The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1362 No chance to complain

Cheng Chumo separated from Zhao Chen and others.

That's the direction to go straight to Ninggu Restaurant.

Ninggu Restaurant is surrounded by inns in Ninggu County.

But there weren’t many guests.

Cheng Chumo started walking around.

Zhao Chen and others came to an inn near Ninggu Restaurant and walked into the inn. There were only two or three people inside.

It's almost noon now, and it stands to reason that there will be a lot of guests in the inn at this time.

but it is not the truth.

"Are these guests coming to stay at the hotel?" The innkeeper came up to us with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Yes, I was passing by here and wanted to rest in the city for a few days." Zhao Chen nodded.

The innkeeper's appearance made Zhao Chen feel a little strange.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to arrange rooms for a few guests."

"Waiter, give the guest two jugs of good wine." The innkeeper seemed very excited.

Zhao Chen looked at him, and the innkeeper smiled sheepishly.

"To be honest, sir, we haven't had any guests staying at our inn for several days."

"If it doesn't open again, the inn will close!" the innkeeper explained to Zhao Chen.

He personally held Zhao Chen's luggage and led the way.

"There are many people on the streets in Ninggu County. How could the shopkeeper say such a thing?" Zhao Chen asked with a smile.

In fact, I was planning to find out some news about Ninggu County from the innkeeper.

The innkeeper looked back at Zhao Chen, shook his head and sighed.

"Young master just came to Ninggu County. I really don't know how terrible this place is."

"Young master, when you see the people on the street, 90% of them are people from our Ninggu County. People from other places rarely come here."

"Although I also want to make some money, I would like to remind these guests that if nothing happens, they should leave Ninggu County as soon as possible." The innkeeper shook his head helplessly.

Zhao Chen nodded, but did not continue to ask.

\u003e If you stay here for two days, you will definitely find out why the innkeeper said this.

"Then please ask the innkeeper to prepare some meals for us in the room." Zhao Chen said to the innkeeper.

Soon, the waiter brought the food and two bottles of good wine for free.

Several people were eating in the room.

Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen and suddenly said: "Ninggu County is a famous county in Qizhou. Logically speaking, the owner of an inn should not be allowed to say such things."

"Brother, I heard from my husband before that Ninggu County is a well-known wealthy county and pays a lot of taxes to the court every year."

"If it's really like what the innkeeper said, how can they collect the tax money?" Princess Qinghe also nodded.

"Perhaps Ninggu County officials have other methods." Zhao Chen said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard noise coming from downstairs.

"Shopkeeper, is it time to pay this month's taxes?"

"If you don't pay, I'll have no choice but to smash up your shabby store." A cold scolding came from downstairs.

"Sir, I paid this month's tax at the beginning of the month..."

"You have paid it, yes, you have paid it, but you only paid the shop tax, as well as the business tax, drinking water tax, meal tax, and sleeping tax. Have you paid them all?" Before the innkeeper finished speaking, he Being interrupted.

Then I heard a series of strange taxes.

Zhao Chen opened the door, stood at the stairs on the second floor and looked down.

Then I saw several government officials standing in the lobby on the first floor. In front of them was the innkeeper with a face full of prayer.

"Sir, I have never heard of such a tax before. Am I mistaken?" the innkeeper asked the government servant in a low voice.

"Made a mistake?" The yamen servant smiled, then kicked the innkeeper hard

On the belly of the cabinet.

"Made, do you think I made a mistake, or did the adults above make a mistake?"

"The adults in Ninggu County have worked hard for you, but you don't even pay taxes?" The yamen servant kicked the innkeeper again.

Zhao Chen stood upstairs without moving.

If it were normal times, he could help, but at this time, he couldn't delay the entire plan.

He couldn't put Li Ruoshuang and the others in danger because of his actions.

The innkeeper was kicked twice and fell to the ground unable to get up.

"Come on, this old guy doesn't want to pay taxes, so let's help him."

"Take away all the valuable things in the inn." The yamen servant and others behind him shouted. ??

Other government officials went to the store looking like crazy.

I searched all over the counter.

Only a small amount of money was found.

Xiao Zhiqiu stood aside tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

He didn't dare to step forward and help the shopkeeper up.

"Made, that's just a little money?" The yamen servant cursed again and spat at the shopkeeper.

He walked aside, picked up a few jars of unopened wine, and walked out cursing.

Seeing this, other government officials also took several jars each.

The inn returned to silence, and the waiter helped the innkeeper to sit down beside him.

Zhao Chen went downstairs and walked to the innkeeper.

Check out the injured area with him.

Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured and it will be fine after resting for a while.

"Shopkeeper, are all the government officials in Ninggu County like this?" Zhao Chen asked the innkeeper.

The innkeeper smiled bitterly, and the hatred in his eyes surged and dissipated. Then he waved his hands and sighed: "It has been like this this year. I have to pay taxes countless times every month."


The key point is that the taxes we are required to pay have never been heard of before. "

"Sir, you just came here and you don't know. In the past, Ninggu County only collected some basic taxes. The people in Ninggu County lived a pretty good life, and there were many businessmen coming and going."

"But starting this year, Ninggu County Magistrate Chen Qu suddenly issued an order, and many strange taxes appeared."

"There is a landing tax when you are born, a wedding tax when you marry a wife, a coffin tax when you die, a tree planting tax when you plant trees, a pig tax when you raise pigs, a cow tax when you raise cattle, a chicken and duck tax..."

"As long as it's something they can think of, there's no tax they can't collect."

"If this continues, Ninggu County will be completely destroyed." The person who spoke was the waiter in the inn.

When talking about various strange taxes, the waiter's face was filled with anger.

The innkeeper shook his head and said with a wry smile: "There used to be many merchants in the city, and this street is full of shops."

"But since this year, many people have been ruined by this tax."

"Many people even become beggars."

"Perhaps it won't be long before the villain will look like that."

Zhao Chen didn't say anything. He knew very well that if he came here twice again like today.

This inn will be destroyed in the hands of those government officials.

But Zhao Chen felt strange again.

Since I know that if I stay here, I will lose everything in the end.

Why are they still unwilling to leave?

"Shopkeeper, if you stay here, you will lose everything in the end, so why don't you leave early?" Zhao Chen was silent for a moment, and then asked his doubts.

"Young master, you don't know. We, the people, are not allowed to leave."

"If you want to leave, you can only leave in person, and you can't take any money or anything with you."

"If you want to take it away secretly, if you are caught, you will be thrown directly into prison."

"In fact, we didn't even have a chance to go to Beijing to complain."

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