The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1604: Find a way to seize his military power

"Prime Minister, the people we sent out to conduct reconnaissance came back this morning to report that not a single Datang garrison was seen at Gaochang City Tower."

"It seems that all the defenders of the Tang Dynasty have escaped!" The general hurried into Luoxi's camp and warned him about the news that had just been sent by the scouts.

Luo Xi jumped up when he heard that there was no Tang Dynasty soldier stationed in the capital city of Gaochang.

After walking back and forth in the camp for two times, Luo Xi suddenly stopped and looked at the general in front of him and said, "Send someone to confirm and get closer to the capital of Gaochang."

"The defenders of the Tang Dynasty suddenly retreated without incident? Maybe there was a scam!"

Luo Xi did not dare to lead the army to capture the capital of Gaochang immediately, because he felt that since Zhao Chen had returned to the Tang army, he would lead the army to fight against him. .??.

But what is the situation now?

Retreat all his defenders and leave the capital of Gaochang to himself in vain?

Luo Xi felt that Zhao Chen was not so generous, and he did not have that fate.

"Yes!" The general immediately accepted the order.

Soon the news came again. After being confirmed by the scouts in Luoxi's army, there was indeed no Tang Dynasty soldier in the Gaochang capital city tower. A scout entered the Gaochang capital city and did not find any ambush.

After questioning the shivering people in Gaochang City, I found out that all the Tang troops retreated overnight last night.

The defenders of Gaochang also dispersed, and now the capital of Gaochang is an empty city.

Hearing the news, Luo Xi's face suddenly showed surprise.

He was thinking about how he could capture the capital of Gaochang, but he didn't expect that the Tang army would retreat on its own initiative.

The capital city of Gaochang fell into his own hands in vain.

He led an army to capture the capital of Gaochang, which was another great achievement.

In this Tubo, who else can question their status?

"Give me the order to mobilize the army immediately

, so I won the capital city of Gaochang! " Luo Xi's voice became louder. Before the general could take the order, he had already walked out of the camp first.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the front line that General Luoxi has captured the capital of Gaochang..."

"What?" When Cadre Songtsan heard the news, his heart tightened for no reason.

Luoxi captured the capital of Gaochang?

How can this be?

The capital of Gaochang was garrisoned by tens of thousands of Tang Dynasty troops. Luoxi's trebuchets were all burned down. Although the army had 130,000 troops, it was far from enough to attack the city.

Basically, there is no great possibility to capture the capital of Gaochang.

And it’s only been a few days, and the capital city of Gaochang has been captured by him?

The first reaction of Songtsan cadres was that someone was spreading false news.

"Did Luoxi really capture the capital of Gaochang?" Cadre Songtsan was suspicious and asked again.

"It has indeed been captured. General Luoxi's troops have occupied the tower of the capital city of Gaochang. Now our Tibetan army is looting the people of Gaochang in the city." The general nodded again with certainty.

Songtsan cadre looked at Hou Junji, who was also full of astonishment at this moment.

We don’t even know what happened in the capital city of Gaochang.

The capital of Gaochang, which was in good condition, suddenly fell into the hands of Luo Xi?

"What happened? Luoxi captured the capital of Gaochang?" Hou Junji asked with a tight frown.

"No, all the Tang troops in Gaochang capital evacuated last night."

"The original defenders of Gaochang also fled in all directions, and the entire Gaochang capital

There was no defender at all in the city, and General Luo Xi captured the city effortlessly! "After the general finished speaking, the Songtsan cadres and Hou Junji in the camp became silent.

They couldn't figure out why the well-prepared Tang army withdrew from the capital of Gaochang.

"This is very strange." Hou Junji said slowly after a long time.

Songtsan cadre waved the general to retreat and looked at Hou Junji, "Zhao Chen is not a person who admits defeat at all, but he actually evacuated with the Tang army inexplicably. He must have ulterior motives."

"I just don't know what they are planning."

Hou Junji frowned and thought for a long time before saying with some uncertainty, "According to my understanding of Zhao Chen, he would never withdraw his troops so easily. What's more, Li Shimin has long been eyeing Gaochang Kingdom, and there is no reason to bring him down." Gaochang surrendered to us Tubo."

"But now Zhao Chen still does this, and Luo Xi actually accepts it so openly. I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Songtsen Gampo frowned, his tone a little cold.

You have already guessed some of what Tonghou Junji said.

"I'm worried about some collusion between Luo Xi and Zhao Chen..." .??.??

"Insolent!" Cadre Songtsan immediately ran into rage and kicked over the table in front of him.

Hou Junji stood aside without saying a word, quietly looking at Hou Junji who was running away.

After a long time, the technical secondary school cadre slowly calmed down. In fact, he also had such thoughts, but he was not willing to believe it.

Now that I hear Hou Junji say this, it is nothing more than that my worries have been exposed.

He Songtsan Gumbo was just worried and scared.

"Why do you say that Luoxi joined forces with Zhao Chen to capture the capital of Gaochang?" Songtsen Gampo looked at Hou Junji

, eyes gloomy.

Luo Xi conspired with Zhao Chen. What did Luo Xi want to do?

"Your Majesty, think about Zhao Chen's status in the Tang Dynasty. He was able to come to the front line in person. In order to defeat Luoxi, he only brought 10,000 cavalry behind Luoxi's army and burned down the granary of Luoxi's army."

"For this reason, Zhao Chen almost died."

"In order to burn down the trebuchets, Zhao Chen personally went to the Luoxi camp. So many trebuchets were burned just because they said they were burned."

"Don't you think it's strange, Your Majesty?"

"What kind of person is Zhao Chen? He will never give up until the last moment. But in Gaochang Capital City, he gave up as soon as he said he would. How is this his style?"

"In my opinion, it's probably Zhao Chen who has some conspiracy." Hou Junji said slowly.

He no longer said that Luo Xi and Zhao Chen conspired with Tubo, but instead said that it was Zhao Chen's conspiracy.

This would not make Songtsan Gampo doubt his Hou Junji's motives.

After listening to Hou Junji's analysis, Songtsen cadre's fists became tighter and tighter. He felt that what Hou Junji said was very reasonable.

Although Songtsan had never seen what kind of person Zhao Chen was, Lu Dongtsen mentioned this person to him more than once.

Being able to control almost the entire Tang Dynasty in such a short period of time would definitely not give up so easily.

But now that Zhao Chen has really led his troops to retreat, how could he, Songtsan cadre, not think too much.

"Whether Luo Xi conspired with Datang or not, I have to make preparations."

"And Luo Xi deceived me before, which has always been in my mind. Now he has captured the capital of Gaochang, and his achievements are so great that he can overwhelm the Lord."

"We have to find a way to seize his military power. The best thing is to kill him!" After a long time, Songtsen Gampo's cold voice slowly sounded.

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