The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1529 This general has given you a chance

"Qin Huaiyu, if you want to challenge our general, why don't you ask us two first."

"If you have the ability, come and fight to the death with the two of us first."

Two Goguryeo generals were forced to the front of the battle, one of whom spoke inarticulate Central Plains dialect.

But Qin Huaiyu could still understand what he meant.

Qin Huaiyu didn't expect that the other party would be so shameless.

Fight against the two of them by yourself!

I really dare to say it.

"Bah, shameless!"

"Can you say this?"

"General Qin singled out the two of you, are you Gao Jiguli so shameless and shameless?"

The generals of the Tang Dynasty behind Qin Huaiyu shouted loudly, with anger on their faces.

Being reprimanded by the general of the Tang Dynasty opposite, Huizhen's face was only slightly ugly, but she regained her composure as soon as she turned around.

Do whatever you can on the battlefield.

As long as Qin Huaiyu can be killed and the military morale of the Tang Dynasty is broken, some unscrupulous methods can also be used.

Didn't they use the plague trick before?

Although it didn't have much effect.

But Hui Zhenzhi thought it was just the luck of the Tang army.

Now that Qin Huaiyu wanted to challenge him, he could naturally make conditions with him.

Otherwise, the two armies will directly fight on a large scale.

He had given Qin Huaiyu a chance. If he didn't cherish it, then who would blame him?

"Qin Huaiyu, this general has given you a chance. If you want to take revenge, please ask my generals first."

"The general will only take action if they are not your opponent!" Huizhen shouted loudly.

It was also to get Qin Huaiyu to accept his condition.

As long as Qin Huaiyu really agrees to compete with the two men under his command, then Huizhen will be able to find an opportunity to give Qin Huaiyu a fatal blow.

"Zhao Da, what did he buy in this Huizhen gourd?"

What medicine? "

"These two people are obviously no match for Qin San. They are clearly here to die. But Huizhen insists on doing this. What's the reason?" Cheng Chumo couldn't figure it out.

Just now Qin Huaiyu has shown his ability.

One more person and one less person actually have little impact on him.

As for the two Goguryeo generals in front of him, Qin Huaiyu could kill them one by one without using many moves.

But Hui Zhen was like this, even though he knew it, he still had to let the two of them come up.

Cheng Chumo didn't realize that Huizhen did this just to consume Qin Huaiyu.

"This Huizhen still has some brains under Yuan Gaisuwen. Brother Emperor, do you think this guy has ulterior motives?" Li Ke stood on horseback and asked Zhao Chen with a slight frown on his brows.

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, Li Ke clearly felt that there was something wrong with Huizhen today.

"Cheng Er, you go to the front to plunder the formation for Qin San, and pay attention to Huizhen and the others." Zhao Chen said nothing and asked Cheng Chumo to go to the front to plunder the formation for Qin Huaiyu.

Although Cheng Chumo felt strange, he still nodded and then went to the front of the front army formation.

Seeing Cheng Chumo coming over, Qin Huaiyu turned back and glanced in the direction of Zhao Chen.

Jian Zhaochen nodded to himself from a distance, and then quickly turned back to look at Huizhen in front of him.

"Since Huizhen wants the two of them to die, I will naturally not refuse you."

"It's just a pity that you two followed a coward general."

"He was afraid of death so he pushed you out to be the scapegoat. If I were the one to kill him, I would definitely kill him when he turns around." Qin Huaiyu shouted loudly.

The expressions of the two Goguryeo generals who were pushed out changed slightly.

Although they felt that what Qin Huaiyu said was very reasonable, they did not have the courage to make any resistance.


Even if they know that they will die, they cannot have any other reaction.

"Stop talking nonsense, Qin Huaiyu, either you die or we die today." One of the two Goguryeo generals shouted loudly.

The other person held the bow and arrow tightly in his hand.

They had already agreed that when the two of them came forward together, one of them would fight with Qin Huaiyu to distract him.

The other person took the opportunity to support with a bow and arrow.

In this way, their chances of survival will be much greater.

Huizhen's chances at the rear will also be much greater.

Qin Huaiyu was really surprised to hear that the general on the opposite side was so decisive.

"Since you are so impatient, then hurry up and lead them to death!" Qin Huaiyu held a spear in his hand and pointed the tip of the spear at the two Goguryeo generals in front of him. ??

The two Goguryeo generals knew that they would not be able to escape today.

Simply put aside all worries.

The two looked at each other, and one of them bent his bow and arrow, pointing directly at Qin Huaiyu.

The other person was holding a long sword and driving his horse towards Qin Huaiyu.

Qin Huaiyu looked sharply at the Goguryeo general running towards him.

He waved the spear slightly in his hand, clamped his legs together, and the war horse neighed and rushed forward?

With a clang, the two weapons collided and sparked.

The Goguryeo general felt numbness in his hands, and he could hardly hold his sword.

Qin Huaiyu looked relaxed.

His eyes were always fixed on another Goguryeo general holding a bow.

Another Goguryeo general saw that his companion was no match for Qin Huaiyu, and was almost knocked off his weapon.

I was also very nervous.

Once Qin Huaiyu kills his companion, it will be his turn next.

And he holds a long bow.

Absolutely not

He might be Qin Huaiyu's opponent.

At this moment, the general drew the bow half full and then loosened the bowstring.

Insight is like a runaway horse flying in the direction of Qin Huaiyu.

Qin Huaiyu had already noticed the movement here.

I saw the spear in his hand swiping slightly, and the arrow that was fired was shot hard.

It was inserted diagonally into the soil on the side.

Cheng Chumo stood aside, staring intently at the situation in front of him.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I also felt a good word in my heart.

With one against two and still being able to focus on the entire field, Qin Huaiyu's abilities were much greater than before.

"You two come together, what are you doing!" Hui Zhen looked at the attack from behind but failed, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

He didn't mean that the two people in front of him could really kill Qin Huaiyu.

He just wanted to exchange the lives of the two generals in front of him for Qin Huaiyu's.

As long as the two of them keep Qin Huaiyu from being distracted by anything else, he will have the opportunity to shoot a cold arrow from here and kill Qin Huaiyu.

But the two men in front of them were fighting separately. Although they seemed to be cooperating, they were more obviously protecting their own lives.

Huizhen doesn't care about their lives.

All Huizhen cares about is that they created an opportunity for themselves.

"Think about what this general told you just now!" Huizhen roared again.

Hearing Huizhen's threatening words, the two Goguryeo generals felt even more angry.

The man holding the bow and arrow threw the long bow in his hand to the ground, and then drew out the long knife from his waist.

His eyes were fixed on Qin Huaiyu in front of him.

"Qin Huaiyu, we will kill you today." The long-sword general roared to the sky.

Another general also had cold and stern eyes, pointing his sword directly at Qin Huaiyu.

"That depends on whether you have this ability!" Qin Huaiyu smiled contemptuously and drove his horse to attack.

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