The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1558 I’m afraid it won’t be more than a month

Many Goguryeo officials agreed one after another, but it is really not sure who will seriously implement Yeon Gaesumun's order.

Yeon Gaesumun himself also knew that he could only try his best to let these officials perform their duties as much as possible.

Huizhen's army suddenly retreated, and Huizhen himself was captured by the Tang army. These things caught Yuengai Suwen by surprise.

Yuan Gaisuwen originally wanted to avoid conflict with the Tang army for the time being.

First deal with matters in your own country, and then move to other countries.

But the plan of things always fails to keep up with the changes. Now that something like this happened, Yeon Gaesowun had to personally lead the troops to the border.

Although Yuengai Suwen only played against Zhao Chen a few times, he knew Zhao Chen fairly well.

Zhao Chen will never give up easily. If he doesn't go to the border to guard, it won't be long before Zhao Chen takes the initiative to attack his city in Goguryeo.

Once Zhao Chen takes the initiative to launch an attack, there are many things that he cannot deal with.

I can't wait until that time, otherwise it will be too late. .??.

After leaving the main hall, Yeon Gaesumun summoned Gai Yexin.

Gai Yexin is the younger brother of Yuan Gaesumun. Since Yuan Kaisuwen became the commander-in-chief of Goguryeo, Gai Yexin has also become more and more powerful and has a lot of say in the Goguryeo court.

Of course he is from Yeon Gae So Moon’s side.

Otherwise, Yeon Gaesumun would not have chosen to let him control the entire Goguryeo court on his behalf at this time.

"Brother!" Gai Yexin came to Yuan Gaisuwen and shouted to him.

Yeon Gaesumun raised his head and his eyes fell on Gai Yexin’s face.

"Do you know why I came to you today?" Yuan Gaisuwen and Gai Yexin asked.

"Is it because of what happened in the court today?" Gai Yexin asked.

Yeon Gaesumun nodded.

"You have also seen the previous situation. Most officials are not convinced of the current situation.

We all have a pessimistic attitude. Something happened to Huizhen, and now we are in unprecedented trouble. "

"Zhao Chen of the Tang Dynasty is another radical. If I don't lead troops to confront the border, I'm afraid that within a month, the Tang army will have to fight outside our capital."

"But the affairs in the court have not been settled yet, and there are still many people who are against us openly or covertly. If I leave, they will definitely make trouble."

"But I can't stay here, so everything in the court will be up to you."

"I hope you can help me guard this rear area." Yeon Gaesumun slowly said to Gai Yexin in front of him.

Yeon Gaesumun really had no choice, otherwise he would never let go of the court that had been dealt with at this time and run to the front line.

Doing so is extremely dangerous.

Once Gai Yesin fails to handle matters here, it will most likely lead to a situation where Gai Suwen will lose everything.

But now Yeon Gaesumun himself has no choice.

"Brother, don't worry. As long as I am still alive, I will definitely help my brother to guard the capital. But my brother himself, Zhao Chen has many tricks, so I must pay attention to my safety." Gai Yexin and Yeon Gaesumun said.

The relationship between the two of them is pretty good, especially at this time, both of them realize that they are facing a crisis at this moment.

So they all started to worry about each other.

Yeon Gaesumun just nodded and said nothing. No one could predict what would happen next.

Chang'an City.

The emperor was sitting in Ganquan Hall, handling court affairs.

The emperor was a little worried. Zhao Chen had led his troops to the front line for so long without even a decent battle report.

Send it back to yourself.

Thinking of his original agreement with Zhao Chen, the emperor couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, the border frontline is not a kind place. Facing the eyeing Goguryeo army, Zhao Chen's life may be in danger at any time.

Although there are many people around Zhao Chen protecting him, no matter how strict the protection is, there will always be times when they are neglected.

When Zhao Chen was in Chang'an, the emperor wanted him to go to the front line and win the bet with hundreds of officials.

But Zhao Chen now went to the front line, and the emperor was worried about him again.

Queen Changsun has been asking for news about Zhao Chen for several days, but the emperor himself has no news, so how can he tell Queen Changsun.

Thinking of Empress Changsun's sad face, the emperor's heart became more worried.

"Your Majesty, you have been dealing with state affairs for several hours. It is almost dark outside. Why don't you take a rest and have some snacks first." The eunuch and the emperor who were waiting with you suggested.

"Send the snacks to the queen. I can't eat them for the time being." The emperor shook his head.

He has no intention of eating these things now.

If he could know the news from the front line, he would probably have a big appetite.

"The Queen has sent someone to deliver a copy. Are you worried about His Highness the King of Han?" the eunuch said to the emperor, and then asked in a low voice.

The emperor raised his head, then shook his head slightly.

"There has been no news from the King of Han for so long. I am really worried." The emperor said slowly.

This man is so strange.

When she was around, she wished he would stay far away from her, but now that he is really not around, she misses him very much.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Your Highness, the King of Han, is thoughtful and resourceful. He will definitely be fine. Maybe the battle report of the great victory on the front line is already being sent to the long road." The eunuch comforted the emperor with a smile.


The emperor just smiled and said nothing.

Just as I was about to reach out for a cup of tea, someone hurried in outside.

"Your Majesty, good news, good news from the front line!" The person coming was Zuo Pu She Wei Zheng.

At this moment, Wei Zheng's face was full of excitement.

At first glance, there is great news to tell the emperor.

The emperor had some expectations in his heart, but he still asked cautiously: "Where is the good news, Gaochang or Goguryeo?"

Today, there are two battlefields in Datang.

One is Gaochang, and the other is Goguryeo.

Li Jing led an army to help resist the Tibetans in Gaochang, while Zhao Chen led an army to resist Goguryeo in Shacheng.

The emperor couldn't tell for a while which side Wei Zheng was referring to.

"Of course it's Shacheng!" Wei Zheng said with excitement.


"Read the good news to me!" As soon as he heard that it was the good news from Shacheng, the emperor immediately became interested.

Instead of reading it himself, he just asked Wei Zhengnian to read it to him.

Wei Zheng did not refuse, and immediately opened the Shacheng victory report in his hand.

"You are destined by fate, and you are in harmony with the emperor. Your Majesty will not treat your ministers as rash, but will reward them with great responsibilities. Your talents are sparse, your knowledge is shallow, and you sigh in sorrow all night long, and you dare not be negligent in the slightest."

"The emirate is so arrogant that it suppresses our Tang Dynasty city with 50,000 troops, and spreads plagues to water sources. There are so many things here that it is difficult to write down."

"Fortunately, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty worked together to save the building from falling, and killed the enemy chief out of anger. Qin Huaiyu, the Duke of Hu State, captured the enemy general Huizhen in person."

"Thirty thousand enemy soldiers have recognized the truth and surrendered to our great army of the Tang Dynasty!"

"In this battle, we, the Tang Dynasty, defeated the weak and the strong, outnumbered and outnumbered, and used fierce means to counterattack the enemy's conspiracy."

"At that time, in order to frighten the enemy country and boost the morale of the Tang Dynasty, the enemy general Huizhen was beheaded to show the public..."

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