The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 844: It’s been eight lifetimes of bad luck

Cheng Yaojin was chased out by Mr. Pei with a broom.

Pei also said that if he dared to speak ill of himself in front of Zhao Chen in the future, he would be chased to Duke Lu's mansion and beaten.

Wei Zheng came out holding his money bag with a satisfied look on his face.

From the looks of it, Mrs. Pei must have given him a lot of pocket money.

"Let's go, I will take you to have a good massage today!" Wei Zheng hung the money bag on his waist and waved to a few people.

"It seems that Madam-in-law gave him a lot of money, so I don't want to give him a good beating today."

"Kill him?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to eat a piece of meat later."

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong were talking.

After hearing this, Zhao Chen didn't want to eat this meal.

Wangyou Restaurant is now the most prosperous restaurant in Chang'an City.

As a restaurant in the same line as Wangyou Tavern, the chefs here are all culinary elites from all over the world.

A variety of dishes and flavors will make people miss you once you eat them.

Wangyou Restaurant is divided into three floors.

The first floor is full of ordinary dishes, suitable for gatherings of ordinary people.

The second level is more exotic dishes, suitable for wealthy people and ordinary officials.

As for the third floor, it is for dignitaries and princes.

The Wangyou Restaurant is always full every day.

If you want to have a meal here, you need to make a reservation two days in advance.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to eat it at all.

Zhao Chen and others stopped at the entrance of Wangyou Restaurant, and their eyes fell on Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng felt excited.

Although Mr. Pei asked him to bring Zhao Chen and others to Netizen Restaurant for a meal.

Also gave him enough money.

But Wei Zheng didn’t want to.

He also thought about leaving a golden leaf for himself.

If he went to Wangyou Restaurant, he might not even be able to keep a single coin.


"I want to eat at Wangyou Restaurant, not anywhere else!" Before Wei Zheng's words of persuasion came out, Zhao Chen pointed at Wangyou Restaurant, as if he wasn't going to eat or move his feet.

"Didn't we eat this for half a month when we were in Tianlao? How about a change of taste? I apologize. There is a restaurant in front of you..."

"No, auntie said she would treat me to a meal at Wangyou Restaurant. Didn't she give you money? Why don't I go back and ask?" It was still very simple to deal with Wei Zheng.

Zhao Chen was naturally able to capture him.

Wei Zheng touched a few gold leaves in the money bag, feeling quite reluctant to part with them.

"Forget it, let's go to Wangyou Restaurant. I want to change my taste."

"Since you still want to eat, then go ahead and eat."

How dare Wei Zheng ask Zhao Chen to go back and ask.

If this is known to my wife, forget about the pocket money in the future.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong did not speak.

Anyway, they are here for dinner today, and they can discuss the next arrangements by the way.

After all, Li Tai becoming the prince was not a good thing for them.

"Master Du, I'm really sorry. Our Wangyou Restaurant only accepts guests who have made reservations in advance."

"We really can't make room for you and your friends."

"How about you come back tomorrow and I can make a reservation for you?" On the first floor of Wangyou Inn, the innkeeper said kindly to Du He.

"Reservation, what kind of restaurant, do you want me to make a reservation?" Du He looked a little ugly.

Today some of his friends came to Chang'an City and said they wanted to treat Du He to a meal.

I heard that the food at Wangyou Restaurant is one of the best in the world, so I thought of eating here.

Who knew that Wangyou Restaurant would be so popular.

There is no place at all.

Moreover, the seats for tomorrow are also fully booked, and they will have to wait until the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

They originally wanted to leave, but Du He insisted on letting the restaurant owner free up a seat with them.

Of course the shopkeeper can't do this.

Zhao Chen had set a rule at the beginning, no matter who came, there was no need to make an appointment in advance

You can't eat here if you don't have a table.

This is also to maintain order in the restaurant.

Otherwise, some guys who take advantage of others would have to cause trouble for him every day.

Over this period of time, Du He was not the first person to want to make room for the shopkeeper.

But he is the most arrogant one.

"Master Du, you are also acquainted with our boss. Please give our boss some face and let this matter end."

"You come over the next day, I'll give you a 20% discount, that's great!" the shopkeeper said with a smile to Du He.

Du He had never dealt with Zhao Chen.

Two months ago, he was shot through the thigh by an arrow from Li Ruoshuang and almost became limp.

After he recovered, something happened to Li Chengqian again.

Even the crown prince was deposed and driven out of Chang'an City.

These two blows caught Du He off guard.

I wanted to have a meal here today, but then I heard the shopkeeper talk about Zhao Chen.

Du He knew that Wangyou Restaurant was Zhao Chen's property, and he came here to eat because he wanted to cause some trouble for Zhao Chen.

Since the shopkeeper mentioned Zhao Chen...

"Pah -" Du He slapped the shopkeeper in the face and angrily said, "Stop threatening me with Zhao Chen."

"I'm not afraid of him. I'm sure to eat today's meal."

The shopkeeper was beaten so hard that stars appeared in his eyes, and the waiters from Netizen Restaurant gathered around him.

The cook came over holding a kitchen knife.

He was about to come up and chop Du He with his eyes wide open.

The first rule of the restaurant set by Zhao Chen is anyone who dares to cause trouble in Wangyou Restaurant.

It's up to him to be beaten to death.

With the prestigious Duke as their backer, they were not afraid at all.

Du He was also shocked.

He knew that Zhao Chen was a lunatic, but he never thought that all the people working in the restaurant under him were lunatics.

This group of people rushed towards me with kitchen knives.

Are you dying?

"Stop, do you know who I am, Du He?

My father is Duke Du Ruhui of Lai Kingdom, how dare you..."

"Keming has a son like you, and he will be in trouble for eight lifetimes!"

"Today I will teach you a lesson with Keming!"

Before Du He could finish his words, he was kicked to the ground by someone from behind.

Looking back, he saw Cheng Yaojin looking at him fiercely.

Zhao Chen walked in from outside.

There are also Wei Zheng and Qin Qiong.

He wanted to look again, but he saw Cheng Yao Jin Pu's big slap coming towards him fiercely.

"Pa—" Five blood marks as thick as sticks remained on Du He's face.

Du He felt that his back molars had been loosened.

"Cheng Yaojin, you..."

"You still call me by my first name, no matter how old or young you are!"


Another slap, this time making Du He's nose bleed.

"My lord, stop fighting."

"It's our fault. Let's leave now. Please let Brother Du He go."

Several people brought by Du He quickly begged Cheng Yaojin for mercy.

They were really afraid that Cheng Yaojin would beat Du He to death right here.

"Zhao Chen, what do you think?" Cheng Yaojin looked back at Zhao Chen.

Cheng Yaojin didn't want to deal such a harsh blow to Du He.

After all, he is the son of an old friend.

But if he hadn't beaten Du He severely just now, Zhao Chen wouldn't have been able to explain it to him so easily.

These cooks dared to rush out with a kitchen knife. Cheng Yaojin was afraid that Zhao Chen would also use a kitchen knife to chop Du He.

"Slap back." Zhao Chen said to the shopkeeper who was slapped just now.

"Dong... Dongjia, Xiao... Xiao..." The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, but he hesitated and did not dare to do anything.

This is a member of the Duke of Lai Kingdom. He is a small shopkeeper. How dare he slap him in the face.

As for myself, I am just a nobody, and I deserve to be bullied.

"Why, my words won't work now, will they?" Zhao Chen looked at the shopkeeper and said coldly.

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