The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1574 Xiao Wu, you have lost weight

"General Luo Xi, your majesty came out and ordered the general to be careful of the Tang army's sneak attack from behind!" Luo Xi also quickly received the news, and the person who came to deliver the order was Lu Dongzan himself.

The moment she saw Lu Dongzan, Luo Xi was also a little stunned.

Lu Dongzan's personal visit made him understand how much Songtsan cadres valued Zhao Chen.

"Why is the Prime Minister here in person? Please sit down quickly!" Luo Xi hurriedly welcomed Lu Dongzan into the tent.

"Hou Junji said that Zhao Chen is a cunning man and there is a great possibility that he will lead the army to go around the rear of our army and conduct a surprise attack."

"Your Majesty asked me to come here in person because he wanted to tell General Luo Xi not to be careless." Lu Dongzan spoke eloquently.

He had been to Datang before and knew Zhao Chen very well.

Although Songtsen Gampo was cautious, Ludongtsen felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary it is necessary. ??

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. As early as the arrival of the Tang Dynasty army, I have already sent troops to control the situation along the way. As long as traces of the Tang army are found, someone will report them immediately."

"There are news coming out every day these days. Not even a single person in the troops sent out has been assassinated, so I think Zhao Chen may still be on his way in some mountain nook."

"And I have laid a dragnet in the army. As long as Zhao Chen dares to come, no matter how many people he comes, they will die in my hands." Luo Xi was very confident and did not take Zhao Chen seriously at all.

Although Luo Xi felt a little blind and arrogant, Lu Dongzan was relieved to hear that he was prepared.

Despising your enemies is a good way to boost your own confidence.

"As long as General Losey knows the stakes."

"Your Majesty said, leave me here to assist General Luo Xi." Lu Dongzan's words made Luo Xi feel unhappy.

What does it mean to stay here to assist him? It is obvious that Songtsen Gampo does not trust him.

But it doesn't matter. When he takes down Zhao Chen, everyone will know how powerful he is.

"Queen, reinforcements from the Tang Dynasty are here." This simple sentence made Wu Xu's heart beat violently.

The reinforcements from the Tang Dynasty are coming, so Zhao Chen must be coming too.

Wu Xu stood up, with an unclear expression on his face.

After taking a deep breath, Wu Xu slowly asked: "Who is leading the army?"

At this moment, Wu Xu felt nervous and expectant.

I was afraid that the person coming was Zhao Chen, but I was also afraid that it wasn't.

Even now, he hasn't figured out how to face Zhao Chen.

"Reporting to the Queen, the leader is Niu Jinda..."

"Niu Jinda?" Wu Xu's expression changed slightly: "Where is Zhao Chen, hasn't he come?"

"I don't know, but Li Ruoshuang, the wife of the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, and her daughter Zhao Ping'an are here!"

"What?" The guard's words shocked Wu Xu even more.

Zhao Chen didn't come, but Li Ruoshuang and Xiao Ping'an came?

How is this going?

"Queen, they will arrive in the capital in two days. Should we send someone to meet them?" the guard asked again.

At this moment, Wu Xu was already feeling uneasy.

He wanted to cooperate with Hou Junji, leave Zhao Chen in Gaochang State, and stay and fly with Zhao Chen.

But now Li Ruoshuang came with Xiao Ping'an, and Wu Xu didn't know how to face the two of them.

She was plotting against Li Ruoshuang behind her back, but Li Ruoshuang brought her daughter to take her back!

"Queen?" the guard called softly.

Wu Xu finally came back to his senses and suppressed the strange emotions in his heart: "I understand. I will send someone to meet him outside the city in two days."

Right now

He didn't know how to face Li Ruoshuang, and Wu Xu also knew that he couldn't retreat.

Because he didn't know how Zhao Chen and Li Shimin would deal with him after he returned.

When everything was unclear, he could only protect himself.

"Are you scared?" Li Yuanji's voice sounded behind him.

Li Yuanji was actually there when Hou Junji came, but he was just hiding in the back hall.

The purpose was to prevent Hou Junji from suddenly killing Wu Xu.

What Li Yuanji didn't expect was that Wu Xu agreed to join forces with Hou Junji.

These things have nothing to do with him, Li Yuanji. As for Zhao Chen, Wu Xu won't harm him anyway. As long as Zhao Chen's life is safe, then why should he, Li Yuanji, interfere.

"What am I afraid of!" Wu Xu turned back with a cold face.

"Li Ruoshuang treats you well. When Zhao Chen wanted to deal with you, Li Ruoshuang was always there to protect you."

"Li Ruoshuang is like a mother and a sister to you. You want to keep Zhao Chen by your side, but you don't want to turn against Li Ruoshuang."

"So you're scared now..."

"It's impossible. I'm grateful to Li Ruoshuang, but I hate him at the same time. If he hadn't gotten there first, I wouldn't have been thrown away." Wu Xu was a little excited.

He didn't want to believe Li Yuanji's words that he didn't want to hurt Wea Xiu.

Li Yuanji smiled slightly and did not argue with Wu Xu about the matter.

If Zhao Chen did not lead a large army to the capital of Gaochang, he must have gone to deal with the main force of Tibet.

"Zhao Chen should be dealing with the main force of Tibet now, and the most likely one is the Luoxi army west of Yanmen Pavilion. Aren't you going to tell Songtsen Gampo the news?" Li Yuanji looked at Wu Xu with a smile, I don’t know what he meant by saying this.

"If I remember correctly, you have a good relationship with Zhao Chen, otherwise you wouldn't have agreed to come here.

Protect me for a year. "

"Then what you said today makes me feel that you want Zhao Chen to die!" Wu Xu glared at Li Yuanji, his tone a little cold.

He couldn't figure out why Li Yuanji seemed to suddenly want to deal with Zhao Chen with him.

Li Yuanji just smiled lightly and didn't explain anything to Wu Xu.

Two days later, Niu Jinda led 30,000 Tang reinforcements to appear outside the capital of Gaochang.

Wu Xu was dressed luxuriously, and behind him were hundreds of civil and military officials from the Gaochang Kingdom.

She is completely different from the little girl back then.

Li Ruoshuang was riding on horseback, holding Xiao Ping An in her arms.

From a distance, Wu Xu could be seen standing at the front.

"Mother, it's Sister Xiaowu." Nearly a year later, Xiaopingan still remembers the Wu Xu who held him in his arms.

Struggling to leave Li Ruoshuang's arms.

Li Ruoshuang's eyes turned red when she saw Wu Xu. Although he was worried about Zhao Chen, he was also worried about Wu Xu.

A teenage girl is alone in a foreign country thousands of miles away, with no one to rely on.

You can imagine how difficult his life was.

"Xiao Wu!"

"Sister Xiaowu!"

Li Ruoshuang jumped off the horse holding Xiao Ping An, and Xiao Ping An also shouted.

Looking at the familiar face, it was Wu Xu who had practiced the scene of meeting again thousands of times. At this moment, his expression was slightly moved and his eyes were slightly red.

"Sister Ruoshuang!"

"Little peace!"

Wu Xu took two steps forward, and Xiao Ping'an stumbled into Wu Xu's arms.

Li Ruoshuang stood in front of Wu Xu, with tears in her eyes: "Xiao Wu, you have lost weight!"

A simple sentence "You have lost weight" made Wu Xu burst into tears instantly.

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