The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1555 What’s the next plan?

The people in Shacheng only knew that the Tang army had won a great victory on the front line.

Moreover, the Goguryeo army that originally belonged to Huizhen suddenly and inexplicably surrendered to the Tang army.

As for the news that Huizhen was captured by the Tang army, it was the first time for the people of Shacheng to see it on the notice board.

"Is what is said above true or false? General Huizhen was captured by the Tang army?"

"How can this be?"

"General Huizhen is a victorious general in Goguryeo. I have never heard of any defeats against him before. Why was he suddenly captured by the Tang army?"

"That's just because you don't know. Last time we...their Goguryeo commander Yeon Gaesumun personally led an army to attack the Tang Dynasty. Huizhen was defeated by the Tang army in a place called Hulu Valley."

"I heard that the one who defeated him was our Highness the King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Really or not, our Highness the King of Han is so powerful?"

"Then why haven't we heard any news before?"

"Hey, how could such a shameful thing come out? I also heard it from my distant cousin's son. He was a soldier under the Goguryeo Marshal, so he told me such a thing."

"It turned out to be like this. I really didn't expect it. I always thought that Huizhen was an invincible general. I didn't expect that our King of Han could actually defeat him."

"We could even capture Huizhen alive this time. If this wasn't what the notice said, I really wouldn't believe it."

"This notice says that Huizhen will be publicly executed at Xicaishikou tomorrow. Isn't this a direct war with Goguryeo?"

"I remember that the Tang Dynasty had never initiated a war. Is it appropriate for His Highness the King of Han to do this?"

The news that Huizhen will be executed tomorrow has been made public throughout Shacheng.

The people in Shacheng started talking a lot after seeing the contents of the notice.

There were looks of disbelief on many people's faces.

But more people were surprised and shocked.


The self-proclaimed victorious general of Goguryeo was defeated so easily by Zhao Chen.

Even Huizhen's soldiers surrendered to the Tang army in large numbers.

If they hadn't seen this with their own eyes, no one would have believed it was true.

Some people saw the notices posted all over Shacheng and left the city with panic on their faces.

Yeon Gaesumun, who was far away in the capital of Goguryeo, didn’t know about this yet!

Cheng Chumo and others came to Shacheng Street.

From a distance, I could see Cheng Chumo and his people posting notices.

"Everyone, listen to me. As you can see, Goguryeo general Huizhen has been captured by us."

"This guy Huizhen committed a heinous crime. He threw livestock carcasses upstream of our army camp, causing a large number of soldiers in our Tang army to be infected with the plague."

"Fortunately, His Highness the King of Han has superb medical skills and saved these Tang soldiers."

"But we will never let go of Huizhen, the culprit."

"Tomorrow at noon, at the Xicai Shikou execution ground, we will publicly behead Huizhen."

"If anyone is willing to come and watch then, you can go by yourself."

"In addition, you have spies under Yuan Gaisuwen. Go back and tell him that daring to invade our territory of the Tang Dynasty will be the biggest mistake he will make in his life." Cheng Chumo shouted with a crowd of people in Shacheng who were watching.

After shouting these words, Cheng Chumo turned and left.

They saw Qin Huaiyu and Li Ke facing them.

"Why are you here? Have you visited Huizhen?" Cheng Chumo waved his hands to the people behind him, indicating that they should continue posting notices.

And he walked up to the two of them.

"I've seen it. That guy really wants to live, but he no longer has this chance." Qin Huaiyu nodded with a smile.

Thinking that he could kill Huizhen tomorrow, Qin Huaiyu felt extremely happy.

"Well, I'm almost done here. The three of us will have something to eat and drink on the street here to celebrate in advance!" Cheng Chumo said to the two of them.

"Then do you want to inform Zhao Da? You can't leave him alone in the Yamen." Qin Huaiyu and Cheng Chumo asked.

"That's okay. We haven't had a drink together for a long time. Let's just celebrate this time." Cheng Chumo nodded.

He deliberately didn't mention inviting Zhao Chen just now because he was worried that Qin Huaiyu still had a grudge in his heart.

However, Qin Huaiyu took the initiative to invite Zhao Chen, which made Cheng Chumo feel relieved.

Although he was reluctant to go out for a walk, he couldn't stand Cheng Chumo's insistence.

Zhao Chen changed into light clothes and went to a restaurant in Shacheng with Cheng Chumo. .??.

Qin Huaiyu and Li Ke have prepared meals and are waiting.

As soon as they saw Zhao Chen coming over, the two of them immediately greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Zhao Da, you are too slow. The wine I warmed just now has gone cold." Qin Huaiyu complained to Zhao Chen with a smile.

"That's right, I'm hungry. You're so full that you don't know how hungry you are. You don't rush to order good wine and food!" Li Ke also took over the conversation and quickly pulled Zhao Chen to sit down at the main seat.

"Is it that exaggerated? I didn't stop all the way." Zhao Chen said to the two of them with a smile.

"You didn't stop, but you walked slowly. Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Let's have a drink first!"

"Celebrate our victory this time." Li Ke and Zhao Chen poured a glass of wine, then raised the glass and greeted Zhao Chen.

"This time

You have made a great victory, and you have put in a lot of effort. I should respect you. "Zhao Chen stood up and said to the three people in front of him.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu both stood up, raised their glasses with Zhao Chen and said, "Zhao Da, we won't say anything that should be said or shouldn't be said now. We were able to capture Huizhen this time and save our Tang Dynasty soldiers, all because of you."

"No matter what, we are still the best brothers."

"Come, let's drink this cup together!"

"Of course, no matter what, our relationship will not change!" Zhao Chen also raised his glass, signaled to a few people, and drank it all in one gulp.

Cheng Chumo and others also drank the wine in one gulp.

"Okay, everyone, sit down. Since today is a celebration banquet, let's just drink and eat without thinking about anything else." Zhao Chen asked a few people to sit down and then said with a smile.

"Then we won't be polite. Zhao Da, you must be prepared to spend a lot of money today!" Cheng Chumo chuckled, then grabbed a big leg of lamb and gnawed on it.

The oil stains on his face made him look a little funny.

Qin Huaiyu doesn't put on any pretense now, and he has no image at all when eating.

Perhaps because he had been at the border for too long, Qin Huaiyu's personality also changed.

It does have the roughness of some military generals.

That guy Li Ke has no image at all, as if a prisoner who had been in prison for several years saw a beautiful girl.

His eyes lit up when he looked at the dishes in front of him.

After eating for half an hour, these guys looked satisfied, holding their bellies and half leaning on the table.

"It's great, I haven't felt this comfortable in a long time!" Cheng Chumo patted his belly and picked his teeth with a toothpick.

"Hiccup -" Qin Huaiyu just burped for a long time, then looked at Zhao Chen and asked, "Zhao Da, what are our plans next?"

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