The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1566 You’d better explain it

When Zhao Chen returned to his house, Li Ruoshuang had been waiting eagerly at the door. Xiao Ping An had grown a lot taller.

He was already very fluent when he spoke.

"Dad." As soon as Zhao Chen got off the carriage, Xiao Ping An opened his hands and rushed towards Zhao Chen with excitement on his face.

"The little guy has grown taller again!" Zhao Chen lifted up Xiaopingan and spun it around in the air several times.

Li Ruoshuang on the side couldn't help but feel a little sour in her eyes when she saw this scene.

Although they were not separated for too long, the danger at the border was not something Li Ruoshuang could ignore at all.

Every night Xiaopingan would ask when daddy would be back. Many times Li Ruoshuang didn't know how to answer him.

But fortunately, Zhao Chen came back today.

"Why are you still crying?" Zhao Chen came to Li Ruoshuang holding Xiao Ping An and gently wiped away the hot tears on Li Ruoshuang's cheeks.

"It's okay, sand got into my eyes!" Li Ruoshuang has always been strong, so how could she express her longing for Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen did not continue to ask, but gently held Li Ruoshuang's head in his arms.

"Are you going to go on an expedition?" Li Ruoshuang looked into Zhao Chen's eyes in Zhao Mansion, her tone more or less unhappy.

"There was civil strife in Gaochang, and Tubo was eyeing him. I went over to bring Wu Xu back from Gaochang." Zhao Chen explained.

But Li Ruoshuang didn't want to hear this at all.

He only knew that in the past two years, Zhao Chen was either on an expedition or on the way to an expedition.

Every time they go out, the battle is very fierce, and if you are not careful, you may never see them again.

At this time, there is civil strife in Gaochang, and the three countries of Tang and Tubo are fighting together. The situation will be more serious than ever.

Zhao Chen finally returned from the border, how could Li Ruoshuang be willing to let him take this risk again.

Moreover, Zhao Chen is the prince of the Tang Dynasty. Although the officials have not recognized it yet, this fact cannot be changed at this time.


Your majestic prince, must you be the frontline coach?

If Zhao Chen becomes their emperor in the future, will he have to go to the front line again and again like this?

Li Ruoshuang couldn't figure it out and didn't want to think about it at all.

No matter what, he will not let Zhao Chen go to Gaochang this time.

"Zhao Chen, I will leave you a message now. If you go to Gaochang, I will take Xiaopingan away." Li Ruoshuang said through gritted teeth.

Zhao Chen didn't say anything. He knew that Li Ruoshuang was worried about his own safety, so he threatened him with such a thing.

But if he doesn't go to Gaochang, what will Wu Xu do?

"Dad, are we going to pick up Aunt Wu Xu?" Xiaopingan held his chin and looked at Zhao Chen curiously.

"You and your mother stay at home..."

"No, after dad left, mom stood at the door and looked outside every day. Ping An asked mom what she was looking at. Mom said she was waiting for dad to come back."

"Ping An asked when Daddy will come back. Mom told Ping An that Daddy will be back soon. If Daddy doesn't come back, Yang will take Ping An with him to find Daddy." Xiao Ping An's childish voice sounded.

Li Ruoshuang's eyes turned red again, but she stubbornly refused to shed tears.

The conversation between the three of them ended unhappily.

Lying in the room at night, Xiaopingan sat on Zhao Chen's belly, and Li Ruoshuang sat at the table, staring blankly at the candlelight in front of her.

"Ruoshuang, Wu Xu is in danger over there..."

"Compared to Wu Xu, I care more about your safety!" Li Ruoshuang suddenly looked over and her tone was extremely firm.

"If you really want to go, I will take Xiao Ping'an with you. I don't want to stay in the capital and wait agonizingly again.

You, even if we all die outside one day, I don't want to be so scared that I can't sleep every night. "

"Look at Xiaopingan again. He is so old, but how much time do you spend with him?"

"The Tang Dynasty is not yours alone. You also have your family, your wife, and your daughter." Li Ruoshuang shed tears as she spoke.

Today, he is no longer the rampant and fearless madwoman he once was.

He hopes that his little family can be harmonious and beautiful.

Instead of the male head of the family going to Goguryeo today, he will go to Gaochang Kingdom tomorrow.

Zhao Chen looked at Xiao Ping'an who was sleeping on his stomach. He also knew that he owed a lot to Li Ruoshuang and his daughter.

But many things are simply not his choice.

If he could choose, he would rather go back to the tavern and live an ordinary life.

But a pair of invisible hands pushed him forward, and there was no way ordinary people could resist.

"You yourself know that Gaochang Country is very dangerous, otherwise why wouldn't you dare to take our mother and daughter there." Li Ruoshuang said again.

"It's very dangerous there and the situation is unknown. We are not traveling. At any time..."

"Okay, it's very late, you should go to bed early!" Li Ruoshuang suddenly stood up and interrupted Zhao Chen.

He picked up the sleeping little peace and went to another room.

The night was eerily quiet.

When Zhao Chen returned to Beijing, all officials would naturally want to hear Zhao Chen personally tell him the reasons for launching a war against Goguryeo.

Early the next morning, there were hundreds of officials in the Tai Chi Hall.

But there was no trace of Zhao Chen.

After the emperor inquired, he found out that Zhao Chen had not gotten up yet at three o'clock in the morning.

"Your Majesty, the battle with Goguryeo is related to the reputation of the Tang Dynasty. Do you want His Highness the King of Han to come to see you immediately?" an official said.

"Yes, Man Runtian has always said that the Tang Dynasty was rude and started the war first. His Highness the King of Han should be asked to explain the reason as soon as possible."

"His Highness the King of Han is very competitive. There is no guarantee that this battle is not His Highness the fault of the Han King. But even if it is His Highness the Han King's fault, we should think of a solution in advance and give Man Runtian a reasonable explanation."

Naturally, the emperor didn't like to hear what the courtiers said, but the emperor couldn't pretend that nothing mattered.

Now that Zhao Chen has returned, let him explain this matter to everyone.

"Go and invite the King of Han!" The emperor waved his hand.

It was almost noon when Zhao Chen came over, and the emperor even asked all the officials to have breakfast in the side hall.

Many officials were extremely dissatisfied with Zhao Chen's behavior and believed that he had no rules at all.

But when Zhao Chen stood in the Tai Chi Hall, no one dared to question Zhao Chen on the spot.

The Tai Chi Hall was quiet, and everyone could feel that Zhao Chen was different today than in the past.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, since His Highness the King of Han is now here, I would like to ask His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang to let His Highness the King of Han explain the reason for the attack on Goguryeo."

"I, the people of Goguryeo, all respect His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty very much, but why are they treated like this?" Man Runtian was prostrate in the center of the Taiji Hall, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Your Highness the King of Han, you'd better explain it!"

"Yes, Your Highness the King of Han, this matter is of great importance. No matter what, you must give an explanation, right?"

In the Taiji Hall, officials were already following Man Runtian's words.

Obviously Man Runtian is not fighting alone. In the past two months, he has indeed done a lot of activities.


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