The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1582: All officers, big and small, are all covered in plain clothes

"Your Majesty, good news, General Luo Xi is back!" Songtsan cadres were worried about the situation west of Yanmen Pavilion when they suddenly heard the good news coming from outside.

Songtsan cadres felt a little strange. When Luo Xi came back, who would lead the army?

It's unreasonable that Lu Dongzan hasn't heard back from him for so long.

"Did Luo Xi say anything when he came back?" Songtsen Gampo asked calmly.

"General Luo Xi said that they killed Zhao Chen!"


"He killed Zhao Chen!"

"You are talking about Zhao Chen, the King of Han Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty!" Songtsen Gampo was shocked when he heard this and immediately stood up from his position.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

He was still thinking about the battle with the Tang Dynasty just now. The biggest threat to him came from the Han King of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Chen.

Back then, he fought in Songzhou City and his 200,000 troops were defeated by Zhao Chen.

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, he would have led the Tubo army to march straight into the Tang Dynasty.

But Cadre Songtsan never expected that he would receive news today that Luo Xi had killed Zhao Chen.

"General Luo Xi said it was indeed Zhao Chen, King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty!" the soldier who came to report the news said quickly.

"Quick, go and invite Luo Xi in. I want to question him!" Cadre Songtsan was impatient.

Luo Xi was quickly invited into the tent. Luo Xi felt a little nervous, but soon calmed down. Anyway, only Luo Xi knew about this matter. As long as he didn't say anything, Zhao Chen would die.

"My subordinates pay homage to His Majesty the King!" Luo Xi entered the tent and knelt down in front of Songtsan cadres.

"General Luo Xi, please get up quickly!" Songtsen Gampo excitedly helped Luo Xi up.

Being able to kill Zhao Chen, Luo Xi was definitely his biggest contributor to Tubo.

He Songtsan cadre also has to thank Luo Xi.

"Just now

The soldiers came to report that the general killed Zhao Chen? "Leader Songtsan still doesn't believe it.

That was Zhao Chen, who was killed by Luo Xi?

He felt that some people were not trustworthy.

Even Songtsan cadre himself didn't think Luo Xi could kill Zhao Chen.

"Reporting to His Majesty the King, Zhao Chen led 10,000 cavalry to attack our army. His subordinates personally led the army to pursue and intercept them, and finally killed them on a hillside."

"However, after Zhao Chen died, his body fell off the cliff and could not be found. Only the sweaty horse he was riding was left behind!" Luo Xi said slowly, but his eyes were secretly looking at Songtsan cadres.

He was worried that Songtsen Gumbo would pursue the matter, but Losi's worry was obviously unnecessary.

Looking at the red sweat horse outside the camp, Songtsan cadre felt indescribably happy.

Even the war horse was lost, how could Zhao Chen still be alive?

"Okay, okay!" Songtsen Gampo said several good words in succession, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

Zhao Chen finally died, and his Songtsan cadre finally got what he wanted.

"General Luo Xi killed Zhao Chen, which was a great achievement. Where is the Prime Minister Lu Dongzan? Why hasn't he come back?" Songtsan's cadre asked about Lu Dongzan's situation.

Luo Xi also felt relieved, knowing that his words had been believed by Songtsen Gampo.

Hearing that Songtsen Gampo asked about Lu Dongzan's situation, Luo Xi pretended to be sad again: "Prime Minister... Prime Minister, he was killed by Zhao Chen!"

When he heard that Lu Dongtsan died, Songtsen Gampo couldn't help but be stunned. The sadness on his face flashed across his face, and then he slowly said, "The Prime Minister died for the country, and he is the hero of Tibet."

"I am ordering the three armies, all officers and men, big and small, to be clothed in silk clothing and to bury the prime minister with a rich burial."

"Everyone who participated in the killing of General Zhao Chen will be rewarded. General Luo Xi will temporarily act as Prime Minister."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Luo Xi was ecstatic.

Not only did he not suffer any losses this time, he actually gained himself the position of Prime Minister.

This is the legitimate second person from Tubo.

Hou Junji felt a little strange that Zhao Chen was killed by Luo Xi like this?

What's even more strange is that Luo Xi didn't even find Zhao Chen's body.

This makes no sense.

Hou Junji thought that Luo Xi was deceiving Songtsen Gampo.

In particular, the granary of the 100,000-strong army was burned down and tens of thousands of Tibetan soldiers died. This sounds a bit strange.

Hou Junji was still worried. If Gaochang Wuxu learned about Zhao Chen's death, would he continue to cooperate with them?

Wu Xu wanted Zhao Chen to live, but now that Zhao Chen was dead, the situation on Wu Xu's side became unclear again.

Hou Junji found Songtsan Gampo, and now he must block the news from Gaochang, otherwise Wu Xu might stab them in the back if he knew about it.

Or directly lead the troops to annex Gaochang, so as to avoid future troubles.

"Your Majesty the King, the news about Zhao Chen's death must not be publicized to the outside world. Otherwise, once Gaochang Wuxu knows about it, our cooperation will inevitably break down!" The first time Hou Junji saw Songtsan's cadre, he immediately contacted Songtsan. Ganbu ordered.

At this time, Songtsen Gampo was still immersed in the joy of Zhao Chen's death, and he didn't think so much about it. He had already spread the news. "General Hou said it was too late. He wanted to spread the news to the emotional merchant." It has spread throughout the Tang Dynasty, and Wu Xu may not be able to hide it."

Hou Junji's expression changed slightly, and then he nodded slightly, feeling that this was expected.

"Since Zhao Chen is here

Death of the Tang Dynasty is just around the corner. If His Majesty Guang does not want to be attacked from both sides, he should immediately send troops to capture Gaochang at this time to prevent Gaochang from sneaking up on us from behind when we attack the Tang Dynasty. "Hou Junji suggested.

With Zhao Chen dead, Tubo naturally doesn't need any allies.

Gaochang was just a small force in front of Tubo.

Of course he would use it when he needed it, but if he didn't need it now, it wouldn't give him a chance to stab him in the back.

"General Hou is absolutely right. We should indeed do this. I will send people immediately to prepare to attack the capital of Gaochang!" Cadre Songtsen made a prompt decision.

He is also a ruthless person, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today.

When Zhao Chen woke up, it was ten days later.

The cavalry soldiers here also sweated fiercely for this.

They had no idea what was going on with Zhao Chen. It was clear that only one leg was injured, and the doctor said it was nothing serious, but he ended up sleeping for ten days.

But it worried all the Tang cavalry soldiers.

There are currently sixty people left here, and the rest are either dead or missing, but fortunately, Zhao Chen finally woke up today.

"Your Highness, King of Han, are you awake!"

"We all thought..." The Tang cavalry leader looked excited and excited.

Zhao Chen nodded slightly. He had had a very long dream in the past ten days.

In the dream, everything in this world is false, and all the people he loves and cares about are all fake.

But when he woke up, everything around him was real.

"Your Highness, are you hungry? I'll go find something to eat." The leading cavalry officer asked.

Zhao Chen shook his head and asked, "Where is this?"

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