The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1401 Don’t forget your job

Jiang Siye was silent for a moment, and then he said: "The whereabouts of Chu Jijiu from our Imperial College is still unknown from yesterday to now."

"Although Jingzhao Mansion sent a large number of people to search outside, nothing was found."

"Gong Lu is in charge of the Beiya Imperial Army and is in charge of every move in Chang'an, so I am bold and want to ask Duke Lu to help find our Chu Jijiu."

After Jiang Siye finished speaking, he bowed his hands deeply towards Cheng Yaojin.

Of course Jiang Siye didn't want Cheng Yaojin to help find Chu Suiliang, but if he didn't leave a good impression in Cheng Yaojin's heart.

How could Cheng Yaojin sit here and drink?

Jiang Siye understands that process is the key to gold, knows that he values ​​friendship, and hopes that others value this too.

Sure enough, after Jiang Siye said this, Cheng Yaojin's eyes became different.

"Other people say that for every person who kills dogs in a righteous way, he will become a heartless person by studying."

"I have a certain intuition that you scholars are all selfish people who only have eyes for yourself."

"What Jiang Siye said today really surprised me." Cheng Yaojin said with a smile.

Then he waved to Jiang Siye: "Don't worry, I have sent people to look for Chu Suiliang's disappearance."

"As long as he is still in Chang'an, there should be no problem."

"Here, I'd like to have a drink with Jiang Siye."

Cheng Yaojin toasted to Jiang Siye again.

Jiang Siye was very happy in his heart, but he said: "Gong Lu is so complimentary, and the subordinates are just doing what they should do."

"Actually, the official himself has something to ask the Duke for help."

Cheng Yaojin had a good impression of Jiang Siye, so he said carelessly: "If you ask me anything, I'll help you if I can."

Jiang Siye nodded and poured Cheng Yaojin another glass of wine.

In just such a short time, Cheng Yaojin had drunk more than a pound of wine, and his eyes were slightly red.

"Before, Xianguan and Chu Jijijiu, because of the quota in the Imperial College, offended His Highness the King of Han."

"But we don't dare to apologize to His Highness the King of Han, so we would like to ask Duke Lu to help us make peace with His Highness the King of Han."

"We all know that His Highness the King of Han has a sworn relationship with Young Master Cheng, and he regards you as his uncle. If you ask, His Highness the King of Han will definitely agree." Jiang Siye poured another drink for Cheng Yaojin.

His face was full of prayer.

Cheng Yaojin felt very relieved after listening to Jiang Siye's words.

The relationship between Zhao Chen and the Cheng family's father and son is naturally excellent.

From the beginning, his son Cheng Chumo has been by Zhao Chen's side, going through ups and downs together.

This is unmatched by anyone else.

Cheng Yaojin has been guarding Zhao Chen.

Now that Zhao Chen has been named King of Han, their Cheng family will be more prosperous than now.

This is what makes Cheng Yaojin happy.

But no matter how happy he was, Cheng Yaojin also knew that there were some things that he couldn't talk nonsense about.

"What you said is also important to His Highness the King of Han. In fact, we have done nothing."

"However, you were indeed out of proportion when you caused trouble at Chang'an Military Academy last time." Cheng Yaojin said, and Jiang Siye nodded repeatedly.

Is he still talking back to Cheng Yaojin at this time?

"But don't worry, His Highness the King of Han is not a stingy person. If you apologize, I will bring it to him."

"At that time, if you apologize to the King of Han in person, this matter will be nothing." Cheng Yaojin said.

After drinking one glass of wine after another, he felt a little dizzy at the moment.

Jiang Siye nodded and poured wine for Cheng Yaojin again.

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand: "No, I'll get drunk if I drink any more."

But Jiang Siye smiled and said: "The Duke of the country has a large number of

, where are we now, and this is Wangyou Restaurant, the property of His Highness the King of Han. "

"Even if he is drunk, they will arrange for the Duke to rest here."

"Come, Your Majesty, I will give you another drink."

Cheng Yaojin is greedy and extremely dependent on alcohol.

Smelling the aroma of wine in the cup, I couldn't help but drink another glass.

After drinking the first cup, I couldn't hold back the next one.

After drinking one glass after another and several kilograms of fine wine, Cheng Yaojin lay on the table and snored.

"Your Excellency!" Jiang Siye called Cheng Yaojin and pushed him gently.

Cheng Yaojin showed no sign of waking up.

Jiang Siye's face showed excitement, and then he put his hand into Cheng Yaojin's arms.

He took out half of the tiger talisman of the Bei Ya Forbidden Army.

Jiang Siye knew very well that as the general of the Beiya Imperial Army, Cheng Yaojin always carried the Tiger Talisman with him.

Therefore, the tiger talisman must be on his body.

Jiang Siye took out half of Ali's tiger talisman and put it into his arms. Jiang Siye took out another half of the tiger talisman and put it back into Cheng Yaojin's arms.

"Cheng Yaojin, you didn't expect that my mission was completed so easily." Jiang Siye said with a proud look on his face.

He glanced at Cheng Yaojin who was sleeping soundly, then turned and left.

"Ma De, you drank this wine, your head is fried." Cheng Yaojin woke up from the bed in Wangyou Restaurant at night.

"Mr. Cheng, you're awake." The waiter opened the door and came in, bringing a bowl of ginger soup.

"What time is it now?" Cheng Yaojin rubbed his head and drank the ginger soup.

After drinking too much wine, he is still confused.

"Xu Shi has just passed, let's rest here today, otherwise the boss will say that we are ignorant." The waiter advised Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Someone still has

Well, I won’t rest here. "

"Please clean up, I'll leave first."

Cheng Yaojin also had to check sentry posts, which was something he needed to do every day.

I'm drunk today, so I have to go.

Otherwise, if you don’t go today or tomorrow, something will really happen, but what should you do?

"Mr. Cheng, let's go slowly." The waiter saw Cheng Yaojin out of the door.

Cheng Yaojin was walking on the street, and his head was blown by the cool breeze, which instantly made him sober.

He thought about the tiger charm on his body and hurriedly put his hand in it.

Cheng Yaojin also breathed a sigh of relief when he touched the texture of bronze.

The tiger charm is still there.

Taking out the tiger charm from his arms, Cheng Yaojin rubbed his eyes.

He seemed to find that the half of the Tiger Talisman in front of him seemed different from the half that Zhao Chen gave him.

"Did that person named Jiang really come to steal the Tiger Talisman?" Cheng Yaojin thought to himself.

But he couldn't tell whether the half piece of tiger talisman in his hand was the one Zhao Chen gave him before.

Fortunately, he hid half of the Tiger Talisman at home in advance, which could really mobilize the Beiya Imperial Army.

Still tipsy, Cheng Yaojin went to the camp of the Beiya Forbidden Army.

The Beiya Forbidden Army is now responsible for the safety of the entire Chang'an.

From the imperial city to the outer city, the Bei Ya Forbidden Army was responsible for everything.

The sixteen guards of Nan Ya were now all stationed outside the city.

"General, why are you here at this time?"

"The waiter from Wangyou Restaurant came over this afternoon and said that you were drunk. I thought the general wouldn't come." The general was a little surprised to see Cheng Yaojin.

"I drank some wine, but I can't forget my own duties."

"Follow me to check the sentinel." Cheng Yaojin said to the general.

"Yes, general." The general nodded and followed Cheng Yaojin.

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