The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1541 Think about coming back and confessing earlier

"Hou Junji, I advise you, it is better to come back and confess your guilt as soon as possible. If you run away, you will not be able to escape far after all!" Xue Rengui and Hou Junji said at the gate of Shacheng.

Goguryeo's army has been sent by Xue Rengui to receive it.

In order to fulfill the agreement, Xue Rengui wants to release Hou Junji from Shacheng at this moment.

Although Zhou Qing and others persuaded Xue Rengui not to let Hou Junji leave, Xue Rengui still insisted on his principles.

In Xue Rengui's view, people cannot stand without faith.

He actually agreed to Hou Junji's conditions, and now he certainly cannot go back on his words.

Hou Junji looked at Xue Rengui, with a smile on his face, and then said: "Xue Rengui, your luck is better than me."

"Although I have a big feud with Zhao Chen, I have to admit in my heart that he is the most worthy of following person I have ever seen."

"It's just a pity that I was born decades earlier."

"But I still want to advise you now. Although Zhao Chen won't do anything to you, Qin Huaiyu may not!"

"If you don't want to be constrained everywhere in the future, you'd better stay away from Qin Huaiyu."

"It's a pity that Yeon Gae So-moon is short-sighted. Otherwise, given his military ability, he would be a contender for supremacy."

"It's just a pity..."

Hou Junji shook his head again, obviously very disappointed with Yuengai Suwen.

Yeon Gaesumun always believed that Zhao Chen would not take the initiative to attack Goguryeo, which would also be the reason for Yeongaesumun's defeat.

He had never really understood Zhao Chen at all, so how could he achieve victory with Zhao Chen.

"That's my business, it's nothing for you, Hou Junji, to worry about."

"I promised not to send troops to hunt you down, but if other troops take action, I won't be able to control it." Xue Rengui said lightly.

Hou Junji smiled slightly, and then held hands with Xue Rengui: "General Xue promised a thousand gold coins. As for if he is intercepted by other troops on the way to escape, it will be me, Hou Junji, who will kill him."

"The younger generation of Datang is full of talented people, and they will definitely have a great future in the future."

"It's a pity that this old guy like me can't see it!"

"Xue Rengui, farewell!"

After Hou Junji finished speaking, he drove his horse out of the city.

When Zhou Qing saw Hou Junji driving his horse away, he immediately ran towards Xue Rengui.

"Brother, do you really stop thinking about it?"

"Wouldn't it be too advantageous to let Hou Junji leave like this?" Zhou Qing and Xue Rengui said.

Zhou Qing was still worried.

If Zhao Chen knew that Xue Rengui let Hou Junji go like this, he would definitely accuse him later.

But it was Xue Rengui's fault first. Even if he was held accountable, Xue Rengui would not be able to exonerate himself.

"Although I gave him an advantage, after all, it was a promise made between me and him. A true man promises a thousand dollars. Since he has made a promise, he must keep his promise."

"If His Highness blames you for this in the future, I am willing to bear the responsibility." Xue Rengui said lightly.

He really had no choice but to agree to Hou Junji's request.

Otherwise, if there really was a battle with Hou Junji, I really don't know how many of the 5,000 soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were guarding the city under him would survive.

Even if he was dealt with by Zhao Chen later, at least he saved the lives of these five thousand people.

They even recruited and surrendered more than 15,000 Goguryeo soldiers.

After exchanging one person for so many people, Hou Junji felt that the deal was worthwhile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. How is the situation over there, His Highness?" Xue Rengui shook his head and asked Zhou Qing about the situation over Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen led his troops to retreat early in the morning. Before they had gone far, the left and right wings were attacked by enemies.

A real ambush attack.

Although it was an ambush, it was just a small attack to the soldiers under Zhao Chen's command.

The purpose is to hinder the speed of their retreat.

Zhao Chen was not in a hurry and asked Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu to lead their troops respectively to counterattack the incoming ambush.

Originally, it was to hinder the speed of the Tang Dynasty army's retreat, so Huizhen sent an ambush force and naturally they would not fight with the Tang Dynasty army. .??.

But as soon as they made contact, they immediately retreated.

The Tang army continued to withdraw, but before they had gone far, the ambush sent by Huizhen came again.

Several times like this, Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu both had expressions of indignation on their faces.

Both of them couldn't wait to go up and kill these tough ambush soldiers.

But those people didn't give them such a chance at all, they just shot and ran away, making everyone feel inexplicably anxious.

"Zhao Da can't continue like this. These guys sent by Huizhen didn't confront us head-on. They ran away as soon as we sent out troops, and they came again as soon as we left."

"It's really annoying!" Cheng Chumo and Zhao Chen complained.

If Huizhen was by his side now, Cheng Chumo would definitely split Huizhen in half with an axe.

There is no way to torture people like this.

Cheng Chumo's mentality collapsed.

Qin Huaiyu also had an angry look on his face, and was very troubled by this matter in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud like Cheng Chumo.

"Huizhen did this to delay our return to the army for rescue. The more anxious we are, the happier he will be." Zhao Chen said, his eyes pausing for two breaths on Qin Huaiyu's face.

Qin Huaiyu was slightly strange. Just when he was about to ask Zhao Chen why he was looking at him like this, Zhao Chen looked away again.

"First of all, we should not be impatient about such things. The more impatient we are, the more serious problems will arise.

question. "

"Qin San, now you will command the cavalry battalion to patrol around our army, and at the same time send out scouts to detect the location of Huizhen's camp."

"The only way to get rid of this endless ambush is to directly attack Huizhen's camp." Zhao Chen and Qin Huaiyu gave the order.

"Then Zhao Da, should we retreat as a whole, or make some other decision?" Cheng Chumo asked Zhao Chen again.

After sending out scouts, they would surely be able to discover the location of Huizhen Camp, but what about after discovering Huizhen Camp?

To capture the Huizhen Camp, one cavalry battalion alone is not enough.

They also need the cooperation of the large army.

But if a large force cooperates to attack Huizhen's camp, what will happen to the safety of Shacheng?

You must know that once something happens in Shacheng, these people will be the turtles in the jar.

When the two armies of Huizhen and Hou Junji attack them from the front and back, that will be their end.

Cheng Chumo felt that Zhao Chen's decision was a bit careless.

At least that's what it seems.

Cheng Chumo was a little surprised. Logically speaking, with Zhao Chen's meticulousness, he should never make such a mistake.

But Zhao Chen's order just now was really something he didn't understand.

"There are five thousand defenders in Shacheng, but Hou Jun can't gather more than 20,000. If Xue Rengui cannot hold on for even one day, I will kill him!"

"As for us, let's take down Huizhen first."

"As long as Huizhen dies, these tens of thousands of Goguryeo troops will be scattered, and Shacheng can be easily defended by then." Zhao Chen said to everyone.

"But Zhao Da..."

"What else do you have?" Cheng Chumo was interrupted by Zhao Chen coldly before he finished speaking.

Seeing Zhao Chen's displeased gaze, Cheng Chumo was slightly stunned, and then shook his head in confusion.

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