Huizhen knew that now was not the time to discuss how the Sky-Hunting Cannon appeared on the battlefield.

What he has to do now is to immediately reorganize his army and prepare to resist the attack of the Tang army.

Otherwise, when the Tang cavalry charges casually, his 30,000 Goguryeo soldiers will be completely defeated.

Qin Huaiyu had always wanted his own life, and Huizhen would not believe that he could save his life if he surrendered.

Now he must either reorganize his army immediately and withstand the attack of the Tang army, or wait to be killed by Qin Huaiyu!

"Hurry and summon all the generals and ask them to organize their ministries immediately and prepare to meet the attack of the Tang army."

"They will attack us soon!" Huizhen shouted with the soldiers in front of her.

The soldier was afraid, but he did not lose his mind.

After hearing Huizhen's order, he immediately ran towards the camps of various generals.

Soon all the generals under Huizhen led their ministries to gather in front of the camp.

Huizhen put on his armor and rode a horse to the front of the battle.

As far as I could see, there were ditches and trenches everywhere yesterday, but now they were all flattened by the bombing.

Most of the Juma were also blown to pieces and turned into piles of broken wood.

"General, what kind of weapon of the Tang Dynasty army is so powerful?" A general looked at everything in front of him with fear on his face.

"General, the Tang army has such powerful weapons. If they attack should we resist?" Another general next to him looked shocked.

It was obvious that they didn't know anything about the Sky Boom Cannon.

But they also know very well that if such a weapon is used on them, they will absolutely not be able to resist it.

These trenches can be blown up flat, how can they deal with them?

Seeing that his generals had this mentality, Huizhen couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The generals were all indifferent and felt that the battle would definitely be lost. The soldiers under their command

Woolen cloth?

Do they still have the confidence to fight against the Tang Dynasty army?

"Why are you panicking? Do you think this sky-blasting cannon can be used casually?"

"This thing doesn't have much even if it belongs to the Tang Dynasty. It just blew up our defensive offensive!"

"Their next attack will definitely not have such weapons!"

"And our group has more than 30,000 soldiers and they only have 20,000. We can crush them just by comparing the numbers, so what are you afraid of?" Huizhen said coldly.

If the spread of panic is not stopped at this time, this war will not need to be fought.

When the time comes, a charge from the cavalry on the opposite side will completely destroy the confidence of the more than 30,000 people under his command.

By then, Huizhen wouldn't even have a chance to surrender.

As long as we withstand their attack here, Hou Junji will definitely launch an attack on his Shacheng.

When the Tang army faces attacks from two sides, it will be time for us to counterattack.

So you don’t have to be afraid at all.

As long as we withstand their attack today, we can kill them tomorrow.

Huizhen said to everyone again.

After hearing what Huizhen said, everyone felt a little more relaxed.

His tense face also relaxed.

As long as they still have a chance, no one will feel that there is no hope.

"General, are you saying they don't have these sky-blasting cannons anymore?" a general asked Huizhen, his face full of anticipation.

"Of course." Huizhen nodded, then glanced at the generals.

"You will see later. If they still have this sky-blasting cannon, you can surrender directly. If he

If we lead the troops to attack, you must defend to the death by this general. Huizhen said to everyone.

"General, don't worry, as long as they don't have these sky-blasting cannons, we will definitely defend our position and we will never let them take a step forward!"

"Yes, don't worry, General." All the generals spoke one after another.

A smile appeared on Huizhen's face, and she looked ahead where the Tang army was gathering, but there was no relaxation in her eyes.

Of course Huizhen didn't know if the Tang army had any more sky-blasting cannons.

He was just gambling.

I bet Zhao Chen has used up all these things now.

After all, if Zhao Chen uses this power bank on Huizhen again in the subsequent war, then Huizhen won't have to resist.

These people alone are simply not enough to blast the sky.

That's why he said that if the Tang army used the sky-blasting cannon against them again, these generals under him could surrender.

Huizhen is gambling, this is his only way.

The soldiers who sent the message to Hou Junji have already set off. As long as he persists in resisting Zhao Chen's attack, he and Hou Junji will join forces to attack Zhao Chen.

Looking at the cavalry team of the Tang Army in front, the leader is Qin Huaiyu from yesterday again.

"The spearmen are ready. Today's battle is probably going to be a tough battle. Qin Huaiyu is leading the cavalry battalion. It seems that he is preparing to directly attack our camp." Huizhen said to the generals around him.

The general nodded, and then quickly mobilized the spear battalion.

Flags are flying, war horses neigh, and dust is flying.

Qin Huaiyu took the lead and stood in front of the cavalry camp.

In front of him is a flat land, and further away is Huizhen, his father-killing enemy.

Yesterday, Huizhen was not captured, and Huizhen was almost plotted.

Qin Huaiyu had long been filled with anger.

Today, Zhao Chen even used all the sky-blasting cannons here, just so that Qin Huaiyu could avenge his father as soon as possible.

After paying such a huge price, Huizhen could not be killed today. Qin Huaiyu felt that he had no shame in staying here anymore.

"Qin San, Zhao Da said that if you feel the time has come, you can order troops to be sent out at any time." Cheng Chumo was also wearing armor today and stood beside Qin Huaiyu.

Qin Huaiyu nodded and glanced at the enemy spearman camp in front of him. Qin Huaiyu waved with the messengers beside him.

"Order the cavalry battalion to bypass the enemy's spearmen and attack the enemy's left and right wings from the left and right wings, led by me and General Cheng Chumo."

"We only charge for one round, no one can stop fighting." Qin Huaiyu said to the ordering soldiers.

The ordering soldier nodded, and then used the order flag to convey the order to the entire cavalry battalion.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu nodded and then drove their horses to the side.

Qin Huaiyu looked at Huizhen's army in front of him with cold eyes, raised his hand high, then waved it down violently, and shouted loudly: "Start the war!"

Qin Huaiyu whipped the horse's whip violently. The horse felt pain, raised its hooves and ran forward.

The cavalry soldiers behind him also drove their horses to follow.

A distance of several hundred meters is only a dozen breaths for the cavalry.

The dust is flying and the sound of horse hooves is heard.

Huizhen's left and right wings were not unprepared.

Seeing Qin Huaiyu trying to bypass the spearmen camp in front, he immediately ordered the cavalry on the left and right wings to fight.

The war horses of both sides rushed towards the center of the battlefield. In just a moment, the cavalry of the two armies collided with each other.

For a moment, the horses neighed, swords clashed, howls of pain, and the soldiers fell to the ground.

There were scenes of blood and flesh everywhere.

Huizhen looked at the soldiers from the two sides fighting together, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

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