"I know you are inside, Wu Xu. If you know your identity, open the door and come out now. Otherwise, I won't let you go easily later."

The next thing that sounded was the furious sound of Young Master Wang.

How could Young Master Wang not be furious?

He finally used medicine to knock Wu Xu down, but just when he was about to succeed, someone stepped in.

Isn't it clear enough to the prince what kind of medicine he is using?

Now Wu Xu, a bitch, actually came to meet with this boy, which made it clear that this boy had picked his own peach.

The Wang family in Lizhou has always taken advantage and never suffered a loss in Lizhou.

A boy actually stole the chicken today.

If he doesn't deal with the pair of bitches inside today, how can he still hang out in Lizhou in the future?

How can the Wang family frighten all the unscrupulous people in Lizhou?

When Wu Xu heard that it was Young Master Wang and his men outside, his expression naturally turned ugly.

Of course Wu Xu believed that Zhao Chen would not be afraid of the Lizhou Wang family.

But as the saying goes, a good man never suffers a loss. Zhao Chen obviously didn't bring anyone with him when he came to Lizhou this time. After all, she didn't see a single familiar face in Wu Xu.

Zhao Chen alone is still struggling to compete with the Wang family, which has been established in Lizhou for many years.

And even if Zhao Chen revealed his identity, no one in the Lizhou Wang family would believe him.

On the contrary, they might pretend to know nothing and capture Zhao Chen directly.

It was not Wu Xu's original intention to bring trouble to Zhao Chen because of his own affairs.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Xu put down the handkerchief and stood up to open the door.

She was ready to leave with Mr. Wang.

Although he was reluctant, he at least kept Zhao Chen safe first.

Zhao Chen did not stop Wu Xu. He kept watching Wu Xu walk to the door and reached out to open the door.

Although for Zhao Chen

His attitude was understanding, but until now, Wu Xu was still somewhat disappointed.

Looking back at Zhao Chen again, Wu Xu opened the door with force, and what came into view was the angry face of Young Master Wang.

"Okay, it's your boy after all."

"Dare to ruin my good deeds? Even if the King of Heaven comes today, you don't want to leave alive!" The moment he saw Zhao Chen, Mr. Wang thought about all the vicious punishments in the world.

Later, he will use all the punishment on Zhao Chen without hesitation.

Young Master Wang wants the boy in front of him to remember clearly in his next life that not all women can touch him.

"Young Master Wang, your method of drugging a woman is terrible. Your mother was also drugged by your father..."

"Seeking death!" Mr. Wang didn't expect that the boy in front of him not only did not kneel down and kowtow to him immediately.

Instead, he even started to mock his parents.


What a bastard!

If I let him walk out standing today, I would lose the face of my Wang family.

"Kill him, kill him for me, I will bear the consequences!" Young Master Wang went berserk.

Pointing at Zhao Chen, he asked his men to take care of him.

The men brought by the Wang family's young master are also thugs raised by their Wang family.

On weekdays, he just settles things for the Wang family.

These people have done a lot of hurtful things.

To them, the Zhao Chen in front of them was just a little bug that could be easily killed.

The leading thug glanced at the younger brother beside him, and then the younger brother walked towards Zhao Chen with a sinister smile on his face.

Holding a solid wood stick in his hand, he fiercely pointed at Zhao

Chen was hit on the head.

"Be careful." Wu Xu was shocked. She was also worried that Zhao Chen didn't notice the sudden move of this little brother.

But these are too commonplace for Zhao Chen.

He casually caught the wooden stick coming towards him with his right hand.

The younger brother was shocked. He didn't expect that someone could catch the stick he struck with his bare hands. .??.

He wanted to pull the wooden stick back, but no matter how hard he tried, the wooden stick couldn't be pulled back even half an inch.

"Turn your face away." Zhao Chen suddenly said to Wu Xu.

"Ah?" Wu Xu didn't know why, but he turned his head obediently.

Just when he turned to look behind him, he suddenly heard a scream from behind.

Young Master Wang clearly saw that the wooden stick that was held by Zhao Chen just now had completely fallen into Zhao Chen's hands.

The moment the wooden stick fell into Zhao Chen's hand, it suddenly appeared on his little brother's head.

He was shouting at his little brother just now, but he fell to the ground in an instant and lost all sound.

Obviously, his little brother was killed by the stick just now.

An outsider dared to kill his own people on his own territory in Lizhou.

Young Master Wang did not feel a trace of fear, but felt extremely angry.

No one has ever dared to lose face like this in Lizhou.

"Kill him, kill him for me." Young Master Wang couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't believe that the boy in front of him could defeat so many of him alone.

Immediately he took the lead and rushed towards Zhao Chen.

The rest of the people rushed forward when they saw their young master, and they also rushed over immediately.

But obviously they underestimated Zhao Chen's strength.

The sticks were exchanged, and after a while, the Wang family's young master and the five or six younger brothers he brought were all lying on the ground.

r\u003e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Except for the young master of the Wang family being still alive, there is only one younger brother who is still breathing.

"Is this all the strength of your Young Master Wang?"

"I'm very disappointed!" Zhao Chen looked at Young Master Wang jokingly.

Young Master Wang was lying on the ground, his forehead covered with blood, staring at Zhao Chen.

This was the first time he was beaten like this in Lizhou territory.

The bastard in front of him not only stole his woman, but also almost beat him to death.

If I don't kill him, I will never be able to swallow this breath in my life.

But Young Master Wang knew that this was not the time for him to be cruel.

The only mistake I made was that I underestimated the strength of the bastard in front of me and brought so many people here.

He must first find a way to leave here, return to the Wang family, bring enough troops, and then kill this kid.

"What, you're still not convinced?" Zhao Chen stepped on Young Master Wang's face, and rubbed the sole of his boot hard on Young Master Wang's face twice.

Young Master Wang felt extremely humiliated, but he didn't say a word at this moment.

He just stared at Zhao Chen with hateful eyes.

"You want to take revenge on me, but unfortunately I am leaving soon, and I will take Miss Wu Xu with me. When the time comes... tsk tsk!" Zhao Chen smacked his lips and looked at Mr. Wang teasingly again.

Young Master Wang clenched his fists tightly and remained silent.

Seeing that Mr. Wang didn't speak, Zhao Chen showed a disappointed expression on his face. He turned to look at Wu Xu and said, "Let's go. This kid looks useless."

"If I weren't worried about being hunted down by his family, I would have killed him right now."

"But it's okay. Let's go to the inn to stay for one night. They didn't discover these guys so quickly."

"At dawn tomorrow, we will leave Lizhou and go live happily."

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