The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1366: I tricked my father into coming here

Zhao Chen and his party left the inn and headed straight to the east city gate.

The soldiers guarding the city in Ninggu County also performed their duties conscientiously. No matter who wanted to enter or exit the city gate, they would always search for some benefits.

After spending some money, the group finally left Ninggu County.

"Zhao Da, should we go directly to the Qizhou Governor's Mansion now?"

"Should we go to meet with His Majesty?" Cheng Chumo looked up at Zhao Chen and asked.

There are so many of them, now they either go directly to meet the emperor, or they go to Qi County in advance where the Qizhou Governor's Mansion is located to wait.

But at their speed, there was no way to get to both places as quickly as possible.

This means that they need to change their approach.

"Cheng Er, ride a horse to chase the emperor and the others. A few of us will wait for you at the Qizhou Governor's Mansion."

"By the way, let's go find that thing Ma Zhiqing mentioned." After a while of silence, Zhao Chen and Cheng Chumo said.

At first, Zhao Chen planned to let Cheng Chumo go to the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

But Zhao Chen is also worried that this guy is careless and is inside the enemy. If something goes wrong, his life may be endangered.

Therefore, Cheng Chumo was sent to inform the emperor about the situation.

Even if Ma Zhiyuan's people discovered his identity on the emperor's side, at least in a short period of time, they would not take action against the emperor.

Cheng Chu nodded silently, without even the slightest hesitation.

"Da Zhao, please pay attention to your safety and help me take care of Qinghe." After Cheng Chumo finished speaking, he began to untie the horse's reins.

"After contacting the emperor and the others, tell them to delay as much time as possible and come to Qizhou later."

"Before you come, I will arrange reinforcements." Zhao Chen and Cheng Chumo instructed.

Cheng Chumo nodded, said a few words to Princess Qinghe in the carriage, and got on the horse.

He waved to Zhao Chen and then quickly disappeared in front of him.

Princess Qinghe looked at the direction Cheng Chumo left with a little worry.

Zhao Chen didn't say

What, but continued to drive the carriage towards the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

"Brother, are we in danger this time?" Princess Qinghe stuck her head out and asked Zhao Chen.

"It's a bit dangerous, but be careful and you'll be fine." Zhao Chen didn't know the situation ahead. At this moment, he could only comfort Princess Qinghe like this.

"Oh." Princess Qinghe said oh, looking at the unknown road ahead, and suddenly said: "If the situation is urgent, my brother will take my sister-in-law and Ping An Qi to go first."

"I'm a princess, and those people don't dare to do anything to me."

Zhao Chen didn't say anything. He knew that Qinghe didn't want him to have worries.

But those people are even planning to plot against the emperor. What does a mere princess mean?

"Father, this is the third county in Qizhou that we have inspected."

"There was a peaceful look everywhere."

"They are really well prepared."

In the team, Li Ke followed the emperor through the streets lined with people to welcome him.

Looking at the people on both sides of the street who welcomed them with smiles on their faces, Li Ke felt more and more fake.

The emperor said nothing, but continued to walk forward.

Although he had long been prepared that he would not be able to find out anything, facing the current situation, the emperor still felt a little uncomfortable.

In Qizhou, Shangzhou, which has thirty counties, the officials can actually arrange everything in such detail.

It can be seen that their abilities are quite good.

But even with such a group of capable officials, people rioted.

Thinking about it, the emperor felt angry and strange in his heart.

"It's okay. Anyway, I'm here to go sightseeing this time."

"Can't you see?

On the embarrassing side, it's pretty good. "The emperor said so.

I don't know if I am comforting Li Ke or comforting myself.

"Your Majesty, this place is three counties away from Qixian County. The scenery here is beautiful. Your Majesty can go with me to take a look around tomorrow." Ma Zhiyuan said to the emperor with a smile.

Along the way, Ma Zhiyuan also accompanied the emperor.

To use what Ma Zhiyuan said to the emperor, that is, he has great things to do, and they are not as important as accompanying the emperor.

This made it impossible for the emperor to drive him away.

"That's right. I just saw the unique scenery here outside the city. I need to appreciate the scenery here tomorrow." The emperor smiled and nodded.

The current emperor gives people the feeling that he has forgotten the purpose of coming to Qizhou.

Wherever there is fun and delicious food, the emperor likes to go there.

"Then your Majesty will rest in the inn today. Early tomorrow morning, I will come and take your Majesty to have a look." Ma Zhiyuan accompanied him with a smile.

He suddenly felt that the emperor in front of him was not as wise as the rumors said.

However, this did not make Ma Zhiyuan take it lightly.

He knows what he's doing.

Once the matter is exposed, he, Ma Zhiyuan, will definitely face death penalty.

The emperor nodded, and walked into the inn that Ma Zhiyuan had prepared a long time ago amid the sound of flattery.

After entering the inn room, the emperor finally disappeared temporarily under Ma Zhiyuan's surveillance.

"Li Ke, is there any news from Mr. Chen?" This was the first sentence the emperor and Li Ke asked.

Ma Zhiyuan is so dedicated.

This is not what a governor should do at all.

As a governor of a state, the emperor could not think of any reason other than closely monitoring his own actions.

But what is the purpose of monitoring yourself like this?

I'm afraid he'll find something.

Or are you afraid that they will suddenly run away?

"Not yet. The last time Brother Huang sent news was five days ago. Logically speaking, we should have received news again yesterday, but until now..."

"Father, did the emperor encounter any difficulties?" Li Ke had a worried look on his face.

But he also felt that there could be anything in this world that could stump Zhao Chen?

"That kid is smart and nothing will happen to him."

"There must be other reasons for not sending us the message."

"We'll just wait and see."

"Besides, be careful when you go out recently. I always feel that Ma Zhiyuan has ulterior motives for following him all the way." The emperor said about Zhao Chen and asked Li Ke to be careful about himself.

Li Ke hadn't thought about the emperor's words for a while, and just nodded honestly.

"Nothing was found during this trip, but we can also observe how the officials in Qizhou are united in trying to deceive me." The emperor said again, looking a little ugly.

The people of Qizhou rioted, but no Qizhou officials took responsibility.

It seems like this matter has nothing to do with them.

He, the emperor, came here to investigate, and everyone he met along the way was flattering and whitewashing the peace.

Qizhou is rotten to the core.

Li Ke didn't speak. After such a long time, he also realized that something was not right.

After visiting three counties, they were all peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

There wasn't even a single person who stopped him on the road to complain.

Since everyone is living a good life, why are there riots again?

Was this riot caused by the people themselves, or was it deliberately planned by someone?

"Father, you said that the Qizhou riot was actually deliberately planned by someone."

"The reason is to trick you, Emperor Father, into coming here!" Li Ke suddenly looked at the emperor and said.

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