The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1322 May I ask Your Majesty if this is the case?

The first ray of sunlight rises in the morning.

Shining on the gate of Tai Chi Hall.

The palace door opened, and all the officials filed in.

Today's courtiers all look a little ugly. .??.

What happened yesterday has already made them feel a deep sense of crisis.

Children of businessmen can also study in the Imperial College.

This has violated the ancient rules.

Thinking that something like this is about to happen, many officials feel increasingly heavy.

When the emperor came, all the officials had already lined up their queues.

After speaking about going to court, before the emperor could ask any questions, an official came out.

"Your Majesty, I heard that yesterday, Zhao Chen, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, told the people of Chang'an City at the gate of Wangyou Bookstore that the Imperial College of the Tang Dynasty was preparing to recruit a group of reserve students from Dali Temple."

"May I ask Your Majesty if this is the case!" An official from the Imperial College came out and questioned the emperor.

The Imperial College was the talent reserve of the Tang Dynasty, although there was Chang'an Academy before and Chang'an Military Academy later.

But speaking of it, none of these seriously affected the educational status of the Imperial College in the Tang Dynasty.

But yesterday Zhao Chen said that he would let the officials of Dali Temple recruit some students into the Imperial College.

That's a completely different situation.

The Imperial College has its own rules for recruiting scholars. If Zhao Chen breaks the rules when he opens his mouth, who can agree?

Obviously, this matter must go through the emperor, and the emperor must know about it.

The emperor nodded. There was no way to hide this matter. After Zhao Chen told him yesterday, the emperor already knew it.

"Yes, this is indeed the case." The emperor nodded.

The Taiji Hall officials’ faces were as dark as water.

"The Imperial Academy is in charge of education in the world. Your Majesty, together with the Minister of Household Affairs, asked officials from Dali Temple to recruit students."

"Where is Your Majesty the Imperial College?"

"What does your majesty mean by being an official of our Imperial College?" the Imperial College official said angrily.


Personal matters are small, but family and state matters are big. The Minister of Household Affairs actually said that businessmen and others can also participate in the selection of talent reserves in Dali Temple. "

"Businessmen are humble. This has been true since ancient times. Your Majesty's move is clearly to subvert Tsuna."

"I ask your majesty to take back the order and severely punish Zhao Chen, the Minister of Household Affairs." the Imperial College official shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the officials of the Imperial Academy shouted in unison: "I beg your Majesty to take back your order and severely punish Zhao Chen, the Minister of Household Affairs."

The emperor frowned, but before he could speak, another large group of officials came out.

"Your Majesty, other matters can be discussed, but businessmen's children are absolutely not allowed to enter the Imperial Academy."

"Children of businessmen must not enter the Imperial Academy."

Half of the officials in the court shouted with the emperor.

Everyone knows very well that the so-called not allowing businessmen's children to enter the Imperial College is just to protect the interests of these people.

Businessmen are rich. If their children enter the court in the future and have money and power, and power and money collude, how can their descendants be able to fight against him?

Today's officials are basically scholars.

Naturally, we don’t want people from other backgrounds to enter the officialdom.

Dai Zhou was standing in the team. Seeing the opposition from everyone, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Chen.

He reminded Zhao Chen yesterday, but he didn't know if Zhao Chen could deal with the current situation.

If it cannot cope with it, the talent reserve strategy of Dali Temple mentioned before will go bankrupt.

The emperor certainly understood why these officials were so opposed to the enrollment of merchant children.

To be honest, the emperor was also worried that the businessmen's children would affect the situation in the court in the future.

But building a talent pool is also extremely important.

What's wrong with the businessmen's children?

In many ways, they have better conditions.

Datang needs to move forward instead of standing still.

"Zhao Chen, what do you want to say?" The emperor looked at Zhao Chen and asked.

All the officials objected, but the emperor could not refuse it decisively.

At this moment, he had no choice but to look at Zhao Chen.

If Zhao Chen has a way, this matter will be half successful.

If Zhao Chen can't do anything, this matter will end here.

When the emperor asked Zhao Chen for his opinion, all the officials looked over, and many of them looked a little unkind.

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, such a thing would not have happened.

Zhao Chen was undoubtedly going against them by doing this.

Under the gaze of all the officials, Zhao Chen took a step forward, turned back and looked at the excited officials.

He said: "Everyone said that businessmen's children should not appear in the Imperial College, so let me ask you a question."

"There is no discrimination, what does this sentence mean?"

The officials frowned. None of them expected that Zhao Chen would use the saint's remarks.

"Zhao Shangshu, Kong Sage's teachings are different from the situation we are facing now, and they cannot be analyzed together." After a moment of silence, an Imperial College official retorted with Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen smiled and said: "Education without distinction means that as long as people come, they have the desire to learn, regardless of their origins."

"We should all teach them knowledge."

"What happened to the merchant?"

"If it weren't for them, would you be able to eat fish from the North Sea, lychees from the south, and spices from the Western Regions?"

"What happened to the craftsman?"

"Without them, wouldn't you all have to walk to go to court?"

"What happened to the people working hard in the fields?"

"Without them, you would all have to starve to death here. How would you still have the strength to scream?"


"To me, being useless is a scholar."

What a useless scholar.

Zhao Chen's last words immediately fell silent in the Tai Chi Hall.

Most of the civil servants in the Tang Dynasty were born as scholars, and only a few people had other identities.

Zhao Chen's "useless scholar" sentence undoubtedly scolded them all.

Most of the civil servants glared at Zhao Chen, while the generals nodded in agreement.

They don’t think that being useless is just a scholar.

Zhao Chen's words touched their hearts.

The emperor's face looked strange at this moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"Even you can sit firmly in the temple, why can't they?" Zhao Chen spoke again, with another heart-wrenching sentence.

All the officials were distraught.

Why can't they compare to those farmers, craftsmen, and businessmen?

Although they cannot carry it on their shoulders or lift it with their hands, it is precisely because of them that the Tang Dynasty is what it is today.

How come when it comes to Zhao Chen's mouth, they...

"Zhao Shangshu, what do you mean, you must let those businessmen's children enter the Imperial College?" the Imperial College official said solemnly.

All the officials in the Imperial College were glaring at Zhao Chen angrily at this moment.

Zhao Chen was just a minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Imperial College would not let those businessmen's children come in to study.

It's up to them to have the final say.

Zhao Chen glanced at these people with a contemptuous smile on his face.

It doesn't matter whether he goes to the Imperial College or not.

But the important thing is to change the current situation where only scholars can be officials.

As long as they have the corresponding knowledge, why can't people other than scholars become officials?

"What if I say that they must enter the Imperial College?" Zhao Chen looked at the Imperial College official who was talking to him and said with a smile.

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