Half a month later.

Outside the Imperial City of Japan.

"The Emperor of Japan, Su Wo Qingzui, led the Japanese subjects to pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty. We are willing to join the Tang Dynasty from now on. Please forgive us." The Emperor of Japan, leading the civil and military officials in the imperial city, knelt down. The city gate.

On both sides were Japanese people kneeling down one after another.

Many people were secretly sizing up the Crown Prince from the Tang Dynasty.

Zhao Chen was riding on horseback, looking at the Japanese monarchs and ministers in front of him.

Facing thousands of Japanese subjects, Zhao Chen did not say a word.

Qin Huaiyu stood beside Zhao Chen, staring at the Japanese monarchs and ministers with serious eyes. ??

If it weren't for these people, Cheng Chumo would have died in Yangcheng.

From then on, Qin Huaiyu vowed from the bottom of his heart that he would kill the Japanese country and take the head of the Japanese emperor to avenge Cheng Chumo.

But Qin Huaiyu didn't expect that the Japanese monarchs and ministers would surrender so easily.

Even just a little bit of resistance.

This made it impossible for him to take action against the Japanese monarchs and ministers.

The other side has surrendered. If we kill the prisoners...

This is very bad for Zhao Chen, the prince of the Tang Dynasty!

Even though Zhao Chen had promised before that he would avenge Cheng Chumo.


"His Royal Highness, the Emperor of Japan..." Pei Xingjian reminded Zhao Chen in a low voice.

But halfway through speaking, he saw Zhao Chen looking at him with an unkind expression.

Pei Xingjian was startled and didn't know what he said was wrong. He quickly lowered his head and said nothing.

"Get up." Zhao Chen said expressionlessly, and without waiting for the Japanese emperor to get up, he urged the war horse and walked towards the Japanese imperial city ahead.

The Japanese emperor was angry in his heart, but he did not show any displeasure on his face. Instead, he got out of the way with a smile on his face. He waited until Qin Huaiyu and others entered the imperial city, and then slowly followed behind.

"Where's the secret recipe for the Sky Boom Cannon?"

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"Who is the person in the Tang Dynasty who has secretly joined forces with you?" Zhao Chen suddenly reined in the reins and turned back to stare at the Japanese emperor behind him.

"The secret recipe is in the palace in front, and all the sky-blasting cannons are also controlled by your soldiers..."

"Who is joining the alliance?" Zhao Chen asked.

The Japanese emperor hesitated.

He knew that he had no other choice now, but if he threw away all his last trump cards, he would have no choice but to let Zhao Chen slaughter him.

"Be brave, the prince asks you a question, do you dare not to reply?"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Qin Huaiyu was furious, drew his sword and glared at the Japanese emperor.

The Emperor of Japan looked around. Except for Qin Huaiyu, the other Tang generals also glared at him.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't tell him, he might be able to keep his trump card, but he would be killed here now.

The Japanese ministers all surrendered, and all the Japanese armies in various places were disbanded. Killing him, the Japanese emperor, would have no impact.


"That person is..."

Three months later.

"Your Highness, the ships are all ready and ready to go to sea at any time."

Zhao Chen and others have been in Japan for more than three months. During this period, all the family forces in Japan were wiped out by the people of King Baekje.

Today's Japanese country seems to be the territory of King Baekje. Of course, standing behind King Baekje is Zhao Chen.

Today they will set off to leave Japan, accompanied by the Emperor of Japan and a group of descendants of the Japanese king, as well as one hundred and twenty ministers of Japan.

Zhao Chen told them that these people needed to follow him back to the Tang Dynasty to meet the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

In the future, these people will retire in Chang'an.

Although the Japanese emperors were reluctant, things were no longer within their control.

If you follow Zhao Chen and leave, you might be able to live a stable life. If you don't leave, you will be killed by Baekje people sooner or later if you stay here.

"Have all arrangements been made for the Japanese royal family?" Zhao Chen raised his head and said expressionlessly.

"It's been arranged. General Qin arranged it himself." Pei Xingjian nodded.

Zhao Chen did not speak, but nodded slightly, and then waved his hand: "Tomorrow morning, we will set off back to Chang'an."


Early the next morning, hundreds of Tang Dynasty warships sailed towards the vast sea, facing the rising sun and riding the breeze.

The Japanese emperor and Japanese ministers were arranged on a battlefield.

Just after noon, water suddenly leaked from the bottom of the warship, and the hull began to tilt soon after.

The Japanese monarchs and ministers on the warship shouted wildly at the nearby warship, but no one seemed to hear the sound.

When they wanted to escape, they discovered that there were no soldiers from the Tang Dynasty who were riding with them on the warship.

On the vast sea, the Japanese monarchs and ministers slowly disappeared into the sea along with the tilting warship.

"Your Highness, it's all taken care of!" Pei Xingjian took back the telescope, turned around and said to Zhao Chen, cupping his hands.

"Let's go!" Zhao Chen waved his hand, and Qin Huaiyu held a jar of wine in his hand and slowly poured it into the sea in front of him.

"came back?"

"The prince is back?"

When Lao Litou heard the news that Zhao Chen had landed at the port of Qizhou, he was so excited that he even forgot to put on his shoes and hurriedly got the certificate from the governor of Qizhou from the eunuch.

After taking a closer look, I saw the news that Prince Zhao Chen led his army to land at Qizhou Port.

Tens of thousands of troops returned victoriously from Japan!

"Okay, okay, this kid is really..." Lao Li felt for the first time

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Don't even know what to say.

"Come quickly, Guanyin, the boy Chen is back." Empress Changsun just brought the medicine from Lizheng Hall, and the emperor immediately called.

"Is Chen'er back?" Empress Changsun showed surprise and walked quickly to the emperor.

"In Qizhou Port, the military report said that the boy only fought a battle and made the Japanese emperor surrender. It's a pity that the Japanese monarch and his ministers had an accident at sea and all died, otherwise..." Old Li seemed to sigh.

But Empress Changsun didn't want to listen to him. She just needed to know that Zhao Chen and the others could return safely.


"Mother, will Daddy come back from here?" In the carriage, Xiao Ping'an looked at Qizhou City in front of him curiously, turned his head and said to Li Ruoshuang.

"Of course, your father won a great victory this time!" Wu Xu's voice sounded, his face full of joy.

"Daddy has always won battles, but I don't want him to be out for so long every time. It would be nice if he could stay home to play with me." Xiao Ping'an bit his finger and blinked at Li Ruoshuang.

"You have to tell your daddy that if he is out for so long again, you will cry for him to see." Li Ruoshuang patted Xiao Ping'an's little hand and looked ahead with a smile.

Soon, a team appeared in front of them. Zhao Chen rode on a tall horse and slowly came over here.

The people of Qizhou on both sides bowed, and Zhao Chen rode straight to the carriage.

"Daddy!" Xiao Ping'an jumped off the carriage and ran towards Zhao Chen with his arms open.

Zhao Chen jumped off the warhorse and hugged Xiao Ping'an in his arms.

Li Ruoshuang and Wu Xu got off the carriage.

"Hey, I finally see you!" Wu Xu walked forward, regardless of the eyes of others, and hugged Zhao Chen's arm.

"Long time no see!" Zhao Chen looked at Li Ruoshuang with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see!" Li Ruoshuang stroked her hair lightly, smiling.

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