The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,623 How to deal with it

The army took back the main camp, and all generals above the rank of captain who participated in the battle of Gaochang were invited to today's dinner.

All kinds of delicacies and fine wines were placed on every table.

Song and dance performances come and go.

The banquet was lively and popular, with the sound of silk and bamboo playing endlessly, people drinking and drinking, talking happily and enjoying themselves.

The emperor was sitting on the throne, and Empress Changsun was sitting aside. They wanted to ask something about Zhao Chen, but it was difficult to ask at the moment.

Zhao Chen was sitting at the head of the emperor, and in front of the officials was the prince Li Zhi, whom the emperor and Empress Changsun loved very much. He was also ranked behind Zhao Chen at this moment. ??

The emperor stood up from the throne, holding a glass of wine in his hand and standing on the top of the steps. "Everyone, the Tang Dynasty is today's prosperous thanks to all the soldiers who fought bloody battles. Let me raise a glass to them."

"To the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!"

Everyone also stood up and drank their glasses full of wine.

After drinking a glass of wine, the emperor looked at Zhao Chen again, "In this battle of Gaochang, the King of Han played the most important role. I believe that all the soldiers who fought with the King of Han have experienced it personally. Come and tell me and the officials." , how the King of Han led you to defeat the Tubo army."

"Your Majesty, I am one of the first cavalry colonels who followed His Highness the King of Han and penetrated into the rear of Luoxi's army. I would like to tell you about that battle and how His Highness the King of Han turned the tide and reversed the situation." A cavalry colonel Wei stood up immediately.

He was the one who jumped off the cliff with Zhao Chen and survived.

"Yes." The emperor waved his hand and sat back down with a smile.

"We received news that day that Luoxi's 100,000-strong army was stationed to the west of Yanmen Pavilion and faced off against Wei Gong's army. His Highness the King of Han made a prompt decision and led the army to penetrate behind Luoxi's army."

"That day, the sky was filled with yellow sand and dark clouds covered the sun..." the cavalry general said, and when he talked about the sad part, he couldn't help but shed tears.

In addition to being angry, his face was full of excitement.


When the officials heard about the dangers Zhao Chen had experienced on the front line, their faces showed surprise.

"I thought the front line was difficult, but I didn't expect it to be harder than I thought. If it hadn't been for His Highness the King of Han, I'm afraid the Tibetan army would have already reached our territory of the Tang Dynasty."

"Yes, Tubo is determined to covet our territory in the Tang Dynasty. Fortunately, His Highness the King of Han is there."

"Even if you haven't experienced the scene of jumping off the cliff, hearing it now is very shocking."

"His Royal Highness the King of Han has made great contributions, and we admire him."

All the officials stood up and saluted Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen didn't like this scene, but it was not good for him to sit here motionless while others were saluting him.

He had no choice but to stand up and return the favor.

Fang Xuanling looked at the saluting officials and then at the emperor. He seemed to understand why the emperor wanted the generals who participated in the Battle of Gaochang to talk about what happened on the battlefield.

He just wanted to tell the civil and military officials that the great victory in the battle of Gaochang was because of the King of Han Zhao Chen.

Therefore, you people should be grateful to the King of Han from the bottom of your heart.

In this way, if he wants to make the King of Han the crown prince in the future, you cannot object.

But Wu Xu's matter was not resolved, and the emperor came up with such an idea again, which made Fang Xuanling feel worried.

"Your Majesty, although His Highness the King of Han has worked hard and accomplished a great deal, if it were not for us, the Erlangs of the Tang Dynasty, who went through life and death, His Highness the King of Han would not have been able to repel the Tibetan army."

"I believe that the greatest achievement of our Tang Dynasty is not His Highness the King of Han, but the Erlangs of the Tang Dynasty who worked hard for our country." Fang Xuanling stood up, and his words silenced the entire audience instantly.

Fang Yizhi looked at his father, and then at Zhao Chen sitting in front, and for a moment he felt his face heat up.

be terribly upset.

Zhao Chen looked at Fang Xuanling. Although he felt a little strange, he just nodded, "What Mr. Fang said makes sense. If not for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who did not care about life and death, the outcome of this battle would have been known."

"Everyone, please join me in paying tribute to the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

"To the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty." All civil and military officials raised their glasses again.

Everyone sat down, but the atmosphere at the moment was a bit awkward.

No one took the initiative to speak again.

They all knew in their hearts that what Fang Xuanling said just now clearly meant to prevent the emperor from canonizing Zhao Chen as the prince.

They dare not say anything more about this matter.

The emperor looked at Fang Xuanling and felt sullen in his heart.

Of the princes under his knees now, which one can compare to Zhao Chen?

If Zhao Chen is not canonized as the crown prince, who else can he canonize?

Just because of a martial arts?

This Fang Xuanling dared to openly contradict herself.

If Wei Zheng had said this just now, the emperor would have thought it was more normal, because Wei Zheng had that temper.

But the person who just spoke was Fang Xuanling.

This old thing...

It was boring to hold the banquet like this, and soon the emperor asked everyone to disperse.

Zhao Chen was about to leave, and Fang Yizhi was about to explain to Zhao Chen why his father was on the opposite side of Zhao Chen.

The emperor sent an order, saying that he would have a good talk with Zhao Chen tonight and let Zhao Chen stay in the palace.

Fang Yizhi had no choice but to leave.

Li Zheng Palace.

Empress Changsun made ginger tea herself.

The emperor and Zhao Chen drank a bowl each, and most of their drunkenness had dissipated.

Seeing Zhao Chen sitting in front of him, the emperor couldn't help but think of the first time he saw Zhao Chen a few years ago.

At that time, Zhao Chen was still a tavern owner, and he was attracted by Zhao Chen's calligraphy.

Thus slowly getting to know Zhao Chen.

Until now, it was confirmed that Zhao Chen was his eldest son.

But even so, he still had no way to directly canonize Zhao Chen as the prince.

"It seems like many years have passed in a flash. I think back to when I first met you, boy. You were so arrogant at that time that you even dared to steal my money." The emperor took another sip of tea and looked at Zhao Chen with a smile.

"I didn't know you were the emperor at that time, otherwise who would dare to cheat the emperor's money." Zhao Chen smiled.

Queen Changsun sat aside and sighed in her heart that God had treated her well.

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, he would have died of Qi disease long ago.

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, how could the Tang Dynasty be so stable?

If it weren't for Zhao Chen, how could the family members disappear from the court.

This boy is clearly a treasure given to him by God.

"Chen'er, when you return to Chang'an this time, you are not allowed to leave your mother again." Empress Changsun held Zhao Chen's hand, but looked at the emperor.

This sentence was obviously meant for the emperor.

The emperor smiled bitterly in his heart. He had no idea of ​​letting Zhao Chen go out of the capital to do business for the time being, but now that Gaochang has been included in the Tang Dynasty, the road to the Western Regions is completely open.

I heard that there are many powerful empires there.

He Li Shimin wanted to see something.

"It's better to rest in Chang'an, otherwise your mother will make trouble with me every day." The emperor said with a smile, looked at Zhao Chen, and said, "But, how are you going to deal with Wu Xu's matter?"

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