The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1397 Discuss with colleagues

"Prime Minister, why are you here?" Wei Zheng had a look of surprise on his face when he saw Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling looked over and was stunned for a moment when he saw Wei Zheng coming out.

Then he smiled bitterly and said: "I always feel a little uneasy, as if something has happened, but after thinking about it over and over again, I can't figure out what went wrong."

Fang Xuanling also shook his head.

Since this period of time, everything in Chang'an has gone smoothly.

The river embankments in the Hedong area have also been repaired.

Everything seemed very peaceful, but Fang Xuanling always felt a little uncomfortable.

This is very strange.

Fang Xuanling even felt that there was something wrong with her psychology.

Otherwise, why would you not enjoy your good days and always worry about something happening?

"To be honest, Mr. Fang, I've been like this the past two days. I'm always worried about something, but I can't explain it." Wei Zheng said with a bitter smile.

Then he sat down on the steps beside him.

"Did something happen in Qizhou?" Fang Xuanling suddenly spoke and expressed his guess.

Fang Xuanling thought about it for several days. He thought about everything except Qizhou, which made him feel worried.

"Qizhou?" Wei Zheng was stunned, and then the expression on his face changed slightly.

"How long ago was it when His Majesty last sent news?"

"Half a month ago, in Jing County?" Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling asked.

"Half a month ago, Jingxian County. It is estimated that His Majesty has arrived in Qixian County by now."

"I was wondering if there was something hidden behind the Qizhou riot." Fang Xuanling nodded, with a look of confusion on his face.

Since there was a riot in Qizhou, it would be too bold for the emperor to investigate the matter personally.

Moreover, after the Qizhou riot, the emperor did not punish the officials of Qizhou.

This is very unreasonable.

In the past, once a riot broke out somewhere, regardless of whether it was suppressed successfully or not, the emperor would

I will definitely go to the local officials first.

No matter for whatever reason, if local people riot, it must be because your local officials failed to do a good job.

You must deal with your local officials first, so that you can also appease the rioting people.

But this time, strangely, the emperor did not do this.

Not a single official in Qizhou was held accountable.

The emperor even went to Qizhou himself to inspect this matter?

This is obviously completely different from the usual way of dealing with such things.

Is there anything they don't know about?

"Prime Minister Wei, tell me, is there something His Majesty is hiding from us?" Fang Xuanling suddenly spoke, asking Wei Zheng this question.

Wei Zheng was stunned for a moment, and he also thought of the strangeness in this matter.

Fang Xuanling's sudden words made Wei Zheng react even more.

"Could it involve someone from Chang'an?" Wei Zheng lowered his voice and spoke to Fang Xuanling.

"I'm afraid that's what Prime Minister Wei said." Fang Xuanling nodded, he thought so too.

If there was no other reason for the riot in Qizhou, why would the emperor go to Qizhou in person to investigate the matter?

None of the officials in Qizhou were punished?

This is not because the emperor forgot, it was clearly intentional.

The emperor went to Qizhou in person, perhaps not to reveal the people behind Chang'an.

"The person behind Chang'an is actually related to the Qizhou riot. Your Majesty's trip to Qizhou is indeed a bit risky."

"Furthermore, for keeping us all in the dark and distrusting us so much, I will definitely ask him to give me an explanation when His Majesty comes back." Wei Zheng was a little angry.

They were worried about the emperor, but the emperor

But the emperor hid it from all of them.

Fang Xuanling shook his head. Wei Zheng asked the emperor for an explanation. That was a matter for the future.

What they have to do now is to think about how to help the emperor find the mastermind hiding in Chang'an.

"Do you want to tell the Queen about this?" Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng asked.

Wei Zheng was silent, then shook his head: "My idea is not to tell anyone for the time being."

"Your Majesty is in a difficult situation. If too many people know about it, it will not be a good thing for Your Majesty."

"Moreover, Changsun Wuji cannot rule out suspicion."

Although Changsun Wuji has been very low-key in recent times.

But Wei Zheng never quite believed that this was Changsun Wuji's nature.

He even suspected that the man behind Chang'an was Changsun Wuji.

Telling Queen Changsun about this would not only make her worried, but also might let Changsun Wuji know about it.

This is not a good thing.

"Then the two of us will investigate this matter secretly. We can test it again at the meeting tomorrow." Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng said.

Wei Zheng nodded, but he was worried about the emperor's safety.

"Your Majesty only has 500 guards from the Beiya Imperial Guard, but there are 3,000 people from Zhechong Mansion in Qizhou."

"If something happens, the people around His Majesty may not be enough to protect Your Majesty." Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling said.

They don't know the situation in Qizhou.

But they knew that there were three thousand people in Zhechong Mansion in Qizhou, and Qizhou was also a place where Qizhou officials had been operating for a long time.

The five hundred people around the emperor certainly cannot protect the emperor.

"We can let Taizhou and Huangzhou Zhechongfu..."

"No, the order cannot be issued from us. The people around the emperor must ask for help..."

"Hey, why hasn't there been any movement from the King of Han recently?" Fang Xuanling said, and then

The question turned to Zhao Chen.

Since Zhao Chen left Chang'an, they have not received any news about Zhao Chen.

Those who didn't know thought Zhao Chen was missing.

"That kid comes and goes without a trace. If he doesn't come back, who knows where he has gone."

"I heard that Li Ruoshuang and her daughter were brought along this time."

"I think he regarded this trip as an outing."

"Prime Minister, don't put too much hope in him." After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he left with Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling shook his head with a smile, then stopped smiling.

The emperor is now in a difficult situation, and they still have a lot to do.

Chu Suiliang disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

At the court meeting on the second day, Chu Suiliang was not seen in the Tai Chi Hall. Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling both looked puzzled.

"Did anyone see Chu offering wine yesterday?" Wei Zheng asked the officials in the Taiji Hall.

"Yesterday at noon, I had a drink with Chu Jiji, and then he went back and was never seen again." Li Xiaogong stood up and said to Wei Zheng.

"When did Chu Jijiu leave, does King Hejian still remember?" Wei Zheng frowned. Chu Suiliang's sudden disappearance made him feel that things were very strange.

As the Imperial Academy's liberator, Chu Suiliang had a lot to do, but he suddenly disappeared.

And there is no warning.

"About three quarters at noon, Chu Jijiu said he wanted to return to the Imperial Academy, and I can't keep him here."

"You can go to Wangyou Restaurant and ask. They can prove that what I said is right." After Li Xiaogong finished speaking, he returned to his seat.

Wei Zheng frowned and looked at Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling shook his head at him, then walked out and said, "There is one more thing that I would like to discuss with my colleagues during today's meeting."

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