many civil and military people throughout the dynasty, but no one could figure it out, right?

Why is it Li Shimin's fault?

"Tie a line to the ants!"

"Be careful, don't crush it to death."

"Hey, forget it, you're so fussy, I'll probably crush you to death in a minute!"

Zhao Chen waved his hand and motioned for Li Shimin to step aside.

Li Shimin clenched his fists, wishing to punch Zhao Chen.

Is this guy speaking human language?

The one who asked him to do things was Zhao Chen who blamed him for not doing well!

Thinking about it, Li Shimin felt aggrieved.

"What are you doing standing there? Just watch!" Li Shimin was feeling aggrieved when he heard Zhao Chen's dissatisfied voice.

Li Shimin couldn't care less about his irritation and immediately came over, staring closely at Zhao Chen's hand.

Then Zhao Chen put the tied ants into a small hole.

After a few breaths, I saw the line behind the ant slowly moving inward.

Li Shimin's eyes were stunned and he looked at Zhao Chen in disbelief.

"You watch first, I'll go change clothes!" Zhao Chen glanced at Lao Litou, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Zhao Chen is now used to Lao Li Tou coming to him for help whenever he has nothing to do.

I didn’t think much about it at all.

After changing his clothes, he saw that the beads on the table were missing. Old Mr. Li didn't see them.

"Uncle Fu, where is Mr. Li?" Zhao Chen asked.


"Oh, Lao Li said he would go back first and asked me to tell the young master!" Uncle Fu came over with bowls and chopsticks.

"He's so frizzy, I don't know what my aunt likes about him!" Zhao Chen complained and sat down to eat.

"A sneeze -" Li Shimin, who was riding a horse on the road, sneezed so hard that he almost fell off the horse!

"Zhao Chen, I handed the document to His Majesty today, but there is no news yet. I heard that the envoy has agreed to perform martial arts with the Tibetan envoy."

"I, the women's army, have no chance!"

After Zhao Chen finished his meal and was drinking tea, Li Ruoshuang walked into the tavern in a depressed mood.

After complaining to Zhao Chen for a few words, he went to the counter and brought a jar of wine over.

"Gu——" Li Ruoshuang picked up the altar and poured it into her mouth.

"Okay, put it down, you can definitely go tomorrow!" Zhao Chen frowned and said to Li Ruoshuang.

He can't tell Li Ruoshuang yet that he is the envoy.

"Zhao Chen, it's impossible. The saint has already denied it without replying."

"Are the Women's Army so unpopular with His Majesty?"

"Back then, Princess Pingyang established a huge empire for Your Majesty!"

Li Ruoshuang held the wine jar and complained.

Halfway down the altar, I was already a little drunk.

"Okay, I said, if you take someone with you tomorrow, I will definitely find a way for you to participate in the martial arts performance!" Zhao Chen patted Li Ruoshuang's shoulder and comforted him.

"Zhao Chen, please stop comforting me. You can't help me with these things. I'm already very grateful that you taught me how to train soldiers before."

"This is my life. Forget it, I will take them to take a look tomorrow. Even if they can't go up, at least this dream is over!" Li Ruoshuang lay on the table, seemingly talking in her sleep.

Zhao Chen frowned, looked at the stubborn man in front of him, and sighed softly.

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