The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1308 Miss, I will tear your mouth apart

Jin Chun glanced at Ma Hu.

Of course Jin Hu knew the meaning of Ma Hu's words.

He said: "I have been in the Ministry of Household Affairs for such a long time. I have no merit but hard work."

"If Zhao Chen hadn't suddenly stopped him, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue would have belonged to someone."

"If Ma Shilang is willing to be with so-and-so, I can guarantee that since so-and-so has become the minister of household affairs, the position of left minister of household affairs belongs to Ma Shilang."


Zhao Chen returned to Zhao Mansion.

He has now given full authority over the affairs of Chang'an Military Academy to Cheng Chumo and Li Ke.

The most important thing for Zhao Chen now is to take up his position as Minister of Household Affairs.

Once you have secured the position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, you can slowly recruit courtiers.

Back at Zhao Mansion, Li Ruoshuang and Ping An were not at home. They both went to Duke Wei's Mansion.

Zhao Chen had a casual lunch by himself and then went out.

Tomorrow he will go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to take up his post, and he needs to find a helper.

Xue Mansion.

Miss Xue is practicing calligraphy.

As a calligraphy addict, Miss Xue admires Zhao Chen's calligraphy skills very much.

It's a pity that there isn't much calligraphy spread by Zhao Chen.

Most of them are fakes copied by other calligraphers.

Miss Xue's family knew Zhao Chen, and they had a slightly charming past.

But Miss Xue's family still didn't dare to ask Zhao Chen for these things.

She felt that by doing this, she always owed others a favor.

"Miss, your calligraphy skills are getting better and better. Soon, you will definitely be better than that Zhao Chen." Maid Xiaohua flattered Miss Xue's family.

Miss Xue Jia shook her head and said: "Zhao Chen's calligraphy skills, there should be no one in the world who can compare with him."

"The only one who can compete with him is probably Wang Xizhi back then."

"Even in some places, Zhao Chen is stronger than Wang Xizhi."

"As for me, all my life

Don't try to surpass him. "

"My young lady has been smart since she was a child. Her boss has said that her literary talent is the best among women in the Tang Dynasty."

"That Zhao Chen is just average." Maid Xiaohua continued to flatter her young lady.

The Xue family shook their heads, looking at the words on the rice paper, and suddenly thought that they had not seen Zhao Chen for a long time.

"Miss, there is someone outside who calls himself Zhao Chen and comes to visit miss." At the door of the study, a servant of the Xue family came to report.

"Zhao Chen?" Miss Xue was stunned.

"Hey, miss, we just talked about Zhao Chen, and he came over."

"You guys really have a good understanding of each other." Maid Xiaohua said something that made Miss Xue blush.

"Nonsense!" Miss Xue's family blushed and said to the servant: "Master Zhao, please go to the living room to have tea."

Zhao Chen had just sat down in the Xue family's living room, and before he picked up the cup to drink tea, he saw Miss Xue's family coming over.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao." Maid Xiaohua greeted Zhao Chen.

"Little flower girl."

"Miss Xue!" Zhao Chen nodded and nodded with the two of them.

Seeing that Zhao Chen had cut off his long hair, Miss Xue was a little surprised, but she didn't inquire further.

"Master Zhao came here today, but what's the matter?" Miss Xue asked with a smile.

"Miss, maybe I'm here to propose marriage to you." Xiaohua said in Miss Xue's ear.

The angry Miss Xue's family showed off her fists.

"I want to trouble Miss Xue with something." Zhao Chen nodded.

Then he said: "Tomorrow I am going to take up a post in the Ministry of Accounts, and I need an assistant who can read and calculate accounts."

"Ms. Xue also knows that the guys around me are fine with drinking and eating meat, but I really can't compliment them on settling accounts."

"Thinking that I have a good relationship with Miss Xue,

So I took the liberty to ask Miss Xue for help. "

"Take the post of Ministry of Accounts?"

"The Hubu meritorious service?" Xiaohua asked for Miss Xue's family.

Zhao Chen groaned and was about to answer, but was interrupted by Xiao Hua again.

"Isn't the Hubu Gongcao the one who settles the accounts himself? Master Zhao brings a helper, isn't that just free money?" ??

"Xiaohua, what nonsense are you talking about!" Miss Xue interrupted Xiaohua.

He apologized to Zhao Chen again: "This girl Xiaohua is not upright, Mr. Zhao, please ignore her."

Zhao Chen smiled and said: "It's not the Hubu Gong Cao, it's bigger than this."


"Is it Chang Shi?"

"If Chang Shi..."

"It's not a long history, it's a minister." Zhao Chen knew that Xiaohua, the maid next to Miss Xue's family, was a talkative person.

So he had no choice but to tell him about his upcoming official position.

Otherwise, the girl would definitely have to guess for a long time.

"Shang...Shang Shu..."

"Shang Shu?" Xiaohua's eyes bulged out.

She felt like there was something wrong with her ears.

Otherwise, there is something wrong with Zhao Chen's brain.

Miss Xue family also looked at Zhao Chen blankly.

To be fair, she felt that Zhao Chen was too young and the emperor should not let Zhao Chen hold such an important official position.

Even if the emperor agrees, the officials will not agree.

What Miss Xue didn't know was that the emperor and officials were all being held hostage.

The emperor was threatened by Zhao Chen with the promise of repaying the money, and the officials were threatened by the emperor with the offer of aid from Hedong.

Only then did Zhao Chen become the Minister of Household Affairs.

"The emperor owes me money, and if he doesn't pay, he will use his official position as Minister of the Ministry of Revenue to delay the payment."

"I can't help it. I haven't been an official before, so I want to give it a try!" Zhao Chen made up a fake excuse and told it to Miss Xue.

Miss Xue family

Quietly pinched the flesh on his thin waist.

It hurts, this is not a dream.

"Master Zhao, you are so powerful, can you let me be the Minister of Household Affairs or something like that?" Xiaohua looked at Zhao Chen with disbelief and admiration in her eyes.

"I don't want to be appointed as the household department. I can't lose face, so I want to ask Miss Xue for a favor." Zhao Chen ignored Xiaohua and continued to talk to Miss Xue.

If anyone else said such outrageous things, Miss Xue would definitely have them beaten with sticks.

But when Zhao Chen said this, although Miss Xue felt outrageous, she still believed Zhao Chen.

"It's okay to help Mr. Zhao. Although the little girl is not good at academics, she is still sure of settling the score."

"But Mr. Zhao, please agree to a condition for me." Miss Xue nodded and said to Zhao Chen.


"Miss Xue, please tell me." Zhao Chen smiled.

"The little girl would like a pair of Mr. Zhao's calligraphy works, okay?" Miss Xue asked.

"Miss, why do you want a painting?"

"What a loss, what a loss!"

Zhao Chen left behind a message and left, and Xiaohua complained to her lady.

Miss Xue's family looked at the words left by Zhao Chen and asked without looking back: "Then what do you need to avoid losing money?"

"Then I must let Mr. Zhao marry you."

"Xiao Hua remembers that Mr. Zhao held you to sleep all night. Miss, you..."

"Xiaohua, if you talk about this again, miss, I will tear your mouth apart." Miss Xue family was so embarrassed that she shouted to Xiaohua with a red face.

She knew that Zhao Chen was innocent about what happened back then.

It was she who hugged Zhao Chen because she was cold.

Besides, Zhao Chen is already married and has a daughter. If she continues to pester Zhao Chen, won't she become a bad woman who seduces good men and women?

"I'll go out tomorrow, and you'll be able to look after the house at home." Miss Xue exhaled and said.

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