The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1609: Your Majesty, something serious has happened

Another two days passed.

Songtsan cadres were sitting in the palace in Gaochang capital, drinking wine.

He thought that after Hou Junji had dealt with all the rebels under his command in a few days, he would immediately command the army to attack Datang.

When the time comes to seize the throne of Li Shimin and seize the land of the Tang Dynasty, the position of leader of the world belongs to his Songtsan cadre.

Thinking of this, Songtsen Gampo felt a little more excited.

"Everyone, drink this cup to the full." Songtsen Gampo raised the wine cup in his hand and said to everyone happily.

Ever since Songtsan Gampo severely reprimanded that general last time, no one in his entire group dared to point out the problems of Songtsan cadres.

They did whatever Songtsan cadre asked them to do, but they did not dare to violate anything.

Seeing Songtsan cadre raise his wine glass, the others also raised their hands and shouted "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The entire hall was filled with laughter and laughter. Now that Gaochang had been completely captured by them, they were just waiting for Hou Junji to lead the army to wipe out the rebels under his command.

They can march into Chang'an and capture the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, their meritorious officials will inevitably receive heavy rewards.

Everyone's eyes are full of expectations.

"Your Majesty, I would like to offer you another drink. Congratulations to your Majesty for taking Gaochang. Chang'an is just around the corner." A Tibetan minister held up a wine glass and walked up to Songtsan cadre with a smile on his face.

"Haha, I'm going to drink this glass of wine. When we capture the Tang Dynasty in the future, you will all be my great contributors to Tibet." Cadre Songtsen looked proud.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Others in the hall also shouted.

There was a look of surprise on everyone's face.

"Report!" Suddenly a long and hurried shout came into the hall.

Everyone looked back and saw a Tubo general running in a hurry from outside.

Everyone knows that this person is here

He is the general who guards the capital of Gaochang.

Songtsen Gampo strictly ordered him to garrison the capital of Gaochang, and he was not allowed to come here without being summoned.

But now this man actually appeared outside the hall, still looking like he was in such a hurry.

This gave everyone a bad feeling.

Everyone's brows knitted together in an instant, staring closely at the Tubo general who ran in.

"What happened?" Songtsen Gampo's face turned even more ugly, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

He even said that he would not allow the generals guarding the city to come here without his own summons, but this guy in front of him...

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened. The Tang army appears thirty miles away, and they may attack the city soon!"


"Didn't the Tang army withdraw? Why did it suddenly appear thirty miles away again?"

"Didn't it say that the Tang army went to Songzhou to quell the rebellion?"

"what is going on?"

"We only have a thousand soldiers guarding the city now. How many people from the Tang army have come?"

"It's over, it's over, it's really over now!"

There were constant discussions among the Tubo officials in the main hall, and everyone had deep worries on their faces.

The news they have been receiving is that the Tang army has withdrawn from the Tang Dynasty and went to Songzhou to quell the rebellion.

But now the Tang army has left and returned. Now they only have a thousand soldiers guarding the city. How can they hold it?

Everyone was panicked for a moment.

Many people were so frightened that their expressions changed.

Songtsen Gampo clenched his fists tightly, and the Tang Army

The team has appeared thirty miles away, why are you reporting now?

"I told you that you must keep a close eye on the movements of the Tang army, but what do you do now?"

"The troops of the Tang Dynasty have fled thirty miles away, and you just come to report this to me now?"

"Come here, push him out and behead him!" Songtsen Gampo said sternly, and with a wave of his hand, the guards pushed out the general in front of him and beheaded him.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!" The general who defended the city begged loudly for mercy, but Songtsen cadres were not moved at all.

The voices begging for mercy quickly disappeared, and no one interceded for the generals defending the city.

They all also knew that Songtsan cadre was furious at this moment and could not listen to anyone's advice.

He might even kill the person who begged for mercy.

They don't dare to do this.

"Your Majesty, the Tang army has actually appeared. We should think of solutions now. They may attack the city at any time." After a short silence, someone finally started to remind Songtsen Gampo.

But what's the use of reminding him.

The capital of Gaochang only has a thousand people defending the city. How can the Tang army not even attack a city with a thousand people?

Now they either abandon the capital of Gaochang and flee, or they wait for reinforcements from Hou Junji.

"Send someone to Hou Junji immediately and ask him to lead troops back for reinforcements!" Songtsen Gampo said immediately.

Someone hurriedly ran out of the hall to deliver orders to Hou Junji who was annihilating the rebels in a distant place.

The others just looked at Songtsen Gampo. Since they chose to recall Hou Junji, it meant that they would confront the Tang army in the capital of Gaochang.

But they only have a thousand people now, how can they fight against the Tang army?

"Give me the order to capture a thousand people high."

The people of Qamdo City asked them to stay outside the city gate. "

"If the Tang army dares to attack, it depends on whether they dare to kill these Gaochang people." Songtsan cadre immediately came up with an idea.

Prepare to let those ordinary Gaochang people serve as a human shield wall to block the attack of the Tang army.

There is a kind of Tibetan official who has no objection. To them, the people of Gaochang are not human beings, and they have little impact on them dead or alive.

But it would be most useful to them if the people of Gaochang could help them block the attack of the Tang army.

"Your Majesty, what if the Tang army doesn't care about the lives of the people of Gaochang?" Some people still raised questions.

Zhao Chen is not Li Shimin. Judging from his style, it is hard to believe that he would care about the lives of the people of Gaochang when attacking the city.

This also very likely means that the people of Gaochang blocked the city gate and could not limit the attack of the Tang army.

"If a thousand people are not enough, then ten thousand people will be needed. If ten thousand people are not enough, then all the people in the city will be driven out of the city."

"I want to see if the generals of the Tang Dynasty are feeling the cold. Such a great injustice in the world!" Songtsen Gampo waved his hand impatiently.

Of course he knew that Zhao Chen would not care about the lives of these ordinary people.

But if you don’t care about a thousand people, what about ten thousand people?

Where are the people in the entire Gaochang capital?

Even if he couldn't stop the attack of the Tang Dynasty army, Songtsen Gampo would still be disgusted by the opponent.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take care of it immediately." Several Tubo ministers ran out in succession.

Soon riots broke out in the streets of the capital city of Gaochang, and a large number of Gaochang people were kidnapped from their homes by the Tibetan army.

Those who didn't want to were killed directly at home.

For a time, blood flowed into the city, and the people complained endlessly.

Everyone's face is full of worry!

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