The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 133: Your Majesty, you have turned over

Zhao Chen actually got it right.

The earth dragon turned over, it really happened!

Fang Xuanling stood aside, with his mouth wide open, looking at Li Shimin in disbelief.

He still doesn't understand how His Majesty the Emperor learned that there was an Earth Dragon turning around.

Who is the person who said this to His Majesty the Emperor?

"Where is the specific place?"

"Hedong Road or Hebei Road?" Li Shimin asked.

He wanted to make sure whether it was Jinyang or not.

Yuan Tiangang felt that the emperor was making things difficult for him.

This armillary sphere can only measure the general direction of the earth dragon's turning over.

As for this specific location, how can it be easily known?

"This... Your Majesty, even a poor man can't be sure!" Yuan Tiangang said with a twitching face.

He watched helplessly as the emperor's face darkened.

"Don't you know how to deduce it? Come on and deduce it for me. I want to know the specific location." Li Shimin looked at Yuan Tiangang with a gloomy expression.

Yuan Tiangang lowered his head and did not dare to answer.

If he could figure this out, wouldn't he really become a god?

The eight copper balls of the armillary sphere can only measure eight directions.

Where can I tell whether it is Hedong Road or Hebei Road?

However, the emperor and Fang Xuanling were staring at him intently at this moment.


Yuan Tiangang forced a smile on his face and said, "This...may be...Hedong Road."

"Are you sure it's Hedong Road?" A look of surprise flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

Zhao Chen told him that domestic animals were neighing, springs were flowing again, well water was turbid and smelly, yellow mist was scattered, the sun was dim, and strange winds were blowing.

These all indicate that the earth dragon will turn over.

The memorandum sent from the Jinyang Governor's Mansion clearly stated exactly what Zhao Chensu said.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang also said that the earth dragon will turn around in Hedong Road.

Doesn't that mean it's exactly what Zhao Chen said.

That’s Jinyang


How could Yuan Tiangang dare to guarantee this at this moment? His face would be swollen in front of Li Shimin in the past few days.

Definitely not sure.

Then I heard Yuan Tiangang hesitantly say, "It's also possible that it's Hebei Province."

Fang Xuanling stood aside, seeing Yuan Tiangang talking like this, and immediately wanted to ask the emperor to kill this guy who was deceiving the public with his monstrous words.

Li Shimin looked at Yuan Tiangang and gritted his teeth. If the bull's nose hadn't been useful, he would have had his dog's head pulled off today.

Li Shimin waved to Fang Xuanling, and the two of them walked away without saying a word.

This year has been an eventful year for Li Shimin.

First, Zhao Chen told him that heavy rains in Chang'an City might lead to food shortages.

Then after listening to Zhao Chen's words, he went to Lantian County. The grain depot that was supposed to be full was actually almost empty for those people.

And today, Li Shimin received news that an earth dragon was about to turn over in Jinyang.

Jinyang, the place of Longxing in the Tang Dynasty.

If something goes wrong here, Li Shimin will really be punished.

If the emperor loses his virtue, he will be punished by heaven.

All of this will be pinned on Li Shimin!

Li Shimin had to pay attention.

Returning to the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin immediately ordered Fang Xuanling to pass on the decree and put the Jinyang Governor's Mansion under martial law to prevent the earth dragon from turning over.

Eight hundred miles of urgent documents were rushed to Jinyang.

However, I don’t know if it will be too late.

The heavy rain in Chang'an City has not stopped for a moment in the past few days.

Zhao Chen sat in the tavern every day, waiting for Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu to report to him how much grain had been delivered to the warehouse today.

The grain merchants in Chang'an City saw the grain being transported stone by stone to Zhao Chen's house.

In the warehouse, everyone secretly laughed at Zhao Chen for being stupid and having too much money.

Zheng He was sitting in the pavilion of his house, with a richly dressed butler standing next to him, both of them with big smiles on their faces.

"My boss, we are the Zheng family and have made thousands of dollars this time."

"I've made back the money I spent on ice cubes before." The Chinese-clad housekeeper and Zheng He said with a smile.

This time they bought all the grain from Qi Wang, the fifth surname, to Zhao Chen.

Zheng He also drew some dividends from it.

This time, I finally made a lot of money!

"I don't know the origin of that silly boy in the tavern. He collected a total of almost 600,000 dan of grain. The money he spent is estimated to be 20,000 to 30,000 dan!"

"It's true that people are stupid and have too much money."

"But I like it, haha!" Zheng He looked at the account book in his hand with a proud expression on his face.

"My boss, we are really lucky this time. There are such fools in this world."

"It's a pity that the other companies are unwilling to sell all the food. Otherwise, we can still make a lot more money!" the Huafu steward said with a smile.

He also received many rewards from Zheng He today.

The mood is naturally also very good.

"Haha, it's a pity that the other companies didn't have the foresight and missed such a good thing."

"It's just that it's been raining for several days. Why doesn't it stop?" Zheng He looked at the pouring rain outside the pavilion and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, boss, there hasn't been any heavy rain in Chang'an City these days. It is estimated that the rain will stop tomorrow!" the housekeeper said with a smile.

Although the rain has been falling for several days, no one thought it would continue like this.

"I heard that the food supply in Chang'an City has increased by five cents per bucket today. Is this true?" Zheng He raised his head and looked at the housekeeper.

"It has gone up a bit. It has been raining for several days. It is normal for food prices to go up a bit.

"But the boss

, that stupid boy who bought our grain didn’t choose to sell the grain at this time. It’s really funny! "The housekeeper said to Zheng He with a smile.

"This rain will stop soon, and the autumn harvest will begin soon!"

“At this time, grain prices happened to have risen a bit, by five cents per bucket, which was already the limit of the market.

If you sell at this time, you can still make a small profit.

But that fool made no movement at all.

Haha, they are as valuable as treasures. When the rain stops and the autumn harvest begins, what use will you store so much grain? "Zheng He had a joking look on his face.

Tai Chi Hall.

It has been seven days since the urgent document was sent to Jinyang.

Li Shimin sat on the dragon couch and looked at the courtiers in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Changsun Wuji and others lowered their heads.

Tai Chi Hall, which was supposed to be noisy, was now eerily quiet.

"Your Majesty, you have turned over, you have really turned over!" Fang Xuanling's excited shout suddenly came from outside the hall.

"What turned over?"

"What happened to the Prime Minister today that he was so rude?"

"I don't know, Fang Xiang has always been stable, why is he so today?"

The courtiers in the main hall were talking in low voices and looked at Fang Xuanling hurriedly into the hall with strange expressions.

"Your Majesty, Jinyang has come to report. As your Majesty said, Jinyang Earth Dragon has turned over!" Fang Xuanling said to Li Shimin with excitement on his face.

Li Shimin stood up suddenly, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"What's the situation?" Li Shimin quickly asked.

"Only a lot of houses were lost, and no one in Jinyang was injured or killed."

"If His Majesty hadn't predicted in advance that an earth dragon would turn around in Jinyang, this would have been a disaster for the Tang Dynasty!" Fang Xuanling said to Li Shimin while cupping his hands.

There was a look of admiration on his face.

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