The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 812: Is there ever a time when you beg me?

"Li Tai, what a coincidence!"

Li Chengqian's car and Li Tai's car happened to meet at the gate of Zhao's house.

Li Chengqian is now very proud and smiling.

He came here not simply to visit Zhao Chen.

Li Chengqian wanted to know if Zhao Chen woke up.

If he didn't take Zhao Chen under his control as soon as possible, Li Chengqian would always feel uneasy.

"I am really surprised that the prince came here!" Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian with a smile.

The relationship between Li Chengqian and Zhao Chen has long been at odds.

If the previous conflicts between the two had not been made clear, on the day of Zhao Chen's wedding, their existing feud was already irreconcilable.

Although he didn't know what the emperor was thinking, he looked like he didn't know anything.

But Li Tai knew that sooner or later one of Zhao Chen and Li Chengqian would be unable to eat and carry around.

Today Zhao Chen was poisoned. Li Tai didn't even think about it and knew it was Li Chengqian's idea.

But Li Tai didn't expect that Li Chengqian would do such a crazy thing.

"There are so many things that can surprise you. Do I have to explain them to you one by one?" Li Chengqian was a little aggressive.

Perhaps it’s because at this moment, he already feels that the overall situation is under control.

Li Tai said nothing.

He is not here to quarrel with Li Chengqian today.

When the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion was evaluated, they might be allies.

But whenever something happens to Zhao Chen, Li Chengqian won't even look at him.

List of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, hum!

Li Tai sneered in his heart.

When the two entered the Zhao Mansion, they saw no one, only a few lanterns swaying gently in the breeze.

"Zhao Mansion has become so depressed." Li Tai was a little surprised.

The last time he came here, it was still a prosperous scene.

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves while drinking and drinking.

Now it is...

"What are you doing here?" Wu Jue looked at Li Chengqian coldly while holding the freshly cooked soup.

She clearly remembered that on the day of Zhao Chen's wedding, Li Chengqian made things difficult for Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang.

In the end, if Li Ruoshuang hadn't shot Du He's leg with an arrow and frightened Li Chengqian, I don't know what would have happened.

"Zhao Chen is awake?" Li Chengqian looked at the soup bowl in Wu Jue's hand and said with a smile.

"It's none of your business. Let me tell you Li Chengqian, we all know that you had someone poison Zhao Chen."

"Don't let me find a chance, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!" Wu Jue glared at Li Chengqian and said hatefully.

Wu Jue's threats had no effect on Li Chengqian.

Instead, it made him laugh.

"Little girl, not to mention that today is different from the past, but if I give you a chance, you can kill me?"


"So what if Zhao Chen is lying in bed waiting to die now?"



A strong wind hit, and Li Chengqian was slapped hard on half of his face.

"Li Chengqian, others care about your status as prince, but I don't care. It's best that my husband is fine, otherwise you think you can survive tomorrow!" Li Ruoshuang stood in front of Li Chengqian with a cold look on her face.

It hurts.

I was even more annoyed.

Li Chengqian, the dignified prince of the Tang Dynasty, was slapped by a woman?


"How dare you attack the prince!"

"Hurry up and capture him, otherwise we won't be polite!"

Li Chengqian was suddenly slapped in the face, and the guards who followed him panicked.

They didn't notice Li Ruoshuang's actions at all.

If you don't say anything at this time, the prince will be able to chop them down when he gets back.

"Li Chengqian, ask your people to step back, or I'll cripple your other leg today." Cheng Chu obeyed silently.

Come from behind.

Accompanying him were Qin Qiong and other students from the academy.

Wu Jue had just asked his family generals to report the news that Zhao Chen had woken up.

That's why the mansion seemed extremely deserted.

Li Chengqian is now most afraid of being talked about his legs.

Ever since he was injured during disaster relief in Chenzhou, his leg has never truly recovered. ??

The wounds were broken several times.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival military parade, Li Ke fought with Li Tai and knocked him over.

Since then, Li Chengqian's right leg has completely recovered.

Now that Cheng Chumo was threatening to lame his other leg, Li Chengqian felt that this was more uncomfortable than a slap in the face.

Looking back, Li Chengqian stared at Cheng Chumo.

Cheng Chumo was not afraid of him at all.

He pushed his chest out in front of Li Chengqian and pushed Li Chengqian back a few steps.

Li Chengqian's face turned red.

In the past, when Zhao Chen was still alive and kicking, these people were so arrogant.

Now that Zhao Chen has fallen, they are still so arrogant.

"Do you dare to move?"

"If you dare to move, you will be forced to lie down and go out today. The worst possible outcome is death. I am not afraid!" Cheng Chumo said softly to Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian could feel the killing intent in Cheng Chumo.

"Okay, you guys are great. I have recorded what happened today. Zhao Chen will wait until he survives this month."

"The time will come when you beg me!" Although he was forced to give in, Li Chengqian still put down his harsh words.

One month, only one month, waiting for Zhao Chen's poison to take effect.

When the time comes when there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, all these people will surely kneel on the ground and beg for themselves.

"Let's go!" With these harsh words, Li Chengqian left not at all slow.

It disappeared into the night in a few seconds.

"Well, I'm really here to visit Mr....!" Li Tai quickly explained to everyone.

He didn't want to be beaten by these people.

It wouldn't be worth it if my legs were broken.

"Sir is really awake. Is he okay now?"

"Zhao Da, Zhao Da, can I come in?"

"Sir, are you okay?"

Cheng Chumo didn't have time to wait for Li Ruoshuang to speak, so he rushed to the door of the room and shouted to Zhao Chen.

The rest of the people also followed and stood at the door, not daring to open the door and go in at will.

"Mr. Qi, I would like to ask you, have you ever drank this wine together?" Dai Zhou and Changsun Wuji asked from the Yamen of Dali Temple.

"Drink!" Changsun Wuji nodded.

If he said he had never drank it, wouldn't he just pretend that he knew the wine was poisonous?

But he had already replaced the wine bottle in advance, so there was no poisonous wine at all.

Admitting that you have drunk is the best way.

Anyway, Dali Temple couldn’t find any evidence.

"Okay, the Dali Temple yamen officials didn't find the poison in those dishes and the wine, but they found poisonous residue on the edge of Duke Zhao's cup."

"Either the restaurant deliberately put this poison on it, or you, Duke of Qi, smeared it on it, or Zhao Chen deliberately framed it."

"Qi Guogong, what do you think?" Dai Zhou gave three hypotheses and asked Changsun Wuji for his opinion.

Changsun Wuji was unmoved and said expressionlessly, "There is no need for Duke Zhao to poison himself, and my son and Duke Zhao are teachers and students. There is no need for me to harm him."

Changsun Wuji would not be deterred by Dai Zhou's probing questions.

Who can get to where he is today without Dian Chengfu?

Dai Zhou wasn't angry either, he just smiled.

"Then Duke Qi means that the poison was poisoned by people from the restaurant, but what kind of grudge can the people from this restaurant have against Duke Zhao?" Dai Zhou asked, flipping through the records in his hand.

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