The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1536 That old guy took the wrong medicine

Zhou Qing nodded and did not continue to question Xue Rengui.

But the five thousand men and horses defending the city really worried him. Just as he was about to leave, Zhou Qing suddenly stopped again.

"Brother, since we are short of soldiers, can we ask the people in the city to help defend the city together!" Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui said.

Since the last incident, the people in the city have become more and more friendly to the Tang army.

If they knew that Hou Junji was going to lead his army to attack the city, they might be willing to help defend the city.

Xue Rengui was silent. He didn't know for a while whether Zhou Qing's method would work.

Therefore, the people in Shacheng had a favorable impression of his Tang army because of some things, but in the end, most of them were still Goguryeo.

Let them help the Tang army fight against his own people, Xue Rengui was worried that they would hinder it.

This is a matter of life and death, but there is no room for error.

"You said let it go. No matter what, safety is the most important thing. It's okay to let them prepare some logistics supplies, but it's still inappropriate to let them participate in defending the city!" Xue Rengui said slowly.

Defending the city is a serious matter. If the city is lost, they will die.

But if Zhao Chen is implicated, then they will be more than worthy of death.

Hearing that Xue Rengui rejected his suggestion, Zhou Qing just nodded slightly.

He was just a suggestion, and Zhou Qing himself didn't have too much faith in the people of Shacheng.

"Brother, I'm going to prepare!" Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui said.

"Go ahead, be sure to make adequate preparations. The city gates will be closed for the next two days. If the people have any questions, just explain to them."

"The troublemakers will be taken away to jail immediately. Don't be careless at this time." Xue Rengui warned again.

Zhou Qing nodded and then took the order and left.

Xue Rengui sat on the stool, with a look of worry on his face.

Five thousand versus twenty thousand, although it is

Defend the city, but he still doesn't have any confidence in his heart.

Zhao Chen camp.

Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu and Li Ke came over to Zhao Chen.

"Zhao Da, what are our plans for our next actions?" Cheng Chumo and Zhao Chen asked.

After a small victory today, Cheng Chumo felt that he should take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Just send a large army to attack Huizhen's camp.

The three of them had this idea in their minds, so they came together.

"We don't need to do anything next, just wait until he takes the initiative to cause trouble for us." Zhao Chen said to a few people.

"Waiting for Huizhen to cause trouble for us?"

"When the cavalry battalion charged today, his face turned black. Now he is not worried about us making trouble for him, even if he burns high incense."

"Why does he still dare to cause trouble for us?" Cheng Chumo was puzzled.

It was clear that Datang had won today, so why did Hui really dare to provoke them?

This is completely unreasonable.

"Brother Emperor, did you say something wrong? This Huizhen's courage has been frightened. How dare he take the initiative to provoke us?" Li Ke also couldn't figure it out for a moment and felt that Zhao Chen had said something wrong.

Qin Huaiyu said nothing, but looked at Zhao Chen strangely.

Apparently, Zhao Chen's words also made him confused.

"Although we won today, it also dampened the spirit of the Goguryeo army."

"But there is one thing. We only won part of Huizhen's army. The other part was led by Hou Junjizheng, and they are only fifty miles away from our Shacheng."

"Do you think this gathering of princes and lords stationed their troops fifty miles away from Shacheng for no reason?"


Or does Huizhen think that his 30,000 troops can withstand my 20,000 Tang army soldiers? "Zhao Chen said to everyone with a smile.

When Zhao Chen said this, he suddenly felt something strange in his heart.

But I still can't believe it.

"Zhao Da, you mean that Hou Junji is planning to attack Shacheng?"

"Did the old guy take the wrong medicine?" Cheng Chumo asked doubtfully.

When he talked about Hou Junji, the look of hatred on his face could not be concealed.

"Shacheng is the foundation for our survival. If it is really captured by Hou Junji, we will be doomed."

"When the time comes, there will be pursuers in front and interceptors in the back, and we will have no choice but to be trapped here alive." Li Ke said in a deep voice. .??.

He also understood how important Shacheng was to them.

Qin Huaiyu looked worried, and then said: "Why don't we divide our troops and send some people back to guard Shacheng, so as to ensure that we have no worries in the rear."

"Split the troops?"

"How can this work? Our team of 20,000 people can't make 30,000 yuan. We are already a little overwhelmed. If we divide our troops, we are afraid that we will be beaten by Huizhen in the front." Cheng Chumo shook his head. He did not agree with Qin Huaiyu's idea. method.

But the problem now is that if troops are not sent to assist, the battlefield may be captured by 20,000 Goguryeo soldiers and horses led by Hou Junji at any time.

Now their situation is that they can either go back with the whole army to rescue them, or they can only rely on Xue Rengui to lead 5,000 troops and horses to resist Hou Junji's 20,000 troops in Shacheng.

But five thousand versus twenty thousand, the defenses in Shacheng were extremely crude.

Without rescue, it is estimated that Shacheng will fall in a few days.

By the time……

The camp became quiet, and no one spoke again.

There seems to be no other way at the moment.

But everyone knows that there is absolutely no room for error in Shacheng.

"Brother Emperor, do you have any good ideas?" After a long silence, Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen and asked in a low voice.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu both raised their heads. Neither of them thought of any useful method.

At the moment, we can only place all our hopes on Zhao Chen.

"Not yet." Zhao Chen shook his head calmly.

When several people heard this, they felt a little disappointed.

Thinking about the dilemma that I was about to face, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But after all, it didn't show on his face.

"It's okay, Zhao Da. There will always be a solution to the matter. Now that we think about it, Hou Junji will not attack Shacheng so soon." Cheng Chumo and Zhao Chen comforted.

"Yes, Brother Emperor, let's think about it slowly. There will always be a way. At worst, we will withdraw our troops."

"And as long as our follow-up reinforcements arrive, even if Huizhen and all the troops of Hou Junji are together, so what!"

"When we start all over again, we will definitely kill them." Li Ke also said with a smile to Zhao Chen.

"Zhao Da, what are the next arrangements?" Qin Huaiyu directly asked Zhao Chen what the next arrangements were.

Compared with the comfort of Cheng Chumo and Li Ke, Qin Huaiyu seemed more like a doer.

He just needs to follow Zhao Chen's orders seriously.

"Let everyone pack their bags, the army is ready to retreat at any time." Zhao Chen said to several people.

Hearing Zhao Chen say that he would be ready to retreat at any time and asking them to prepare their bags in advance, they could only feel a little helpless for no reason.

They thought that Zhao Chen must have other methods, and just wanted to hide it from themselves and others for the time being.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Chen would actually give the order to retreat.

Could it be that this battle ended with their retreat?

Several people suddenly felt a little weak in their hearts.

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