The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1372 If she likes to bark, just let her bark.

Zhao Chen did not think about entering through the main entrance of the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

Zhao Chen didn't even pass by the street facing the main entrance.

Instead, he turned around and headed towards the northern wall of the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

The four walls of the Governor's Mansion are two feet high, which is an insurmountable chasm for ordinary people.

But for Zhao Chen, it was still a trivial matter.

He jumped up, stepped on the wall, pushed hard, and climbed up the wall.

Zhao Chen was not in a hurry to jump down.

It was dark at the moment, and he squatted on the wall, just in time to observe the movement in front of him.

There are only a few scattered lights in the Qizhou Dudu's Mansion. It seems that not many people live in the huge Dudu's Mansion.

Zhao Chen was wondering if those people in the Governor's Mansion had really gone to the land of sensuality in the north.

After squatting for half an hour, there was only one or two occasional dog barks. Otherwise, there was no sign of anyone.

Jump off the wall lightly and land on the ground.

The ground was a piece of grass, surrounded by various strange trees, but Zhao Chen had no intention of looking at these.

He didn't have a topographic map of the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

What he knew about the Qizhou Governor's Mansion was just an outline of his own thoughts.

But these are not big problems for Zhao Chen.

At most, it just makes him more careful and cautious when searching.

Crossing the grass, Zhao Chen looked at the stars coming from the candlelight in front of him, thought for a moment, and then carefully touched a place.

Today I am not just looking for the letter from Ma Zhiqing's mouth that has not yet been taken away.

At the same time, Zhao Chen also needs to find out the specific situation inside the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

Maybe it will be used in the future.

Once you figure it out, you won't be embarrassed by this matter again in the future.

After leaving the courtyard where he climbed over the wall, Zhao Chen saw a group of soldiers walking from the front.

Fortunately the weather is bright

It was dark, and Zhao Chen dodged past very quickly. The group of soldiers in front of him did not notice his trace.

The team of ten people passed by Zhao Chen, but did not notice his presence.

Zhao Chen went further and came to a courtyard. Before he took a step forward, he found a man and a woman sitting in front of him, both facing away from him.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard someone speaking in front of him.

"Madam, it's so late. If you don't go to rest, why did you bring me here?" The speaker was Lu Yifa.

He was a little sleepy, but his wife pulled him here to sit.

"Rest?" the woman said, with a strong sense of dissatisfaction in her voice.

"How can you still sleep when your son is beaten like that?" the woman said in a very angry tone.

Zhao Chen immediately understood that the two people in front of him should be Qi Governor Shi Lu Yifa and his wife.

And the son they talk about should be Luneng, whose leg was broken by Cheng Chumo before.

"What should we do?"

"It's not like I didn't send people to look for them. I couldn't find any trace of those people. What should I do?" Lu Yifa frowned and seemed a little excited.

"Even if you can't find anyone, you can't coddle Neng'er anymore. Did you give him the yard on the east side?"

"That's Ma Zhiqing's yard. Aren't you afraid that Ma Zhiyuan will come back and cause trouble for you?" the woman said again, her tone becoming complaining.

"I can raise such a child, what can I do if I don't get used to him?"

"Although the courtyard belongs to Ma Zhiqing, Ma Zhiyuan is not here, so what if we can stay for two more days?" Lu Yifa sighed and explained to his wife.

The woman didn't seem to speak anymore, and the courtyard fell into silence.

For a long time, Zhao Chen was about to leave, when he suddenly heard the woman speak again.

"In the evening, I saw Neng'er's men dragging another girl to the east courtyard."

"If this continues, something will happen to him sooner or later."

"Husband, are you really not going to take care of it?" The woman seemed to clenched her fists.

"How to care?"

"Neng'er is young and energetic, and the girls he likes are lucky for them."

"What do I need to say?" Lu Yifa didn't seem to care about his wife's words.

"You're just waiting for something to happen." The woman left angrily, and then left angrily.

Lu Yifa sat there and didn't speak for a long time.

Zhao Chen hid aside, silently looking at Lu Yifa in front of him, thinking in his mind whether to kill Lu Yifa directly.

It would also be a good idea to get rid of a scourge.

But Zhao Chen thought about it and decided to forget it. Killing Lu Yi would be easy, and if Ma Zhiyuan was alerted and took action in advance, it would be difficult to handle the matter.

It wasn't until Lu Yifa left that Zhao Chen stepped out.

Chasing behind Lu Yifa from a distance, he also secretly recorded the situation inside the Qizhou Governor's Mansion in his heart.

Late at night, Zhao Chen finally understood most of the situation in the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

At this moment, he was standing at the entrance of the east courtyard.

This is his final destination this time.

After observing the surroundings, he found no one guarding him. Zhao Chen dodged and entered the east courtyard.

Luneng is very happy today.

His father promised to let him live in the courtyard on the east side of the Qizhou Governor's Mansion.

This means that he can do anything here.

The day Luneng returned to Qixian, he saw a beautiful woman on the street.

Luneng has been coveting that woman for the past two days.

But it suffers from the fact that there is no independent yard to put it

Tie someone over.

Luneng knew very well that once his dirty behavior was seen by his mother, he would definitely be scolded.

Luneng didn't want to see his mother's stinky face.

This east side yard is suitable for him.

"Sir, we've been kidnapped. Little Hooves is very stubborn. If we hadn't stuffed her mouth with cloth along the way, she would have been kidnapped." The attendant and Luneng said with a smile.

Luneng waved his hand and said: "What's the point? She likes to bark, just let her bark. I would like to know who in this county is not afraid of death and dares to trouble me."

Luneng's words made the attendants on the side smile apologetically.

Although what Luneng said was arrogant and unpleasant, it was just as he said.

No one in Qixian County dared to do anything to him.

"Untie it." Luneng said to his entourage, looking at the twisting bag in front of him.

The attendant stepped on the cloth bag with one foot and untied the rope with his hands.

A delicate-looking woman emerged from the bag.

When the woman saw Luneng, she wanted to run away with fear on her face.

But he forgot that his body was already tightly tied with rope.

As soon as he moved his feet, his body fell heavily to the ground due to imbalance.

"Beauty, why are you running away?" Luneng looked at the woman in front of him with a proud face.

He has never failed to get the woman he wants.

The only time was the last time I was at the inn.

Not only did he miss, but his leg was broken.

Thinking about what happened last time and the beautiful woman in the inn, Luneng felt a surge of anger from his heart to the top of his head.

"Uh...uh..." the woman kept struggling and shouting.

But he could only make a sound of "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

"This is boring, please take the cloth off to me." Luneng waved to the entourage around him.

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