The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 949: I have absolutely no other thoughts about you

"Zhao Chen, Hou Junji escaped from prison!"

That afternoon, Old Wei went to Zhao Chen's house.

Zhao Chen would know this news sooner or later, so it was better to let him know in advance.

Wei Zheng thought about it, he knew this but still didn't explain it to Zhao Chen.

If Zhao Chen found out that he was hiding something from him in the future, would this guy still have to fall out with him?

"Dali Temple's Heavenly Prison is heavily guarded. Even with his great abilities, Hou Junji cannot escape from prison."

"Then let Hunjun go." Zhao Chen pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said to Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng was stunned for a moment, with a sigh on his face.

It was impossible to hide this kind of thing from Zhao Chen.

Although the Heavenly Prison of Dali Temple is not as good as the Death Prison of the Ministry of Punishment, it is heavily guarded and far better than the Yamen of Jingzhao Prefecture.

The jailers inside are all retired soldiers from the army.

No matter how good Hou Junji is, how is it possible for him to escape without anyone noticing?

"His Majesty said that he did not want his hands to be stained with the blood of heroes of the Tang Dynasty." Wei Zheng and Zhao Chen explained.

But we can't tell what Hou Junji said in the prison about Zhao Chen's identity.

This thing can be kept hidden for as long as it takes!

Anyway, we can't let Wei Zheng be exposed!

"Fart, if a war broke out between Goguryeo and the Tang Dynasty, how many soldiers would die in foreign lands because of Hou Junji's betrayal?"

"Although I say he is a foolish king, he will definitely not be able to do such a foolish thing."

"Old Wei, is there something else going on here that you didn't tell me the truth about?" Zhao Chen Qinghe looked at Wei Zheng with a scrutinizing gaze.

Before coming, Wei Zheng had already expected that Zhao Chen would discover the hidden secret.

When Zhao Chen said this at this moment, although his heart suddenly trembled, the expression on his face did not change at all.

He smiled and said, "I have nothing to hide from you. What I just told you were His Majesty's exact words."

"If you don't understand, you can ask His Majesty again."

Wei Zheng

He couldn't think of how to get Zhao Chen over, so he simply blamed the emperor for the incident.

Zhao Chen looked at Wei Zheng with an ugly expression.

Hou Junji and Li Tai's plan against him this time almost caused him to die under false accusation.

Five people, including the shopkeeper and waiter at Wangyou Baozi Shop in the west of the city, lost their lives for no apparent reason because of this incident.

Now, Hou Junji lets it go as he says.

No matter what the reason was, Zhao Chen couldn't accept it from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, I understand!" Zhao Chen looked at Wei Zheng and nodded calmly.

"Boy Zhao, I understand how you feel, but His Majesty has his own reasons. His Majesty really has no selfish intentions towards you." Seeing Zhao Chen so calm, Wei Zheng began to worry.

After spending so long with Zhao Chen, Wei Zheng already knew that the guy in front of him liked to keep things in his heart.

The calmer he was, the more it showed the anger in Zhao Chen's heart.

"Old Wei, I was at the funeral of those people from Baozi Shop yesterday."

"Lao Li, the shopkeeper of the bun shop, is fifty years old this year, and the man above him is in his seventies. He lost his son in old age. He cried so hard that his eyes bleeded and he fainted several times."

"I know that they are all ordinary people and they don't even dare to think of revenge, but I, Zhao Chen, can."

"They died because of me, so I naturally have the responsibility to avenge them." Zhao Chen said slowly, as if he was just talking about an ordinary thing.

Wei Zheng didn't know how to persuade, or even whether he should speak.

Zhao Chen values ​​friendship, which is a good thing.

Wei Zheng also chose to stand firmly by Zhao Chen's side because of his emphasis on love and justice.

But sometimes, taking a step back is also a great wisdom.

"I can't persuade you. I came here this time just to tell you about Hou Junji's escape from prison, and how His Majesty treats you absolutely.

No other thoughts. "

"As for how you want to deal with Hou Junji, it's up to you to make the decision."

"Boy Zhao, pack yourself up and calm down. In a few days, you will be leaving for Jiangnan. Don't make people worry!" Wei Zheng patted Zhao Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"What, Hou Junji ran away?"

"All the jailers in the Dali Temple's Heavenly Prison are dead, right? Did they run away in broad daylight?"

"Dali Temple is heavily guarded, how could you let Hou Junji escape?"

"Is he the prince? He must have helped Hou Junji escape."

"Good guy, you dare to do such a thing, don't deal with him."

Zhao Chen summoned the guys from the academy and told them the news that Hou Junji had escaped from Dali Temple.

The crowd exploded instantly.

Because of Hou Junji, Zhao Chen almost fled to the end of the world this time.

I thought I could kill Hou Junji completely this time, but I didn't expect him to escape from the Dali Temple Tianlao.

"We can catch him again if he runs away."

"As long as he is still in Chang'an City, we have a chance to kill him!" Zhao Chen pressed his hands and everyone fell silent.

"But half a day has passed, and Hou Junji may have run out of Chang'an City now."

"And it's strange that Hou Junji ran away, and there were no arrest notices from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Jingzhao Mansion."

"What's going on?" Cheng Chumo noticed something strange.

Zhao Chen glanced at Cheng Chumo appreciatively.

This guy's mind has been spinning faster and faster lately.

"Hou Junji won't be in a hurry to leave the city. He doesn't have to go to Chen Guogong's mansion, but he will definitely go to Li Tai's place."

"I'm going to apply for a search of the Prince's Mansion now. You can lead people to guard the city gates in Chang'an."

"Anyone who finds traces of Hou Junji will be killed or alive," Zhao Chen said.

Everyone nodded, Li

Ke frowned and said, "Sir, the Prince's Mansion is where the Crown Prince is. How could my father let you search the Prince's Mansion?"

"In my opinion, it's better to arrange an informant outside the prince's residence. Once Hou Junji appears, he will be captured."

"Li Ke is right. The prince is the crown prince. Unless the emperor orders it, who would dare to search the prince's palace?"

"No matter what, your Majesty will not agree to Zhao Da's request." Qin Huaiyu and Li Ke had the same idea.

They all believed that Zhao Chen's idea of ​​applying to search the Prince's Mansion was simply impossible to realize.

"Zhao Da, why don't you send someone to keep an eye on the Prince's Mansion, like this..."

"You just need to do your own thing and notify Luo Tong and ask him to wait for me outside the Prince's Mansion." Zhao Chen interrupted Cheng Chumo.

"What on earth is Zhao Da thinking? How could His Majesty the Emperor agree to let him search the Prince's Mansion?"

"Isn't this a joke?"

"If the Prince's Mansion is raided, wouldn't it be confirmed that the Prince and Hou Junji are in the same group?"

"Moreover, if the prince, as the crown prince, is searched, the court will be shaken three times?"

"That's right. When Mr. said this, I was so frightened that I forgot to think."

"Sir, you are a little impulsive. Your Majesty will definitely drive you back."

When the guys from the academy left the Zhao Mansion, they couldn't help but talk about what happened just now.

Everyone felt that what Zhao Chen just said was extremely unreliable.

Even Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu felt that Zhao Chen was carried away by anger at this moment.

In any case, the emperor would not agree, so Zhao Chen led people to search the prince's mansion.

"Stop talking, no matter what Zhao Da does, I will support him." Cheng Chumo said to everyone.

"Just do whatever you have to do, but don't let Hou Junji run away!" Qin Huaiyu also said.

Everyone nodded, and although they didn't say anything else, the worry on their faces never faded away.

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