The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1600: Will Losey sit still and wait for death?

Songtsan cadre camp.

The generals under Luo Xi's command have arrived here, and Hou Junji is standing next to Songtsan cadre, quietly listening to the general in front of him telling the news that Zhao Chen is still alive.

Hou Junji closed his eyes and squeezed his hands together unconsciously.

He told Songtsan cadres very early that Zhao Chen would not die as easily as they thought.

Songtsen Gampo still didn't believe it, but now it's better. Zhao Chen is indeed still alive, and he also burned the trebuchets of their army.

This means that they now have no possibility of taking the initiative to attack.

We must always be prepared for counterattacks by the Tang army.

Originally, as long as they captured the capital of Gaochang, they would have the basis to attack the territory of Datang at any time.

But now?

Hou Junji did not blame Songtsen Gampo, but he blamed Luo Xi for being eager to take credit and hiding the news that Zhao Chen was still alive.

I also blame myself for being careless, as I really thought Zhao Chen died under that cliff.

"Zhao Chen is still alive?"

"Didn't Luo Xi promise me that Zhao Chen is dead?"

"Now you tell me that Zhao Chen is still alive?"

"What does Luo Xi want to do?" Songtsan Gumbo was furious and immediately overturned the table in front of him.

"Your Majesty, we really saw Zhao Chen fall on the cliff with our own eyes, and his whole body was broken."

"Now he suddenly came back to life. General Luo Xi welcomed Zhao Chen as a substitute, so he didn't really die."

"All of us were deceived by Zhao Chen!"


"Now you can just lie and cover up the matter?"

"You asked Luo Xi to come here in person, how do you think I will deal with him?" Cadre Songtsan was still furious, completely unaware of the possible consequences of this matter.

"Your Majesty, General Losi is still in command of the army and is fighting with the army.

The Tang army is facing a confrontation. Wouldn't it be bad to have General Luo Xi come over at this time? "

"Not good, you go back and tell him, if he doesn't come over, I will send people to kill him!" Songtsen Gampo said angrily.

Luo Xi deceived himself, and now he didn't even bother to explain to himself in person. Is Songtsen Gampo the master of Tubo, or Luo Xi?

The general's expression changed slightly, and he was about to leave. Suddenly, he heard Hou Junji on the side say, "General, wait a moment!"

The general was stopped by Hou Junji and looked back.

"Your Majesty, General Luo Xi was also deceived by Zhao Chen, and he didn't do it on purpose."

"And now is the time to employ people, so let's end this matter!"

"That's it?"

"Your Majesty!" Songtsen Gampo felt that Hou Junji's words were unreasonable and wanted to stop him, but Hou Junji interrupted him first.

"I also ask the general to go back and tell General Luo Xi that your Majesty is not going to pursue Zhao Chen's matter. The capital of Gaochang also asks General Luo Xi to do his best to capture it."

"As long as the capital of Gaochang is captured, General Luo Xi will still be my biggest contributor to Tibet." Hou Junji looked at Luo Xi's generals and said with a smile.

"We must convey General Hou's intention." The general said, cupping his hands.

"Why did you stop me just now? Luo Xi lied to me and said that Zhao Chen was dead. Now that Zhao Chen is still alive, he deserves to die!" After the general left, Cadre Songtsan could no longer control the anger in his heart.

Thinking that Luo Xi had deceived him about Zhao Chen, Songtsen Gumbo immediately thought of cutting Luo Xi alive.

But Hou Junji had stopped him just now.

Is it possible that Hou Junji and Luo Xi are getting closer?

"Your Majesty wants to kill Luo Xi?" Hou Junji looked at Songtsan cadre with a smile.

"Is it possible that I shouldn't kill him?" Cadre Songtsen looked unhappy.

"Of course you shouldn't kill him. Your Majesty, not only can't you kill him, but you have to comfort him and tell him that you are not pursuing Zhao Chen's affairs at all, and you want to give him more rewards." Hou Junji continued.

Songtsen Gampo frowned tightly. He felt that Hou Junji must have had an affair with Luo Xi, otherwise how could he say such strange words.

"Your Majesty, please don't forget that Luo Xi currently has an army of 130,000 people. How many people are there with your Majesty?"

"Once His Majesty wants to kill Luo Xi, will Luo Xi sit still and wait for death?"

"Can the people around His Majesty be able to stop a 130,000-strong army?"

"If your Majesty thinks it is possible, you can send people to kill Luo Xi now. If not, please be patient." Hou Junji said slowly.

Cadre Songtsan's expression changed drastically. He was just immersed in anger and didn't think about these things at all.

Just as Hou Junji said, Ruoxi would not sit back and wait for death, but instead command his 130,000 troops to come here to kill.

Can Songtsen cadres stop him?

The answer is impossible.

Thinking that he had so much trust in Luo Xi, and now he was still on guard against him backhanding him, Songtsen Gampo felt that he had really gotten carried away recently.

"General Hou is right. If General Hou hadn't reminded me, I might have lost my life!" Cadre Songtsan came to his senses and sighed.

But his hatred for Losey grew stronger.

"But Luoxi deceived me and now oppresses me with a large army. Am I just going to let it go?" The more Songtsen Gampo thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. As the king of Tibet, how could he be manipulated?

Are your generals persecuted?

"What I want is for you, Your Majesty, not to act rashly now. When Luo Xi slowly lets down his guard, we can naturally seize his military power."

"As long as the military power is in your Majesty's hands, Luo Xi's life is still at your Majesty's disposal?" Hou Junji said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, General Hou is indeed very resourceful. I didn't expect this just now."

"As long as the military power is regained, don't I have the final say on Luo Xi's life and death!" Songtsen Gampo looked happy, and only then did he fully understand what he should do.

"Since we want to regain military power, let Luo Xi lose a few battles, so that I will have enough reason to send someone to take over."

"General Hou, although you came from the Tang Dynasty, I trust you more than anyone else now."

"This military power, why not let you replace Luo Xi!"

"No matter what, our opponent is Datang!" Songtsen Gampo looked at Hou Junji with a smile.

Hou Junji was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands quickly and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you can't leave this to me. I am only responsible for advising Your Majesty. Military power must still be left to the Tubo generals."


"Your Majesty, please don't mention it again, otherwise I will leave immediately!" Hou Junji said firmly.

There seemed to be a look of regret on the face of Songtsan cadre, and he said with a slightly disappointed tone, "I originally wanted General Hou to command our Tibetan army, because I have always trusted General Hou very much."

"But since General Hou refuses so firmly, I won't force it anymore."

After saying that, the fierceness in Songtsan's eyes slowly dissipated.

Hou Junji also let out a sigh of relief.

There is no reward of military power, it is clearly a life-threatening temptation.

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