The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1592 We can only rely on ourselves

Luoxi's army withdrew like a tide, leaving only corpses on the ground and countless broken limbs.

The broken siege vehicle was still burning with blazing flames, roasting the fallen bodies.

The Tang soldiers guarding the city wall also breathed a sigh of relief.

If it hadn't been for the wave of sky-blasting cannon attacks just now, the Tibetan soldiers would probably have stormed the tower by now.

If the Tubo soldiers really attacked the tower, they would really have no chance of winning.

There are already more Tibetan soldiers than them, and their morale is high. Once they attack the tower, they will be even more crazy.

Fortunately, the Sky-Hunting Cannon played an unprecedented role and easily blocked the first wave of attacks from Luoxi's army.

"I really didn't expect that the sky-blasting cannon built by His Highness the King of Han could still save our lives."

"Yes, I just saw the Tibetan soldiers rushing to the tower. If we had been slower, or if we didn't have the sky-blasting cannon, they would have climbed up by now."

"If this really climbed up, we might really be dead!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is still powerful, but it's a pity..."


The whispers of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty reached the ears of Li Jing and Niu Jinda.

The two of them didn't say a word, just silently watching the Tibetan soldiers retreating.

I thought that if Zhao Chen was here, even if he didn't have a strategy to retreat from the enemy, he could come up with more defensive methods.

It's not like they can only rely on the few remaining cannons to suppress the enemy.

"Mr. Wei, how long can our current sky-blasting cannon last?" Niu Jinda asked Li Jing, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

If there are enough cannons, no matter how many times Luoxi's army attacks again, Niu Jinda believes that the enemy will not be able to attack the tower.

Niu Jinda hopes to blast

The sky cannon can last a few more times!

But Li Jing slowly shook his head to let Niu Jinda understand that he was just wishful thinking.

The Sky-blasting Cannon was so powerful and was originally something strictly controlled by the Tang Dynasty. How much could Li Jing bring out even if he went on an expedition?

I am afraid……

"All the steel for the sky-shattering cannons brought by my 50,000-strong army has been used up!"

"If Luoxi's army comes again, we can only rely on ourselves!" Li Jing's words made Niu Jinda's heart instantly hit the bottom.

He originally thought that there were not many sky-blasting cannons, but he never expected that those just now were the last bits.

And they only repelled the first wave of attacks from Luoxi's army. Now that the sky-blasting cannon is gone, the city may be difficult to defend.

Niu Jinda looked disappointed and looked into the distance outside the city, hoping that Zhao Chen would appear in front of him again.

But everything is just his hope after all.

So many days have passed, and there is no news about Zhao Chen. I'm afraid something really happened.

"Go ahead with the order. We must have people on guard for twelve hours to prevent Luoxi's army from taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack." Niu Jinda sighed and made a suggestion to Li Jing helplessly.

Li Jing did not speak, but nodded helplessly.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty did not know this, thinking that if Luoxi's army dared to attack the city again tomorrow, they would definitely let him taste the power of the sky-blasting cannon.

Losi's army retreated and returned to its camp.

"Prime Minister, our army lost 3,129 people in the siege just now. We also lost the ladders."

Twenty, and ten siege engines. "

Listening to the report of his soldiers, Losi frowned tightly.

This was only the first siege battle. The siege lasted less than an hour, and his army lost more than 3,000 people.

If this happens a few more times, the morale of the army in his hands will definitely be weakened.

"The sky-blasting cannon of the Tang Dynasty is really hateful. If the sky-blasting artillery army had not already attacked the Gaochang capital city tower, they might even have taken off Li Shimin's head!" Luo Xi slapped his hand on the table, his face With deep anger.

Just now he had clearly seen that many of his soldiers were about to rush onto the tower of Gaochang Capital City. In just a short while, they would be able to reach the top of the city.

As long as the city is breached, it will be difficult for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to have the courage to fight with them, and it may be a one-sided massacre.

But now, the city tower was not captured, but he lost more than 3,000 people. If Songtsan cadres knew about this, they would definitely say that their command was incompetent, and they might think of finding someone to replace them.

"Immediately send an order to all armies to build catapults as soon as possible. In three days, I only gave them three days to build a hundred catapults."

"Except for the soldiers defending the camp, everyone is looking for stones. In three days, I will blow the entire Gaochang capital city tower to pieces!" Luo Xi said to his generals in a sharp voice.

He would not allow a small wall to block his way at such a time.

Taking down the Gaochang capital city tower and holding Li Shimin captive was still his goal.

"Yes, Prime Minister!" The general took the order and left.

For several days, the Tibetan army did not attack again. The scouts sent news that the army commanded by Luo Xi was frantically building catapults.

Many soldiers are still transporting huge stones.

Everyone can see clearly what Luo Xi's purpose is, which is to use a trebuchet to directly raise the tower of Qamdo City and blast it to pieces!

Li Jing and Niu Jinda both had worried looks on their faces.

They cannot send troops out of the city to attack the Tubo camp now, because they are likely to be ambushed by the opponent.

But if they do nothing and watch Luoxi's army build the trebuchet, the capital city of Gaochang will no longer be able to defend itself.

The top priority now is to find a way to destroy the trebuchets that have been made and are being made.

But this is really difficult.

How could they lead people to sneak into the trebuchet manufacturing site of the Luoxi army? There must be a large number of soldiers guarding it.

"Mr. Wei, let me take people there!"

"You command here!" After a long silence, Niu Jinda made the decision to lead his troops to burn the trebuchet made by Luoxi's army.

Li Jing shook his head. There was no difference between burning the trebuchets of Luoxi's army and committing suicide.

Niu Jinda was a veteran like himself, and he knew what Li Jing didn't want to see when he did something like this.

"Gong Wei, the situation is critical now. If we don't burn down the trebuchets of the Luoxi army, not only our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, but also His Majesty the Emperor will be in danger!"

"I, Niu Jinda, have long been a cripple. I was lucky enough to survive because of Zhao Chen's persuasion. Now that Zhao Chen is gone, my only thought is gone, which makes me do this last thing, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty! "Niu Jinda looked at Li Jing with a sincere tone.


"I'll go with you!" A voice suddenly came from behind.

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