The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1585: Open the city gate and surrender

Tai Chi Hall was eerily quiet.

Anyone could tell from the emperor's face that the military report was not what they thought, and something must have happened.

Otherwise, why would the emperor look like this?

Even when the Turkic troops came to the Wei River, they never saw the emperor like this.

Could it be that something big happened on the front line, or someone had a problem.

"Your Majesty, what big thing happened?" Fang Xuanling followed closely and asked Li Shimin.

Li Shimin put away the military report in his hand, with a look of sadness on his face, then stood up, waved to the officials and said, "I am tired, I will withdraw from the court."

He stopped again and looked at Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling, "You two are coming with me."

When Li Shimin left, all the officials in Tai Chi Hall were extremely surprised.

"Your Majesty, what's going on? You just looked sad, why did you say it's okay?" .??.

"I don't know. What happened on the front line?"

"Something must have happened, otherwise why would Your Majesty be so worried?"

"Let Prime Minister Wei and Prime Minister Fang follow us, I'm afraid there is something to explain."

"Sigh, I wonder what happened on the front lines."

The officials in the court discussed and slowly walked out of the court.

Inside the Manna Hall.

The emperor still could not hide his sadness.

He didn't understand why such a big thing happened to Zhao Chen this time.

Although Li Jing only said in his heart that something happened to Zhao Chen and his body was not found, Li Shimin could not rest assured.

If something happens to Zhao Chen, how will Li Shimin deal with himself in the future?

If he hadn't forced Zhao Chen to lead the rescue of Gao Chang, how could things like this have happened today.

Zhao Chen was unwilling to go at first, but it was Li Shimin who strongly requested it.

Li Shimin was thinking, if Queen Changsun knew about Zhao Chen's accident, what would happen to her?

What a feeling?

If she knew that Zhao Chen died because of her own persecution, what would Queen Changsun think of him?

"Your Majesty!" Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling walked into the Ganlu Hall and saw the emperor sitting on the dragon chair with a serious look on his face.

After shouting softly, the emperor slowly looked over.

Seeing the two of them, Li Shimin's eyes immediately shed tears.

Over the years, they, like themselves, have watched Zhao Chen reach where he is today step by step.

But now, something happened to Zhao Chen.

"Your Majesty, what happened on the front line?" Wei Zheng asked again, his face full of worry.

He was thinking that if something hadn't happened to Zhao Chen, if it had been anyone else, the emperor wouldn't have looked like this.

But Zhao Chen...

Wei Zheng thought to himself and hoped that things would not be as he imagined.

Fang Xuanling opened her mouth, wanting to ask something, but still no words came out.

"Xuancheng, Xuanling, the pharmacist sent a military report, Zhao Chen..." At this point, the emperor's voice was choked with sobs that he could not speak.

When Wei Zheng heard Zhao Chen, he immediately trembled, his hands trembled slightly, his throat seemed to be blocked by a stone, and he looked at the emperor tightly.

Fang Xuanling's heart suddenly suddenly opened, and she said, "Has something happened to the King of Han...?"

"The Pharmacist Army reported that Zhao Chen led 10,000 cavalry, burned the grain and grass gathered by Luo Xi's 100,000 troops, and beheaded tens of thousands of people. He was pursued by Luo Xi's army, and eventually fell off the cliff, not knowing whether he was alive or dead."

"And news came from the Tubo army that Zhao Chen is dead."

"My heart aches, I'm so sorry." Li Shimin's voice slowly sounded, and Wei Zheng felt his whole body go weak, and he collapsed on the ground.


Zhao Chen died!

Fang Xuanling felt panicked in her heart.

Zhao Chen has come all the way from the countryside to today, and he is already the future king of the Tang Dynasty.

But something happened to Zhao Chen now!

The future of the Tang Dynasty is in danger!

"Your Majesty, please don't blame yourself. We don't know whether the King of Han is alive or dead. As long as the body of the King of Han is not found, we cannot conclude that the King of Han is dead." Fang Xuanling advised Li Shimin.

Li Shimin shook his head, "Tubo has announced Zhao Chen's death. How will I treat him?"

"Your Majesty, Tubo's announcement of the death of the King of Han is nothing more than an attempt to undermine the morale of our Tang army. If your Majesty really believes it, you will really be fooled by Tubo."

"The Tibetan army of 100,000 only returned tens of thousands, so they should be more anxious than us."

"The top priority is to strictly guard this news, and also order Duke Wei to search for the King of Han with all his strength. This must not be trivial." Fang Xuanling continued to persuade Li Shimin.

Although the news was brought back by someone sent by Li Jing, Emperor Cai himself said just now that Zhao Chen fell off the cliff and was not sure whether he was alive or dead.

This does not mean that Zhao Chen is really dead.

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Li Shimin's eyes. He had great expectations for Zhao Chen and hoped that Zhao Chen could inherit his throne after a hundred years.

Zhao Chen's death was difficult for him, Li Shimin, to accept, and he was unwilling to accept it.

"Xuan Ling, I plan to go to the front line in person tomorrow to supervise the battle and look for traces of Zhao Chen..."

"Your Majesty, I will go with you!" Before Li Shimin finished speaking, Wei Zheng lay on the ground and shouted to the emperor.

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Wei Zheng and Zhao Chen have an irreversible relationship. It's hard to even describe their relationship.

This time something happened to Zhao Chen. If Wei Zheng was not allowed to go with him to find Zhao Chen's traces, Wei Zheng might not even be able to sleep well.

"Tomorrow, Xuan

Cheng and I go to the front line together. Zhao Chen is alive and everything is fine. If Zhao Chen dies, I will use all the strength of the country to personally destroy Tubo. "

"Xuanling is in charge of the court. Don't let this matter leak out, and don't talk to the queen." Li Shimin told Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling sighed slightly in her heart, and then nodded slowly, "I obey your order!"

The ministers in the DPRK all found it strange.

Yesterday the emperor looked sad, and today he will go to the front line to supervise the battle.

This unusual behavior made everyone suspicious.

But no one knows the exact news.

Early the next morning, the emperor personally led the Xuanjia Army and went straight to the front line with Wei Zheng.

"Your Majesty, Gaochang Kingdom has begun to guard against us." Luo Xi looked at the Gaochang Kingdom city in front of him and said to Songtsen Gampo with a smile.

Songtsen Gampo disagreed.

Gaochang State is already fighting among itself and is seriously lacking in strength. How can it possibly compete with its own army of more than 100,000 men?

"Don't worry, the troops of Gaochang State cannot resist us for a few days."

"Send the order. The first one to conquer the city in front of you will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins and made a general." Songtsen Gampo issued the order.

"Yes." Losi looked excited.

Immediately move forward, preparing to attack the capital of Gaochang Kingdom in front of you.

The mighty Tubo army spread across the entire plain, flying with flags, making the Gaochang Kingdom defenders on the city wall tremble.

With less than 10,000 troops, how could they resist the Tibetan army of more than 100,000 people?

This battle will ultimately be a complete defeat.

"General, the Tibetans are coming to attack the city!" The tone of the generals around him became sharp.

"Open the city gates and surrender." The leading general sighed and gave such an order helplessly.

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