The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1527 He worked so hard for today

Less than twenty miles away from Huizhen's camp, Zhao Chen personally led the Tang army to be stationed by the river.

In the camp, Zhao Chen summoned the generals for the first time to discuss matters.

Now that we have decided to launch an attack on Goguryeo, many details still need to be discussed again.

"Your Highness, why don't we raid Huizhen's camp tonight and capture it in one fell swoop?" Qin Huaiyu stood up from the ranks of generals and said to Zhao Chen.

With Zhao Chen personally in charge, Qin Huaiyu felt confident.

In addition, his father's revenge has never been avenged, so Qin Huaiyu is always a little impatient.

And all his efforts are to make Huizhen pay for his father's life.

Cheng Chumo shook his head and said, "There is a buffer zone several hundred meters long in front of Huizhen's camp, and he dug a lot of trenches there."

"This will block my army's attempt to attack."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to directly lead troops to attack."

Cheng Chumo also wanted to directly attack the camp, but what they faced was a very difficult reality.

"For those trenches they prepared, we can just use the sky-blasting cannon to blow them up."

"Without those trenches, how could they resist us?" Li Ke came out and said to everyone.

Xue Rengui led his troops back to guard Shacheng. Naturally, Li Ke did not have to stay there, but came to Zhao Chen's side immediately.

Li Ke had seen with his own eyes the power of the sky-blasting cannon.

In the battle of Hulu Valley, Huizhen's 50,000 troops were completely wiped out.

That was really an earth-shattering explosion.

If something as terrifying as the sky-blasting cannon could be used in this battle.

Not to mention a mere trench, even a copper wall would have to be blown over by him.

And as far as Zhao Chen knew, Zhao Chen secretly brought a batch of sky-blasting cannons with him when he came this time.

Only Zhao Chen, him and Cheng Chumo knew about this matter.

"Your Highness, I am willing to lead a thousand soldiers and horses as the vanguard to attack Huizhen's camp." Another general asked for orders with clasped fists.

Zhao Chen shook his head and said: "Goguryeo is not a small country, but it has offended the Tang Dynasty many times."

"Even my soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were plotted by them."

"In this battle, we, the Tang Dynasty, are the masters of punishment. We must conquer Goguryeo in a dignified and dignified way to frighten all the countries in the world."

Zhao Chen's meaning is very simple.

In addition to attacking Goguryeo, Datang also wanted to establish authority over all other countries surrounding Datang.

Use the sky-blasting cannon to directly destroy all Goguryeo's defensive means.

Although this matter is simple, it cannot make all the surrounding countries surrender to the Tang Dynasty.

This battle must be won openly.

"What His Highness said is absolutely true!"

Everyone nodded and agreed with Zhao Chen's words.

Anyway, plans have been made to deal with Goguryeo, and they must be completely defeated there.

The next morning.

Huizhen received the news that the Tang army stationed twenty miles away from him suddenly broke out of camp.

The vanguard force of 5,000 men was approaching the direction of his Huizhen camp.

Huizhen couldn't believe it. He and Hou Junji both guessed that Zhao Chen would do something to them, but they didn't expect it to be so quick.

It's only been a few days.

After the plague was resolved, Huizhen only had time to discuss with Hou Junji how to meet Zhao Chen's attack.

Before he could take any other actions, Zhao Chen really began to mobilize his troops to attack them.

At this moment, Huizhen’s camp was bustling with people.

There was a trace of nervousness on all the faces of the Goguryeo soldiers.

Although many people have never met Zhao Chen, they have heard of Zhao Chen's name.

Some veterans even expressed their disapproval of Zhao Chen’s previous

What you did is unforgettable.

Before, they were comforting themselves that Zhao Chen would not use force against Goguryeo easily.

Who would have thought that now...

"What's going on now?" Huizhen came to the battle formation with a gloomy face.

Thirty thousand Goguryeo soldiers lined up.

"General, the Tang army at the front is five thousand soldiers led by Qin Huaiyu." The general under his command said to Huizhen. .??.

"Qin Huaiyu?" Huizhen's face darkened, as if he was thinking about the name in his mind.

Then he remembered.

The Tang general Qin Qiong whom he killed earlier was Qin Huaiyu's father.

During these days in Goguryeo, I often received news from Datang.

He said that Qin Huaiyu had always wanted to kill him, Huizhen, for his father.

"I heard that Qin Huaiyu and Zhao Chen were more affectionate than brothers. How would Zhao Chen feel if I killed him on his horse?" Huizhen looked at the Tang army formation in the distance with a cold look on his face. meaning.

"Qin Huaiyu is the vanguard. If the general can kill him, it will naturally boost the morale of the Tang army."

"But I heard that Qin Huaiyu is extremely strict with his training. I'm afraid that few of our generals will be his opponents." Huizhen's generals said to Huizhen.

Although Huizhen is a bit arrogant, his generals still have a clear understanding of themselves.

They still know very well whether he is Qin Huaiyu's opponent or not.

"No matter how capable Qin Huaiyu is, he is just one person. When the time comes, you send people out to fight him, and I will have people shoot cold arrows from behind."

"Since the two sides are mortal enemies, why do we care about morality?"

"And this war was initiated by the Tang Dynasty. The commander-in-chief will naturally negotiate with them when the time comes."

"As for Qin Huaiyu, he has always wanted to kill this general to avenge his father. It just so happens that this general can send him on his way first." Huizhen sneered. \u003c


Hui Zhenke never talks about morality.

Otherwise, he would not have used the poisonous plan of dropping the plague that Hou Junji said.

Although his generals looked troubled, they did not dare to disobey Huizhen's orders.

The vanguard of the Tang army at the front was ready to go.

War horses neigh and flags fly.

Qin Huaiyu took the lead and stood at the forefront of the five thousand vanguard army.

"Huizhen, come out and die." Qin Huaiyu stood in front of the formation and shouted loudly to Huizhen opposite.

Qin Huaiyu has not had a peaceful sleep since his father died in the war.

His biggest wish every day is to kill Huizhen and avenge his father.

So he trains hard every day just for today.

Now that Huizhen was in front of him, the feeling of wanting to kill his enemy with his own hands made Qin Huaiyu's fingers tremble slightly.

Behind the 5,000 vanguard troops was the 15,000 main Tang army led by Zhao Chen.

At this moment, Cheng Chumo and Li Ke were riding horses on either side of Zhao Chen.

Hearing Qin Huaiyu and Huizhen shouting, Cheng Chumo felt a little worried.

"Zhao Da, will Qin San be okay?" Cheng Chumo and Zhao Chen asked.

"No, he has worked so hard for today. These generals under Huizhen will not be his opponents."

"Uncle Qin's revenge will be avenged soon!" Zhao Chen looked into the distance and said slowly.

"Alas, that guy Qin San has kept this hatred too deep for too long." Cheng Chumo sighed.

He knew what kind of suffering Qin Huaiyu had endured in his heart.

In order to one day seek revenge against Huizhen in person, Qin Huaiyu stayed at the border for such a long time that he did not even have time to attend Cheng Chumo's wedding.

Cheng Chumo knew that Qin Huaiyu didn't want to come.

If Qin Huaiyu had more important things waiting for him to do.

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