The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1689 What else do you have to say?

"Get him!" Zhang Ji raised his right hand and waved at the emperor.

The Quanzhou Army officers and soldiers who were loyal to him behind him rushed towards the emperor and the others in an instant.

Zhang Ji had to capture the emperor.

If he wants to leave the city, he must pass through the gate of Quanzhou City.

But now the city defense of Quanzhou is in the hands of the Xuanjia Army. If they don't hold the emperor as a threat, the Xuanjia Army will not let them go.

Therefore, Zhang Ji must capture the emperor himself.

Although the remaining Xuanjia Army faced the Quanzhou Army that was dozens of times their size, they still persisted in protecting the emperor's safety.

But this persistence cannot change the outcome.

Not long after, all the remaining Xuanjia troops were killed, and in the end only the emperor and Cheng Yaojin were left.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, what else do you have to say now that things have happened?" Zhang Ji slowly sat down on a chair nearby.

At his feet were the corpses of Xuanjia Army soldiers.

The soles of the shoes were stained with blood, leaving shoe prints, but Zhang Ji didn't seem to feel it at all.

The emperor clenched his fists and looked at Zhang Ji in front of him expressionlessly.

He thought of everything, but he never expected that Zhang Ji would dare to lead the Quanzhou Army to attack him.

If he had expected this, he wouldn't have just arranged so many Xuanjia troops around him.

They must send troops to capture Zhang Ji as soon as possible.

This is something without the possibility of regret.

Now he and Cheng Yaojin were the only two people left, and the emperor also knew that Zhang Ji did not dare to kill him.

It was just that he was captured by Zhang Ji. This shame and humiliation made the emperor full of anger.

"Gong Lu, they didn't have to die originally, but now that they are dead, I don't want your life for the time being."

"Take His Majesty the Emperor and come with us." Zhang Ji looked at Cheng Yaojin with a smile.

Completely ignoring Cheng Yao's livid complexion.

He was supposed to protect the emperor's safety, such as

The emperor is now in jail, but he has no choice.

"Let's go." The emperor glanced at Cheng Yaojin, and then stood up slowly.

At this point, instead of killing Cheng Yaojin again in vain, it would be better to let Zhang Ji leave Quanzhou City.

Enough people have died!

Cheng Yaojin nodded angrily, and then stood in front of the emperor with a weapon. He was about to take the emperor away, but Zhang Ji put a sword on his neck.

"Gong Lu, put down your weapon. Do you want His Majesty the Emperor to die?" Zhang Ji stared at Cheng Yaojin fiercely.

Cheng Yaojin had no other choice but to throw the weapon in his hand to the ground angrily.

"Haha." Seeing Cheng Yaojin being so obedient, Zhang Ji couldn't help laughing proudly.

Soon, the two of them were escorted out of the Governor's Mansion.

There were corpses all over the ground, and the soles of the emperor's and Cheng Yaojin's shoes were stained with blood.

Walking outside the Governor's Mansion, there were nearly a thousand Xuanjia Army soldiers waiting outside.

It seemed that Zhang Ji had actually expected such a day, so he was able to assemble these Quanzhou troops so quickly.

This collection has long had my thoughts today.

But I didn't expect that he, the emperor, would come here in person.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I have prepared for today's incident. There is nothing I can do. If I am not careful, I will die."

"Your Majesty, please!" Zhang Ji explained to the emperor with a smile.

He extended his hand and asked the emperor to go ahead.

The emperor did not speak, but sat on the carriage expressionlessly. The Quanzhou Army followed the emperor and slowly headed towards the city gate in the direction of the port.

Soon, the carriage and team arrived at the city gate.

The Xuanjia Army guarding the city found that nearly two thousand Quanzhou troops were leaving the city, and immediately blocked the city gate.

Nearly five hundred Xuanjia troops were armed with weapons. Facing such a large number of Quanzhou troops, they showed no sign of timidity.

"Your Majesty has an order. If there is no order, no troops in the city are allowed to leave the city." Lieutenant Xuanjia looked coldly at the Quanzhou Army in front of him.

The Quanzhou Army general's face turned dark.

In Quanzhou City, there were so many of them, and this was the first time someone dared to speak to them like this.

Just as he was about to have an attack, he suddenly heard the emperor's voice coming from the carriage: "Get out of the way, I want to go out of the city for inspection, and these people will follow me."

"Your Majesty!" Military Colonel Xuanjia heard the emperor's voice and quickly bowed and saluted.

The rest of the Xuanjia Army also bowed.

"Open the city gate." The emperor stuck his head out and glanced at Captain Xuanjia.

Zhang Ji was very satisfied with the emperor's attitude.

Thinking that I would be able to leave Quanzhou City soon, I felt both excited and a little reluctant at the same time.

After leaving Quanzhou City, he could squander the wealth he had robbed with the Japanese rogues without any scruples.

Of course I was very excited.

What makes me sad is that when I leave Quanzhou City today, I will no longer be able to rob money easily.

"Yes." The captain of the Xuanjia Army did not see a previously placed Xuanjia Army soldier next to the emperor. Although he felt a little strange, he still chose to obey the emperor's order.

The city gate opened and the Xuanjia Army made way.

Soon, the Quanzhou army surrounded the emperor's carriage and walked out of Quanzhou City.

"Master Captain, things seem a bit strange. Your Majesty is on a patrol. How come there is not one of our brothers from the Xuanjia Army following you?" A centurion of the Xuanjia Army looked at the retreating Quanzhou Army with a puzzled face.

Lieutenant Xuanjia frowned tightly. He discovered this problem early on.

The emperor's trust in the Xuanjia Army is absolute.

If there is no need for the Xuanjia Army to follow, then local armies like the Quanzhou Army will never be allowed to follow.

The only possibility is that His Majesty the Emperor was kidnapped...

"Command the city gates to mobilize everyone and come with me to chase His Majesty." Lieutenant Xuanjia made a prompt decision.

"Sir, the spies behind you are here to report, and a team of Xuanjia Army is following."

"The Xuanjia troops at the other city gates are also mobilizing quickly. It seems they have discovered us!" The general of the Quanzhou Army came to Zhang Ji and whispered about what the spies had just discovered.

Zhang Ji twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at the emperor again.

But he was not worried. As long as he had the emperor in his hands, even if the entire Tang army came, he didn't have to worry.

"It doesn't matter, just let them follow. If you make me unhappy, I will kill Cheng Yaojin to cheer them up!" Zhang Ji was very prepared to deal with the emperor.

As long as the emperor is in his hands, what can those Xuanjia troops do?

By the time he arrived at the port and boarded the ship, he had already fled. The emperor and the others could only stand on the shore and watch him leave.

Even if he is so angry that his orifices are smoking, he still has to watch.

"Yes." The Quanzhou Army general bowed to accept the order and continued to lead the team towards the port.

The team moved very fast, and in less than half an hour, everyone had arrived at Quanzhou Port.

The port is still a busy scene.

As far as the eye can see, merchant ships of all sizes are docked at the port.

"Your Majesty, the place has arrived, would you like to come out and take a look?" Zhang Ji's voice sounded outside the carriage.

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