The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 816: Here comes the man who repays kindness with vengeance

"Your Majesty, regarding the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, I have made some adjustments after careful consideration."

"Your Majesty, please take a look!"

In Ganquan Hall, Fang Xuanling and Li Shimin handed over their hands. The eunuch next to him took the fold and put it on the table in front of Li Shimin.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Fang Qing." Li Shimin nodded, but he was not in a hurry to open and read the booklet Fang Xuanling presented.

It has been more than two months since the construction of Lingyan Pavilion started.

The Ministry of Industry said in a statement that Lingyan Pavilion will be completely completed in half a month.

As for the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, final confirmation is needed.

The list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion submitted by Zhao Chen, Li Chengqian, and Li Tai was just for the emperor's reference.

For such an important matter, the emperor must be cautious.

"Your Majesty, why do you suddenly ask me to adjust the list of meritorious officials? But there is something wrong with the previous list." Fang Xuanling did not leave in a hurry, but stood there and asked the emperor one more question.

Fang Xuanling actually had some guesses in her mind.

The emperor suddenly asked him to adjust the list of Lingyan Pavilion, it must be because of Zhao Chen's poisoning.

Although no evidence was found to prove that it was Changsun Wuji who did this.

But everyone actually knows it well.

But if the emperor wanted to take such a big breath for Zhao Chen and change Changsun Wuji's position in Lingyan Pavilion, it would be too much of a fuss.

From Fang Xuanling's point of view, Zhao Chen did a lot this year.

But we cannot punish the founding heroes like Changsun Wuji so much because of this.

The most important thing is that there is no evidence that Changsun Wuji poisoned Zhao Chen.

If the emperor really did this, it would be chilling.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I just need to think about it carefully."

"By the way, have you ever visited Zhao Chen?" The emperor looked at Fang Xuanling.

"It's been nearly a month." Fang Xuanling replied.

He went to visit Zhao Chen on the day he was poisoned.

never again

Never been.

In Fang Xuanling's opinion, whether he goes to visit Zhao Chen or not has little impact.

He has never devoted himself to Zhao Chen, and there is no need to get too close to Zhao Chen.

Especially the poison in Zhao Chen, even Sun Simiao said there was no way to completely cure it.

Many times, Fang Xuanling wondered whether she should tell Fang Yizhi not to go to the academy anymore.

After all, with Zhao Chen's current situation, it is impossible for him to be the prince's opponent.

If it weren't for the emperor taking care of it, Zhao Chen would have been cleaned up long ago.

"Go and take a look when you have nothing to do." The emperor suddenly said this.

But Fang Xuanling was stunned.

Just as he was about to say more, he saw the emperor waving his hands to himself, signaling him to leave.

Fang Xuanling handed over and left, and the emperor slowly opened the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion that Fang Xuanling had adjusted.

Picking up the ink pen, he drew a big cross on the first name on the list.

Changsun Chong was a little uneasy and stood at the door of Zhao Mansion, not daring to raise his hand to knock on the door.

Although he didn't do anything to feel sorry for Zhao Chen, his father had indeed poisoned Zhao Chen.

"Hey -" The door of Zhao's mansion was opened, and the concierge came over with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Chongchong, you haven't been here for a while. The master said that if you come, you will be let in directly." The concierge is missing a front tooth, and he doesn't know why it is missing.

At least the concierge's teeth were still neat when Changsun rushed over last time.

"Old Huang, your teeth..."

"Oh, don't mention it. My master said I couldn't even guard the door. He just beat me so hard that all my teeth were knocked out." The concierge shook his head, but there was no anger on his face.

Changsun Chong opened his mouth.

He just heard Li Chengqian say that Du He was

The Zhao family's concierge was severely beaten.

In this case, the concierge must be extremely skilled.

How come Zhao Chen had all his teeth knocked out?

"Old Huang, he okay?" Changsun Chong hesitated. He didn't know whether he should ask this question.

"It's pretty good. I eat well every day and sleep well..."

"But I heard..."

"Oh, that's all a lie. The master is not poisoned at all."

"Ah?" Changsun Chong was surprised and happy.

He did not expect that Zhao Chen was not poisoned, nor did he expect that Lao Huang in front of him would tell him this matter so simply.

Changsun Chong knew that if Zhao Chen hadn't done it on purpose, Lao Huang would never have said these things.

Although Lao Huang is not very dedicated, he still eats from the Zhao family.

The only explanation is that Zhao Chen asked him to tell him this.

"Hey, are you going to get in? If you don't go, the master will go to bed later, so you have to wait." Lao Huang and Chang Sun Chong said.

"Okay, I'll go in!" Changsun nodded.

In the yard, Zhao Chen is teaching Xiao Li how to study and write.

Wu Jue sat aside and did his homework.

Li Ruoshuang lay on the recliner and squinted her eyes.

"Oh my god, you were sent by your father to punish me, right? What about your handwriting? Even a dog can write better than you!"

"How many times have I told you, horizontally and vertically."

"Look, your butt is tilted up. Does your butt usually look crooked?"

"Why do you stand it up so long? Why don't you stretch it a little longer so that it can be bent into a rope? You can just hang me to death."

"Brother, stop writing. You should go chop firewood for me. That suits you."

Changsun Chong stood outside the yard and heard Zhao Chen's roar in the yard.

Changsun Chong felt friendly.


br\u003e When Zhao Chen was in the academy, he often scolded them like this.

Seeing Zhao Chen jumping around in anger at that time, everyone felt relieved.

There were even some who were not afraid of death and deliberately caused trouble for Zhao Chen.

But since Zhao Chen brought the ruler, everyone shrank.

That ruler is very real.

"Sir, stop scolding, don't you just want me to chop wood and fetch water for you?"

"Just say it from now on. There's no need to make so many excuses!" Xiao Li Zhi felt aggrieved.

I clearly wrote well, but Zhao Chen kept making trouble for me.


Zhao Chen thought he was free and asked himself to chop wood and carry water for him.

It's a pity that at such a young age, I have endured the unbearable weight of life.

"Then why don't you go quickly!" Zhao Chen waved his hand.

Since this little guy knows what he means, he is still sitting here without moving, but he is a little ungrateful.

"Humph!" Xiao Li Zhi put down his pen and walked out of the yard with a face full of resentment.

Changsun Chong walked in, looking a little uneasy.

Wu Jue looked up and saw Changsun Chong, with a displeased look on his face.

"Zhao Chen, here comes the man who avenges kindness with revenge!" Wu Jue and Zhao Chen shouted.

Changsun Wuji lowered his head in shame.

Wu Jue was right. Their eldest son's family was indeed repaying kindness with hatred.

Zhao Chen treated his father, but his father poisoned Zhao Chen.

Isn't acting like this just repaying kindness with enmity?

"You haven't been here for a while. I thought you would never come again." Zhao Chen looked at Changsun Chong and said with a smile.

"Sir, I..."

"Sit down!" Zhao Chen waved his hand and motioned for Changsun Chong to sit down.

Changsun Chong sat down on the stone bench, but he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zhao Chen.

My butt just stuck to the stool.

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