The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1379 I can give you a good time

When Lu Yifa arrived here, it was already midnight.

A group of soldiers sealed off the entire area tightly.

"What's going on now?" Lu Yifa asked the soldiers in charge here.

"Chang Shi, we have sealed off all places where we can escape."

"As long as they come out, they will definitely be captured by us." The soldier in charge reported to Lu Yi, with strong confidence on his face.

Lu Yifa nodded and said: "As long as you can catch the murderer of my son, you will all be rewarded heavily."

"Continue to send people to seal off the whole place. All the crossbowmen are ready. Once the two murderers are found, shoot directly."

Lu Yifa knew very well that with the skills the murderer showed in the Dudu Mansion, if the crossbowmen were not mobilized, he would be killed.

They really might not be able to catch someone. .??.

Even let them run away.

"Sir, are we waiting here like this? Do you want to send someone in to search?" asked the captain of Zhechong Mansion.

He was very curious about who the murderer was and how he had such great ability and courage.

Dare to enter the Governor's Mansion and kill someone!

"There's no need to send people in. I have a way to force them out." Lu Yifa waved his hand and refused.

Sending people in, the hundreds of houses in front of them could easily become a perfect place for the murderers inside to sneak attack on them.

Not to mention the loss of a lot of manpower by then, the success might even fall short and the murderer escape.

Therefore, Lu Yifa prepared a good way.

"All the people in Qi County in the room are listening. Yesterday, two murderers, a man and a woman, sneaked into the Qizhou Governor's Mansion."

"They killed my son Luneng, Lu Yifa."

"Now they are hiding in your room, and I want to capture them now."

"All the people came out of their rooms and accepted our inspection."

"After an hour, I will give the order to set this area on fire with rockets."


br\u003e “If you don’t come out in time and get burned to death, don’t blame me for not notifying you.” Lu Yifa shouted with the residents in front.

The face of the captain of Zhechong Mansion changed slightly.

Burn down these hundreds of houses, what happens next?

Aren’t these people homeless?

"Lord Chang Shi, should you think about it again? With so many houses and so many people burned down, where will they go?" Captain Zhe Chong Mansion advised Lu Yifa.

But Lu Yifa would never listen to advice.

He just wants to let the murderer in the room know that he will set fire to all the houses.

If you don't come out, you will die.

"Consider, consider what?"

"Come here, prepare to check the people coming out of the house." Lu Yifa and the soldiers shouted.

"Sir, the villain is innocent. There are five members of our family, and they all came out." Some people came out of their rooms.

He was immediately surrounded by several soldiers.

Especially the young men and women had their necks held with swords.

After careful inspection, they confirmed that it was not the murderer they captured, and then he was rushed to the side and squatted.

"Zhao Chen, why don't these people dare to resist at all?"

"Lu Yifa said he would burn down their house!" Li Ruoshuang and Zhao Chen asked.

She felt it was strange.

Once they lose their houses, wouldn't these people have to sleep on the streets?

Even so, they didn't dare to make a single objection?

"The people of Qizhou have been oppressed for too long, especially in Qi County. There are spies arranged by Qizhou officials everywhere."

"They dare not have any dissatisfaction, otherwise they will be severely punished."

"Instead of worrying about them, it's better to worry about us."

"Lu Yifa does have some brains. He set all the houses on fire and forced us to rush out from here." Zhao Chen said slowly.

"Then what should we do now?" Li Ruoshuang was a little worried.

If they set a fire, they would definitely have no place to hide.

Rather than both of them dying here, it would be better for her, Li Ruoshuang, to rush out and attract attention.

"Dispel that idea from your heart." Zhao Chen glanced at Li Ruoshuang, as if he had an insight into her thoughts.

Then he looked at the people on the ground.

"They are innocent, wake them up and let them leave." Zhao Chen said to Li Ruoshuang again.

Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen blankly.

She knew very well that letting these two people walk out of the room meant that their hiding place would be exposed immediately.

But Zhao Chen still did it.

"Killing them won't change anything. When they get out, we run to the house in front."

"Lu Yifa knows my skills and doesn't dare to send anyone in."

"We just need to find a way to escape from the fire." Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang said.

Li Ruoshuang nodded, just as Zhao Chen said.

Killing two innocent people could not make Lu Yifa change his decision.

What they have to do is think about how to escape safely from here.

"Hey, wake up!" Li Ruoshuang patted the two people on the ground with the hilt of her sword.

The two woke up faintly and saw Li Ruoshuang holding a sword. They immediately begged for mercy: "Girl, please let us go. We are just ordinary people. Kill..."

"Get out quickly, Lu Yifa said, all the houses here will be burned down later."

"If you stay here, you will die." Li Ruoshuang said expressionlessly.

"Thank you girl,

Thank you girl. "The two of them thanked Li Ruoshuang one after another, with excitement on their faces.

He ran quickly towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door, one of them shouted to Lu Yifa: "Sir, help me, they are at my house."

The door was slammed shut, and the soldiers around Lu Yifa immediately surrounded the house.

"Are they hiding here?" Lu Yifa walked up to the escaped people and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, there are two people, a man and a woman. The man had his back to us the whole time. The woman said she wanted to let us go." Baiming and Lu Yifa nodded.

"Okay." Lu Yi waved his hand and motioned for the soldiers to take them away.

Then he stood on the street, facing the house where Zhao Chen and his wife were.

"I don't care who sent you, but if you kill my son, I will kill you even if I go to heaven or on earth."

"Now that your location has been exposed, it's best to come out now. I promise to give you a good time."

"Otherwise, if you are caught by me again after the fire is lit, I will chop you alive piece by piece!" Lu Yifa stood on the street and shouted with Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang in the room.

"We shouldn't have let those two people go just now." Li Ruoshuang looked at the two civilians who escaped with their lives bitterly.

Zhao Chen smiled noncommittally.

Killing those two people or not will have little impact on their current situation.

Nothing can change the situation where they are surrounded.

"Ruoshuang, we still have some time to see if we can find some rope." Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang said.

Although Li Ruoshuang felt strange, she did not question Zhao Chen's arrangement.

Start looking around for rope inside the house.

Fortunately, other things may not be found in ordinary people's homes, but ropes are still easy to find.

"Zhao Chen, rope." Li Ruoshuang handed Zhao Chen a two-foot-long rope.

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