The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1563 Considerations about the future

The emperor was already in a bit of a dilemma now.

The officials who had not supported Zhao Chen very much now followed Wei Zheng's words.

Tai Chi Hall, which was originally quiet, now became as noisy as a vegetable market.

The emperor's face looked a little ugly.

He now wants to give Shang Wei Zheng a fierce competition. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be in such a difficult position now.

Now the emperor himself doesn't know whether he should let Zhao Chen return to Chang'an.

It would be easy for me to let Zhao Chen come back to Chang'an, but what about Goguryeo?

I finally let Zhao Chen lead the troops to the border front this time. Now that I have him back, what will I do if something happens to the border in the future?

Yeon Gae Suwen is not a good person, and now the good Zhao Chen is on the front line, so he can be suppressed.

Coupled with the current internal instability in Goguryeo, Yeon Gaesumun only behaved with his tail between his legs.

Otherwise, the border to the northeast of Datang would not be so stable.

It was easy to call Zhao Chen back, but if there was another war on the border in the future, he would have no reason to let Zhao Chen go to war.

That guy Zhao Chen is not so easy to instigate.

"Your Majesty, I and others all feel that His Highness the King of Han should be allowed to return to Chang'an and explain this matter clearly."

"After all, it is related to the reputation of the Tang Dynasty outside the country. If the Tang Dynasty is really the first to start the war, at least let His Highness the King of Han explain the matter." The officials were still persuading the emperor to call Zhao Chen back to Chang'an.

Fang Xuanling stood aside and watched the emperor's face gradually darken.

Fang Xuanling couldn't clearly see the situation in front of her.

The emperor didn't want Zhao Chen to come back to Chang'an. After all, this matter was related to the emperor's previous bet with hundreds of officials.

Once Zhao Chen returns to Chang'an, the previous bet between the officials and the emperor may be void.

The emperor wanted all officials to obey him and made Zhao Chen the crown prince.

But many officials are unwilling.

This is why the emperor's face is getting ugly at this moment

s reason.

"Your Majesty, I heard from the Ministry of War yesterday that our Tang army is currently confronting Tibet in Gaochang. It would be better to invite His Highness the King of Han to come back to Chang'an."

"If His Highness the King of Han cannot explain this clearly, Your Majesty can ask His Highness the King of Han to go to Gaochang to lead the army." Fang Xuanling and the emperor suddenly came up with an idea.

The emperor had previously told Fang Xuanling about Wu Jue's letter to him.

If Zhao Chen is willing to go to Gaochang to help Wu Jue.

Wu Jue promised the emperor that he could help him capture Gaochang.

Fang Xuanling said this because he wanted the emperor to solve the current matter and capture Gaochang Kingdom.

Gaochang was an extremely important region for the Tang Dynasty.

If Gaochang can be captured, Tibet will be completely blocked from the road to the east.

If the Tang Dynasty wanted to do so, it could deal with Tibet at any time.

In terms of the entire Tang Dynasty strategy, Gaochang was obviously much more important than Goguryeo.

Tubo is an important passage to the Western Regions. If it can be captured by the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty will have complete control over the initiative.

As soon as the emperor heard Fang Xuanling talk about this matter, he immediately understood Fang Xuanling's intention.

At present, half of the officials have begun to talk about letting Zhao Chen come back. If the emperor does not agree, it may be difficult to convince everyone.

As for letting Zhao Chen go to Gaochang, the emperor still had a way.

Didn't Zhao Chen not want Wu Jue to go to Gaochang before? He just needed to allow Zhao Chen to bring Wu Jue back.

Even if Zhao Chen doesn't want to, won't Li Ruoshuang turn a deaf ear to him?

What's more, there is Queen Changsun.

It would be better if I didn't ask Empress Changsun to persuade me when the time comes.

Anyway, Wu Jue said before that as long as Zhao Chen goes to Gaochang, she can help

With the Tang Dynasty, Gaochang was captured.

Fang Xuanling's suggestion really gave the emperor a good solution.

The emperor thought that Fang Xuanling was more reliable, unlike Wei Zheng, an old guy who would misinterpret his meaning.

"What the Prime Minister said makes sense. In this case, he will pass on my decree and let the King of Han come back from Shacheng." The emperor waved his hand and said to the officials.

The officials who were originally worried that the emperor would not let Zhao Chen come back to Chang'an no matter what happened, suddenly heard the emperor say this, and they all froze in place.

They never thought that the emperor would suddenly be so easy to talk to.

Thinking about the suggestions made by Fang Xuanling and the emperor just now, it is actually not that strange.

And he still asked Zhao Chen to go to Gaochang.

This was something that was beyond the reach of eight poles, but the emperor still agreed to it.

All the officials couldn't figure it out.

But now that the emperor has agreed to their request, everyone has to call him a sage.

After the emperor withdrew from the court, he immediately sent someone to deliver the news of summoning Zhao Chen back to Chang'an.

It will take at least three months from the time the message is sent to Zhao Chen's return.

During this time, the emperor had to make good preparations to capture Gaochang.

As soon as the emperor entered Ganquan Hall, Fang Xuanling followed him.

"I am very satisfied with the Prime Minister's suggestion today." The emperor glanced at Fang Xuanling, and then said with a smile.

Fang Xuanling slightly cupped his hands, and then said: "Your Majesty, this is a God-given opportunity. Unless Your Highness, the King of Han, does not go, Gaochang will not be captured."

"I never thought that a mere teenage girl from Wujue could hold great power in Gaochang."

"But if Your Majesty asks the King of Han to go to Gaochang, aren't you worried that the King of Han will make Wu Jue return to Chang'an as a condition?"

"What Wu Jue did in Gaochang made everyone understand that she was not a simple character.

, if she returns to Chang'an in the future, if she has ulterior motives..."

Fang Xuanling did not finish what he said, but the emperor could also hear the meaning.

Wu Jue was able to control the Gaochang court in Gaochang, which shows that he was quite capable.

If Wu Jue is allowed to return to Chang'an, the situation in Gaochang may be repeated in the Tai Chi Hall in the future.

If the Tang Dynasty's court fell into the hands of a woman, wouldn't they all be a joke?

"Then what do you think?" The emperor narrowed his eyes and asked Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling shook his head.

The best way is to nip the danger in the bud.

But if it were to deal with Wu Jue, how could Zhao Chen agree?

Fang Xuanling would not choose to be Zhao Chen's enemy.

He came here just to give the emperor a heads up.

As for what the emperor will choose in the future, that is beyond his control.

"Boy Chen cares about Wu Jue very much. The last time King Gaochang married Wu Jue, Zhao Chen had already warned King Gaochang in front of me."

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to deal with Wu Jue."

"If anything happens to Wu Jue, I will definitely be suspected by Boy Chen. I want Boy Chen to be the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, not my enemy." The emperor shook his head.

In fact, the emperor also felt in his heart that with Zhao Chen here, Wu Jue would not dare to have other ideas.

Even if she does, Zhao Chen can control her at any time.

The only thing that worries the emperor is that he may not be able to see the day when Zhao Chen can no longer control Wu Jue.

In the Tang Dynasty, who can suppress this guy Wu Jue?

"Your Majesty, I should say something that I shouldn't say. Your Highness the King of Han is older than Wu Jue. If one day in the future His Highness the King of Han is no longer here..." Fang Xuanling said this and stopped the topic again.

Then he cupped his hands with the emperor and turned to leave.

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