The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 853: Why didn’t you know how to save face at that time?

"Old Qin, slap me first to see if I'm dreaming today." Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong said on the steps outside Tai Chi Hall.

Cheng Yaojin thought he had something wrong with his ears.

Either that or he's dreaming.

What did Wei Zheng say to him just now?

It is said that Zhao Chen is the son of the emperor.

Is it the same as the rumors outside?

Isn't this a joke?

If Zhao Chen was really the emperor's son, why hadn't he been exposed several times?

The emperor has been silent?

Although Cheng Yaojin also felt that the positions that he and the others occupied in Lingyan Pavilion today were somewhat unreasonable.

But you, Wei Zheng, are not careless.

How come Zhao Chen is the emperor's son?

It’s okay to talk to them about this. If Zhao Chen heard it, wouldn’t Old Wei head be tied up by Zhao Chen and sent to sink the moat?


Qin Qiong's slap was merciless at all.

Cheng Yaojin immediately jumped up due to the slap, and his thighs felt a burning pain.

Qin Qiong also wanted to know if he was dreaming.

This slap hurt his whole face.

"Fuck, it hurts!" Cheng Yaojin grinned.

Wei Zheng looked at the two of them with a smile.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong gritted their teeth and looked at each other, both realizing that Wei Zheng did not seem to be lying to them.

Could it be...

"I'm not telling you lies, and everything that happened today was not a dream."

"Don't reveal a single word of what I just told you to others, especially Zhao Chen, remember!" Wei Zheng and the two of them instructed.

"Zhao...boy Zhao is" Cheng Yaojin stumbled and almost fell down the steps.

Fortunately, Qin Qiong on the side caught him in time.

Qin Qiong didn't bother to ask at this moment why he couldn't tell Zhao Chen the news himself.

Now all he can think about is what Wei Zheng just said, Zhao Chen

The fact that he is the emperor's son.

"I thought you were joking!" Qin Qiong looked around, but no one noticed.

He lowered his voice and spoke to Wei Zheng.

He naturally thought Wei Zheng was joking.

After all, Zhao Chen's relationship with the emperor was denied time and time again by Zhao Chen himself.

But think about it carefully, if it wasn't true, how dare Wei Zheng say such things to them?

If word of this spreads out, will the emperor take Wei Zheng's life?

"Never tell Zhao Chen about this!" Wei Zheng reminded him again.

"Why?" they both asked in unison.

Zhao Chen is really the emperor's son?

Wei Zheng already knew?

No wonder this guy has been promoted and made a fortune these days and is so unhappy. It turns out that's the case.

But why couldn't Zhao Chen know the news.

Is it possible that if Zhao Chen knew his identity, he would cause some trouble?

The emperor's son, and Zhao Chen is older than Li Tai.

If something happens to Li Tai in the future, wouldn't Zhao Chen be the crown prince for sure?

Then they didn't all take off on the same spot?

This is such a happy event, why can't I tell Zhao Chen about it!

"I don't know. Anyway, His Majesty said, don't say it. Whoever says it will have his head!" Wei Zheng shook his head.

He didn't bother to explain.

I'm also afraid of these two guys, especially Cheng Yaojin's big mouth.

Just bring the emperor to suppress them.

As expected, Cheng Yaojin stopped asking. Even Qin Qiong opened his mouth several times at this moment, but in the end he didn't ask.

Zhao Chen is the emperor's son, just like the rumors outside.

This is really more thrilling than knowing their position as the hero of Lingyan Pavilion.

"Let's go, go back. I will definitely be punished severely when I go home today!" Wei Zheng suddenly sighed.

Thinking about the last time he ran away after eating, Wei Zheng felt a little regretful now.

Today, I benefited from Zhao Chen again. Didn’t the tigress at home eat him alive?

"You shameless person, get in here!" Zhao Chen was eating with Li Ruoshuang and the others.

Suddenly, I heard Wei Zheng's wife Pei's shouts coming from outside the yard.

"What's wrong?" Li Ruoshuang looked at Zhao Chen with confusion on his face.

She didn't know that Wei Zheng ran away after a treat last time.

"It's okay, you continue to eat, I'll go out and take a look." Zhao Chen said to Li Ruoshuang, then he put down the bowls and chopsticks and walked out of the yard.

Zhao Chen also knew the reason why Wei Zheng was captured by the Pei family.

Wei Shuyu had just told him what happened in the court today.

Zhao Chen knew very well the rankings of Wei Zheng, Cheng Yaojin, and Qin Qiong on the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion.

After all, this list was also given to the emperor by himself.

However, Zhao Chen himself did not expect that the emperor would read out the list of heroes of Lingyan Pavilion exactly according to the list he had submitted.

Old Li Tou must be too casual.

I wish I could have adjusted this list better.

Zhao Chen thought to himself that he had already walked outside the courtyard and saw Mrs. Pei dragging Wei Zheng towards him.

Wei Zheng was very reluctant, hugging the tree beside him and refusing to move.

"Wei Xuancheng, you still know how to save face now. Why didn't you know how to save face when you invited people to dinner and skipped the bill?" Mrs. Pei was almost furious with Wei Zheng.

Thinking about how much money he gave Wei Zheng to treat Zhao Chen to a meal, he ended up with nothing.

Did you run away without paying after eating?

Is there anyone doing this?

Fortunately, the people in Chang'an City didn't know, otherwise they wouldn't know what the news would be like outside.

Zuopushe, the dignified minister, invites people to dinner without paying?

Don’t even think about raising your head from now on!

"Madam! Madam, save some face for me, Zhao Chen is out!" Wei Zheng hugged the tree and refused to let go.

Seeing Zhao Chen standing at the door of the courtyard, he quickly spoke to Mr. Pei.

Pei was also furious, otherwise he wouldn't have forced Wei Zheng to come here to apologize to Zhao Chen.

Where can Wei Zheng do things like this?

Zhao Chen helped him and let him sit in the position of Minister Zuopushe, but he didn't even pay for the meal.

Today, I have accepted Zhao Chen's love again, and it is a love related to his Wei Mansion's century-old glory.

Mr. Pei really couldn't sit still.

Seeing Zhao Chen standing in front, Ms. Pei felt ashamed.

Quickly walked up to Zhao Chen and said politely to Zhao Chen, "Zhao Chen, aunt apologizes to you on behalf of your husband. I..."

"Aunt, why are you like this? Old Wei and I have an irreconcilable relationship. It's just a meal, it doesn't matter." Before Pei could finish speaking, Zhao Chen quickly stopped her.

But he couldn't let her apologize to him.

He and Old Wei had even been in a cell together. How could it be destroyed with just one meal?

"Zhao Chen, you have a broad mind. Auntie understands that, but you are so shameless. Really..."

"Auntie hasn't eaten yet. She just went in to eat some. By the way, she told Ruoshuang some things she needs to pay attention to during pregnancy."

"You also know that I don't understand any of this!" Zhao Chen didn't want to tell Pei about Wei Zheng's previous dinner party.

This is all in the past, there is nothing more to say.

"Okay, then Auntie, go over now. For Auntie's sake, don't argue with him."

"Husband, he is afraid of poverty." After saying this to Zhao Chen, Pei went in to look for Li Ruoshuang.

"Old Wei, how dare you appear in front of me!" As soon as Pei left, Zhao Chen's face darkened.

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