The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1588 Why do you act like this?

"Why can't you keep it?"

"I have an average of 70,000 and nearly 80,000 troops, while Songtsan's cadres only have 130,000 troops, and they have just experienced a major defeat before."

"The loss is close to 70,000!"

"There are still Gaochang soldiers in the capital of Gaochang, why can't they defend it?" Li Shimin was very puzzled. He even thought that Niu Jinda was lying about the military situation.

Niu Jinda looked bitter, he didn't want the Tang army to be invincible.

But since the news of Zhao Chen's accident spread to the army, the morale of the 30,000-strong army began to waver.

Although Li Jing's 40,000-strong army was not greatly affected, Songtsan's army of cadres was invincible for half a month and successively conquered several Gaochang cities, which boosted military morale.

How could Li Jing's 40,000-strong army be the opponent of Songtsan's 130,000-strong army?

Moreover, after many Gaochang cities were captured, the original Gaochang city defenders turned to Songtsan Gampo. As a result, with the intelligence transmission from the Gaochang city defenders, it became even more difficult for them to defend the Gaochang capital!

"Your Majesty, Songtsan's cadre army has conquered several cities of Gaochang Kingdom for half a month, and its military power is at its peak. Moreover, many Gaochang Kingdom city defenders have rebelled. They have provided intelligence to Songtsan's cadres and army, and even colluded with the Gaochang Kingdom city defenders. The inside should be in harmony with the outside.”

"How can our army defend it for a long time?" Niu Jinda sighed and looked at Li Shimin helplessly.

Li Shimin was angry, but he knew that Niu Jinda was right.

This is not the Tang Dynasty, and the defenders here are not the elite of the Tang Dynasty. Everyone here may betray at a critical moment.

It's not that Niu Jinda is incompetent, but that he is forced by the situation here.

But if they don't defend the capital of Gaochang, wouldn't all their efforts here be in vain?

"I don't want to hear the news of our army's defeat."

"No matter what, we must strictly guard the capital of Gaochang Kingdom. When I came here, I had already sent a message to the defenders on the northeast front, asking them to bring half of their troops here for support!"

"We will definitely arrive within two months!"

"I must kill Songtsen Gampo and avenge Mr. Chen!" Li Shimin said firmly, his eyes unquestionable.

Niu Jinda nodded and said nothing more.

When something happened to Zhao Chen, he, Niu Jinda, felt indignant and sad. If he had been firmer and led his troops to attack Luoxi's army with Li Jing, such a thing would not have happened to Zhao Chen.

If he had not left Zhao Chen and brought his troops to the capital of Gaochang, Zhao Chen would have had 50,000 troops by his side, and his whereabouts and life and death would not be unknown like now!

"Your Majesty, the general recommends arresting Queen Wu Xu of Gaochang first!" Niu Jinda's sudden words shocked everyone.

Because they all knew that Niu Jinda treated Wu Xu as if he were his own granddaughter.

Why did he suddenly ask the emperor to arrest Wu Xu today?

Everyone was puzzled, and even the emperor himself found it incredible.

Although he resented Wu Xu in his heart, he would not arrest him here.

Everyone looked at Wu Xu, but saw that there was no change in his expression. It seemed that there was no doubt about everything Niu Jinda said.

He himself accepted this result.

But everyone couldn't figure out why this happened.

"General Niu, why is this happening?" Li Jing couldn't understand, so he took the initiative to ask.

The rest of the people also looked at Niu Jinda, waiting for his explanation.

"I have joined forces with Tubo to deal with the Tang Dynasty..."


"Are you uniting with Tibet?"

"Are you ready to deal with me, the Tang Dynasty?


Everyone's expressions changed. Li Shimin's eyes were full of anger, Wei Zheng's face was full of disbelief, and Li Jing's eyes were full of astonishment.

No one could figure out how the good-natured Wu Xu could join forces with Tubo to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

Datang sent troops to aid Gaochang.

Wu Xu actually turned against Datang?

But since they were allied with Tibet, why did Songtsen Gampo lead troops to attack the capital of Gaochang?

Is this a union breakdown? Or is it a trap for yourself?

In just one moment, Ji Ji drew his sword and placed it on Wu Xu's neck.

Wu Xu did not evade or dodge, his face was expressionless. .??.??

Li Jing looked at the emperor and saw that the emperor's face was gloomy and his eyes were stern, as if he was choosing someone to devour.

"I treat you well, why do I act like this?" Li Shimin said in a low voice with cold eyes.

"When have you ever treated me well?"

"If it weren't for you, why would I be in this situation today?"

"I originally wanted to be an obedient little maid next to Zhao Chen, and I would be happy in this life, but you, Li Shimin, don't want to marry me to the King of Gaochang."

"I am a teenage woman in a foreign country with no one around me to help me. What do you want me to do?"

"I hate it. Why can you, as the emperor, easily decide a person's future?"

"If you can do it, why can't I?"

"Not only do I want to unite with Tibet, but I also want to seize the Tang Dynasty from you and replace Li with force." Wu Xu said slowly, with a cold and stern look on his face.

Li Shimin clenched his fists tightly. He could not imagine that a woman would have such thoughts.

Replace Li with force?

"Kill him!" Li Shimin said coldly.

Wu Xu still had no expression on his face, just his eyes

He looked at Li Shimin coldly.

"Your Majesty!" Li Jing's heart tightened upon hearing this.

"Don't he like Boy Chen? Let him go with Boy Chen!" Li Shimin said again.

"Your Majesty, if Wu Xu is the king of Gaochang, if he is killed, Gaochang will definitely be in civil strife, and we will be in danger!" Niu Jinda advised Li Shimin.

At this moment, Li Shimin was already furious and couldn't bear to listen to Niu Jinda's words.

The ones he cares about most now are the Tang Dynasty, Empress Changsun, and Zhao Chen.

Wu Xu not only conspired with Tubo to plot the Tang Dynasty, but also indirectly killed Zhao Chen. How could Li Shimin let him go?

"Didn't you hear my order?" Li Shimin was furious, pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed at Wu Xu.

Wu Xu did not dodge, but looked calmly at the sword that Li Shimin was stabbing at him.


The sword struck three inches in front of Wu Xu again, but was blocked by another Yun Bao sword.

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw Li Ruoshuang holding a long sword and blocking Wu Xu's face.

It was he who blocked Li Shimin's angry sword just now.

"Li Ruoshuang!"


"Sister Ruoshuang!"

Seeing Li Ruoshuang appear, everyone's expressions changed.

Li Shimin felt angry because Li Ruoshuang actually blocked his sword from stabbing Wu Xu.

Li Jing was surprised. He was worried about why Li Ruoshuang didn't show up before, but he didn't expect that he would come to him at this moment.

Wu Xu was even more at a loss as he had never told Li Ruoshuang about Zhao Chen.

But now that Li Ruoshuang is here, he obviously already knows about Zhao Chen.

"Your Majesty, don't kill Wu Xu!" Li Ruoshuang put down his sword and looked at Li Shimin.

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