The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1524 The timing of heaven is also with me

"It's important to treat the soldiers first." Zhao Chen said to the two of them with a calm face.

The most important thing right now is to treat the soldiers of the Lancer Battalion.

As for the rest, let’s wait until this matter is dealt with.

Huizhen is always in front, and sooner or later there will be a chance to seek justice from him.

Hearing what Zhao Chen said, Qin Huaiyu felt unwilling to do so, but he didn't say anything else. .??.

I have been here for so many days, is there still one or two days left?

"I have a recipe here. Please remember it and give it to Dr. Liu. Ask him to prepare the medicine according to this recipe, and then boil the medicine for the soldiers to share."

"Pulsatilla, coptis, cork, bark, peony, licorice, costus, betel nut, honeysuckle, burnet, peony bark..."

Huizhen was a little disappointed.

What he hoped for didn't happen.

There was no movement from the Tang army not far away from them.

Every morning, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty always trained half an hour earlier than them.

Not affected at all.

Huizhen even suspected that the corpses of those beasts he threw down were of no use at all.

Thinking that Zhao Chen was in front of Huizhen, not far away from her, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

Although he said he was not afraid of Zhao Chen.

But Huizhen felt a little uneasy when she thought that her previous poisonous plan had not caused any trouble at all.

Afterwards, news came that someone in the Datang camp was infected with the plague, but there was no movement after that.

Huizhen inevitably suspects that Zhao Chen thought of the solution to the plague.

Will Zhao Chen investigate the matter after that?

If we investigate, will it be found that Huizhen has a headache?

If he was really found out, would Zhao Chen attack him immediately?

"Where's Mr. Hou, ask him to come and see me!" Thinking of this, Huizhen couldn't help but want Hou Junji's help.

Hou Junji is thinking

Find your own way out.

Suddenly I got news that Huizhen wanted to see him.

Hou Junji suddenly understood in his heart.

It must be that the previous plague method has failed.

He arrived at Huizhen's camp unhurriedly, and when he saw Huizhen, he saw a worried look on his face.

"General Huizhen, call me here but you need to tell me something!" Hou Junji and Huizhen cupped their hands and said neither humble nor arrogantly.

Seeing Hou Junji behaving like this, Huizhen knew in her heart that Hou Junji was angry at her previous neglect of him.

"Mr. Hou, please take a seat. It was my general's fault before, but I didn't expect that the plague would have no effect on them at all."

"This general is even wondering if Zhao Chen has thought of another way to solve the plague."

"We were responsible for the previous plague. If Zhao Chen knew about it, he would definitely take action against us. I invited Mr. Hou here today to discuss how to deal with Zhao Chen." Huizhen is also able to stretch and shrink.

Inform Hou Junji of the whole story.

He also admitted his mistake in his words.

Hou Junji was secretly happy, but he never showed it on his face.

He just pondered for a moment and then slowly said: "The investigation will definitely find out, and Zhao Chen will definitely take action against us after he finds out."

"These are things that are beyond doubt."

"But General Huizhen doesn't have to worry too much. We only have 20,000 soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in front of us, and our army has 50,000."

"And as far as I know, there are no signs of the Sky-Hanging Cannon in Shacheng."

"So we won't lose to them simply due to strength."

"And this is Goguryeo's territory, and we are much more familiar with the terrain than they are."

"If it's a diplomatic war, this

The geographical location is exclusively occupied by our army. "

"In addition, the people of Goguryeo are sympathetic to each other. They are the culprits of the invasion of Goguryeo. In this way, the peace and harmony belong to me."

"As for the weather, the soldiers of Goguryeo have been living in such an environment all year round and have long been accustomed to it. However, the soldiers of Tang Dynasty live in affluent areas of the Central Plains. They must not be able to bear it when they first come to Goguryeo."

"In this way, the timing of heaven is also with me."

"So General Huizhen doesn't have to worry at all."

Hearing what Hou Junji said, Huizhen felt much more relaxed.

But Huizhen also discovered a problem. After Hou Junji said so much, he actually didn't make any important points clear.

It was how he was going to deal with Zhao Chen.

You can't just wait here for Zhao Chen to attack you.

Wouldn't that mean sitting still and waiting for death?

"Mr. Hou, do you have any specific solutions?" Huizhen and Hou Junji asked.

"There are specific ways." Hou Junji nodded.

Huizhen was overjoyed, and then her eyes were fixed on Hou Junji's face.

"The troops are divided into two groups. If Zhao Chen personally leads the army to attack our camp, our army can be divided into two groups to attack Shacheng."

"Shacheng is the advance station of the Tang Army. If Shacheng is captured by our army, then the army led by Zhao Chen will be alone."

"If we fight alone, there will only be one result: the entire army will be annihilated!"

"What does General Huizhen think?" Hou Junji thought of a way and told Huizhen, and then asked Huizhen for his opinion.

When Huizhen heard this, her eyes lit up.

Why didn't he think of such a good idea?

If Zhao Chen is not afraid of death, he can send troops to attack him.

Once he takes Shacheng back, Zhao Chen will already be a turtle in the urn.

At that time, as long as you close the door and beat the dog, you can take Zhao Chen's head.

"What a great idea, Mr. Hou, as expected of you!" Huizhen was overjoyed and looked at Hou Junji with admiration.

Hou Junji just smiled slightly.

"General Huizhen, this other army needs a general with steady command, preferably a veteran on the battlefield."

"Otherwise, if we can't take Shacheng by then, we will have failed." Hou Junji suggested to Huizhen again.

Huizhen fell silent.

Steady command, a veteran on the battlefield?

The generals under Huizhen are basically young people.

Not many of them have been on the battlefield several times.

The only one with some ability, Chun Jisi, died in Shacheng.

But Hou Junji is right.

If the general leading the army is not steady enough, Shacheng will not be captured by then.

That would be the end of him, Huizhen.

But there is no such person around him.

I can't go to Yeon Gaesumun to ask for it.

Huizhen hesitated, and his eyes fell on Hou Junji in front of him again.

Huizhen suddenly thought that Hou Junji in front of him was a veteran of many battles in the Tang Dynasty.

The generals of the Tang Dynasty who fought with Yeon Gaesumun before could not even lift their heads.

Huizhen also witnessed Hou Junji's military commanding talents.

If this man could command another army for his own use...

"Mr. Hou, you came to assist me this time under the command of the commander-in-chief. I am very grateful to the general."

"With Mr. Hou's talents, he is more than enough to be the commander of an army."

"If Mr. Hou commanded another army for me this time, if I could capture Shacheng and encircle Zhao Chen this time, I would definitely be the cavalry commander and make Mr. Hou my real general of Goguryeo." Huizhen looked at Hou Jun. Ji said slowly.

Hou Junji lowered his head, and after hearing what Huizhen said to him, a smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.

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