The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 840: The East Palace cannot be left without an owner for a day

"General, congratulations to His Royal Highness the King of Wei... Oh, no... His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Hou Junji stood up immediately and congratulated Li Tai.

Hou Junji has been coming to Prince Wei's Mansion frequently in the past half month in order to strengthen his relationship with Li Tai.

At this moment, Hou Junji was extremely excited when he heard that the Zhongshu Province was drafting an edict to confer Li Tai as the crown prince.

Before, he was worried that Li Tai would not be canonized for a long time.

Either the emperor appointed other princes, or he directly disclosed Zhao Chen's identity.

In that case, even Hou Junji would not end well.

Now, Li Tai is going to be appointed as the prince, and his life, Hou Junji, is saved.

As long as Li Tai doesn't commit any stupidity, no matter how powerful Zhao Chen is, he won't dare to attack Li Tai.

During the recent period, it is better not to provoke Zhao Chen easily, and wait until Li Tai's position as prince is stabilized.

Hou Junji thought so in his mind.

Li Tai was also confused at this moment. He was still talking to Hou Junji about this matter just now.

Unexpectedly, the good news came so quickly.

However, this matter needs to be confirmed to avoid extreme happiness leading to sadness.

"Is the source reliable?" Li Tai suppressed his inner ecstasy and asked Chai Lingwu.

"Reliable, today my father met the prime minister on the road, and the prime minister said it personally." Chai Lingwu nodded.

"Fang Xuanling will definitely not lie on this matter, Your Highness, congratulations!" Hou Junji's smile grew stronger.

This heart can finally be put into my stomach.

A look of ecstasy flashed across Li Tai's face, and he could no longer sit still.

He walked up and down the hall, his fists clenched together, and it was hard to express how excited he was.

"General Hou, you go back first. In a few days... the palace... I will host a banquet. You must come." Li Tai wished he could consider himself the prince of the Tang Dynasty now.

When Li Chengqian was the crown prince, he came up with the idea of ​​competing with Li Chengqian for the crown prince's position because of the emperor's special favor for him.

But at that time, Li Chengqian had been sitting in the position of prince for a long time.

A huge force gathered around him.

He, Li Tai, has more than enough ambition but not enough energy.

Unexpectedly, by some strange combination of circumstances, Li Chengqian was taken down by Zhao Chen without Li Tai doing anything.

And he still left Chang'an in disgrace.

The position of prince was inexplicably placed on his head, Li Tai.

At this moment, Li Tai really wanted to treat Zhao Chen to a drink.

If it hadn't been for him, it would have been difficult for him to sit on the position of prince in this life.

Zhao Chen is his lucky star.

Hou Junji handed over and left. Li Tai was already so happy that he didn't know what was going on.

Chai Lingwu stood aside, not daring to say anything.

The next day.

Wei Zheng held his nose and went to court.

He really didn't want to come.

After all, his nose looks a little crooked.

Walking on the palace road, many people looked at me with strange expressions.

This made Wei Zheng feel very embarrassed.

Although he is not very shameless, his image is really weird.

"Xuancheng, your nose..." When Fang Xuanling saw Wei Zheng lowering his head and covering his nose while walking, he couldn't help but come over curiously.

"It's okay!" Wei Zheng didn't dare to raise his head and walked forward faster.

"Hey, don't walk so fast, I have good news for you!" Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng shouted.

Old Wei was afraid of being embarrassed, so he trotted away and disappeared in front of Wei Zheng.

Zhao Chen was also summoned by the emperor to come to court.

He was sleeping with his wife in his arms when he was woken up by someone, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

After finally reaching the entrance of Tai Chi Hall, all the ministers had already saluted the emperor.

Just find an empty spot and get in, Zhao

Chen then began to empty himself by observing his nose, nose and eyes.

The emperor saw Zhao Chen shrinking behind him at a glance, but it didn't matter.

Anyway, he just wanted to bring Zhao Chen to court.

As an emperor, he gets up at 9 o'clock every day. Why can Zhao Chen sleep until 3 o'clock in the morning?

This is unfair.

The emperor has decided that whenever there is a morning court, he must send someone to call Zhao Chen.

It also let Zhao Chen know what the emperor's willfulness is.

"Your Majesty, the country cannot be without a king for a day, and the East Palace cannot be without a master for a day."

"The deposed prince is licentious and has harmed the loyal and good. His majesty is kind and has demoted him to Luzhou. However, the position of the East Palace is undecided. The ministers are worried and the people are frightened."

"Your Majesty, please appoint a new Crown Prince from among the princes." Gao Shilian, who had not appeared in the court for a long time, stood up from the queue and held hands with the emperor.

In fact, it was all arranged by the emperor.

Some people mentioned that the emperor could ask Zhongshu Sheng to take out the prepared edict and read it.

And if someone takes the lead, all the officials will definitely speak up.

"Your Majesty, what Mr. Gao said is right. The prince is the crown prince. How can our Tang Dynasty be without a crown prince for a day?"

"Your Majesty, please appoint a prince as the crown prince."

"The Crown Prince is related to the stability of the Tang Dynasty. Without the Crown Prince for one day, all the ministers will feel uneasy. I hope Your Majesty will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"His Majesty……"

The ministers spoke, and the Tai Chi Hall was noisy.

"Dear dear princes, do you think that the prince under my knees is qualified to succeed the crown prince?" The emperor raised his hand and everyone fell silent.

Since the emperor has said this, he intends to crown the prince.

Then the choice of this prince is subject to discussion.

If Li Tai was lifted out directly, it would feel too deliberate.

But Li Tai is definitely the best candidate for the crown prince.

"Your Majesty, I will be aware of this, King Li Tai of Wei,

He is respectful and modest, intelligent and eager to learn, and has the style of His Majesty back then. "

"Among all the princes, His Royal Highness King Wei is the most suitable in age."

"Therefore, the general thinks that His Royal Highness the King of Wei should be crowned the crown prince." Hou Junji was willing to be this cannon fodder.

If he didn't say it, others wouldn't see it either.

Li Ke is not the legitimate son, and Li Zhi is too young, so Li Tai must be the crown prince.

"What Mr. Chen Guogong said is true. Among the princes, only King Li Tai of Wei is qualified to be crowned prince."

"His Royal Highness the King of Wei is respectful and modest, and is well-known in the court and among the people. If he is still unable to be crowned prince, who else is qualified?"

"His Royal Highness King Wei..."

As soon as Hou Junji opened his mouth, the officials from Li Tai's party who were already eager to try out stepped up their praise of Li Tai.

It's just that he didn't praise Li Tai as a unique saint in heaven and earth.

Li Ke stood in front, listening to the officials praising Li Tai, with a look of disdain on his lips.

If Li Tai was that powerful, he would still be held down by someone like Li Chengqian.

If he praises Zhao Chen, Li Ke still feels that it is a bit reliable.

It's too much for you to praise Li Tai so much.

It's a pity that my husband has nothing to do with my father. If he shed blood and recognized his kin that day, he would be successful.

It will definitely be him who sits on the throne of the prince today!

Li Ke couldn't understand that with such a good opportunity, he could obviously become a prince.

Why did Zhao Chen give up?

If it had been...


Li Ke sighed.

"Qingque, what do you think?" The emperor suddenly asked Li Tai.

Li Tai can have any ideas.

Of course he wished he could live in the East Palace now. He was tired of living in Prince Wei's Mansion.

"Father, I would like to..."

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