The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1665: Rush into the city and kill them all

With the defensive strength of Yuanfu Castle, it is impossible to withstand the attack of more than a thousand Japanese ronin who look like wolves and tigers.

Fu Dashan understood in his heart, but there was no strange look on his face.

He knew better that his tough attitude had temporarily prevented the defenders of Yuanfu City from fleeing.

If he showed fear and fear in front of these Japanese rogues, it would be the end of Yuanfu City.

By then, not a single person in Yuanfu City will be left alive.

Fu Dashan, who was blind, could only place his hope on the soldiers he sent out to request reinforcements.

If he could persist until Quanzhou City's army came to assist him, Yuanfu City would be saved.

If Quanzhou City's army is too late to rescue him, he will have no choice but to coexist with Yuanfu City.

"Hey, people upstairs, listen, if you don't want to die, open the city gate immediately. Otherwise, once my lord captures the city gate, everyone in the city will be left alone." Beside Ichiro Watanabe, The middle-aged Confucian scholar who looked like the Tang Dynasty shouted towards Fu Dashan on the tower.

Fu Dashan recognized this person.

He committed a crime in Quanzhou City before and was sentenced to three years in prison. After he came out, he defected to Ichiro Watanabe and specifically helped the Japanese rogues deal with his compatriots in the Tang Dynasty.

Countless people died at the hands of this guy.

Moreover, this guy is even more hateful than the Japanese Ronin.

He knew the habits of the people of the Tang Dynasty well and could always find where the people of the Tang Dynasty were hiding.

Then the people in one village after another were massacred by Japanese rogues.

Fu Dashan stared at the middle-aged Confucian scholar in front of him and cursed angrily: "Wang Jingwei, you are also a citizen of the Tang Dynasty after all, but now you are working as an accomplice to the people of the Tang Dynasty. If you do this to the people of the Tang Dynasty, if I don't die, I will behead you." , to pay homage to the dead souls of our Tang Dynasty."

"Fu Dashan, it's no use barking. Do you think you can survive today?"

"Look what this is!" Wang Jing

Wei pointed to the hand of the Japanese Ronin beside him.

Only then did Fu Dashan see that the Japanese rogue was actually holding a head in his hand, which was exactly the messenger he sent out.

The messenger was intercepted and killed by Japanese rogues!

Thinking of this, Fu Dashan staggered and almost lost his balance.

Even the remaining hope is gone. How can we defend Yuanfu City with people like ourselves!

Fu Dashan felt a sense of despair. , a deep sense of powerlessness spread throughout his chest.

This Yuanfu City may be difficult to defend after all.

"Sir, are you okay?" The officials behind him immediately helped Fu Dashan.

Fu Dashan shook his head, glanced at the Japanese rogues in the distance, then looked back at the officials behind him, and murmured: "Are you still willing to fight with me?"

"What are you saying, sir? If we are not willing to fight with you, why do we stay here?"

"My family members are all in the city. If the city is destroyed, our family will be destroyed. How dare we risk our lives!"

"Sir, when the city is alive, people are still there, but when the city is gone, people are going to perish!"

There was a burst of shouting from the tower.

The Japanese prodigal people outside the city frowned.

Although most of them didn't know what the lambs waiting to be slaughtered on the city tower were talking about.

But they will never tolerate anyone who dares to confront them.

"Baga!" The leading Japanese ronin was Ichiro Watanabe's younger brother, Kumaji Watanabe. When he saw that the defenders of the Tang Dynasty on the tower were not frightened by their own people, but their morale was as high as a rainbow, he immediately cursed angrily.

"Everyone, rush into the city and kill them all!" Watanabe Kumaji shouted loudly.


The Japanese rogues, who had long been unable to restrain themselves, were like wild dogs that smelled poop, and rushed towards the gate of Yuanfu City in front of them without hesitation.



Fu Dashan shouted loudly, and the few defenders on the tower stared closely at the people rushing forward. ??

The Japanese ronin didn't have any tactics. They brandished their long swords and charged straight towards the city gate.

And Yuanfu City doesn't even have a moat.

There are only a few wooden rolling stones, so I don't dare to use them casually.

The Japanese rogues were getting closer and closer, and soon they rushed to the city gate.

Fu Dashan also saw it. Only some of the Japanese ronin attacked the city gate, while most of the other Japanese ronin stared at the people on their towers.

The Japanese rogues also had many archers. These people were well-trained, and every arrow would definitely hit a Tang soldier guarding the city.

It didn't take long before 30% of the few defenders on the tower were shot dead.

The remaining soldiers who defended the city did not dare to show their heads again.

I could only watch helplessly as the city gate was being pounded continuously by the Japanese robbers.

A crack has appeared in the middle of the huge door bolt, and it won't be long before it is knocked off from the middle.

"Sir, the city gate is about to die!" Someone ran up and said to Fu Dashan with an anxious look on his face.

Fu Dashan's heart sank again.

If the city gate is broken, they will be dead!

"Tell the people in the city that the Japanese rogues have attacked the city. If the city gate is broken, all of us will die."

"If anyone doesn't want to die, go help block the city gate with something."

In the current situation, everyone actually knew in their hearts that the Japanese rogues had already killed them.

No matter how much I wanted to run away, it would be impossible to escape.

It was for this reason that Fu Dashan had not allowed the people to leave Yuan Fu City before.

The young and powerful people left, and in the end the city could not be defended. Women, children, old and young were bound to die at the hands of Japanese rogues.

Leave the young people behind, even if they can't help defend the city, they can move things to block the city gate.

Although everyone wanted to escape from Yuanfu City before, now the Japanese rogues are blocking the city gate.

Everyone knows that now they either help or they are all killed by the Japanese rogues.

Everyone knows how to choose this choice.

Soon, all the people in Yuanfu City started to help defend the city.

Countless stones and huge trees were blocked behind the city gate. The city gate, which was originally a little loose, was now as stable as a rock.

This situation was quickly discovered by Watanabe Kumaji outside the city.

He must take Yuanfu City, and he cannot delay it for too long.

Although he killed the people sent by Fu Dashan to ask for help, Quanzhou City was not deaf or blind. Once they knew the news about Yuan Fu City, even if someone delayed it, they could not delay it for too long.

They must fight quickly.

"Order, everyone, do not attack the city gate and climb directly over the city wall." Ichiro Watanabe gave the order.

The Japanese rogues were good at flying claws.

Hundreds of Japanese rogues threw their flying claws and clung to the wall stacks on the tower.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty on the city tower wanted to take off the flying claws, but they were shot by the Japanese archers and did not dare to raise their heads.

The Japanese rogues pressed forward step by step, and soon climbed to a position close to the tower.

Fu Dashan's hands and feet couldn't stop trembling. He knew what would be waiting for him once the Japanese robbers successfully climbed onto the tower!

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