The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 976 You believe this too

Early the next morning, Zhao Chen came out of the inn.

Li Ke and the others did not return home last night, but the governor of Dingzhou entertained them so hospitably that they never wanted to leave.

After leaving the city, we went straight to the temple outside Dingzhou City.

In early spring, there are many young girls and boys out of town on the pipeline outside the city.

Walking towards Hanshan Temple, the endless stream of horse-drawn carriages is even more dizzying.

Zhao Chen didn't expect that Hanshan Temple outside the city would be so prosperous.

"The young master is also going to seek help from the Immortal today?" Zhao Chen was walking on the road, and an old woman and Zhao Chen asked with a smile beside him.

Xu Shi felt that Zhao Chen had a kind face and handed him a bamboo tube.

"This is a bamboo tube given by the Great Immortal. The Great Immortal said that if you drink the water in this bamboo tube, you can strengthen your health."

"Yesterday, the old woman begged for one more from the immortal, so I gave this to the young master." The old woman said to Zhao Chen with a smile.

Zhao Chen took the bamboo tube and turned it over on both sides. It was indeed filled with water.

However, drinking the water from the bamboo tube can strengthen your body, but Zhao Chen doesn't believe it.

Great Immortal?

Are there any great immortals in Hanshan Temple?

I'm afraid he didn't come from somewhere to show off and deceive.

"Old man, which immortal 'gifted' your bamboo tube to you?"

"From Hanshan Temple?" Zhao Chen and the old woman asked.

"Hey, there is no great immortal in Hanshan Temple. This was given by the great immortal Dongshan who rescued those in need."

"Ordinary people can't get it. If the old lady doesn't have a new one, she won't be able to give the old one to you, young master." The old woman said to Zhao Chen.

So he chased the person in front of him, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Holding an old bamboo tube in his hand, Zhao Chen clearly felt that most of these people were going to seek help from that great immortal.

I'm afraid it's not some pretentious guy who is trying to trick me.

But this has little to do with Zhao Chen.

He didn't come here to worship Buddha and burn incense.

The only thing that makes Zhao Chen a little embarrassed now is whether Miss Xue family should go to Hanshan Temple or to worship something like that


He couldn't go to two places at the same time.

"Miss, we agreed to go to the Dongshan Immortal, why are you going to Hanshan Temple now?" On the carriage outside Dingzhou City, Xiaocui, the maid of the Xue Mansion, and Miss Xue family complained.

They had agreed today that they were going to the Dongshan Immortal outside the city to watch the Immortal perform his magic.

Xiaocui is full of expectations.

She had long heard from her maids and sisters that the Dongshan Immortal was so powerful that he could boil boiling oil with both hands.

But it's amazing.

What's even more amazing is that the immortal statue buried in the ground will grow three inches taller in one day.

The people thought this was a miracle.

It is a manifestation of Dongshan Daxian's powerful magic power.

Otherwise, why wouldn’t Dongshan Daxian be afraid of hot oil pans?

Why can Dongshan Daxian’s treasures grow out of the ground?

Xiaocui also wanted to see the true face of Dongshan Immortal.

I finally convinced my young lady to go to Dongshan Daxian, but unexpectedly she regretted it after leaving the city.

"Xiao Cui, the Dongshan Immortal must be fake. How can a human hand be put into a hot oil pan?" Miss Xue shook her head.

She had never heard of someone with such ability.

Besides, if Dongshan Immortal is really so powerful, does he still need people to raise money for him?

"Miss, just take a look. Miss Wang didn't come today, so just go with Xiao Cui to take a look."

"Let's go and have a look. How about we go to Hanshan Temple again." Xiaocui begged, looking pitifully at Miss Xue's family.

Miss Xue family is already weak, and the maid next to her begs like this.

After all, he felt soft and nodded, "Okay, let's take a look!"

Zhao Chen followed the crowd and walked forward.

It didn't take long before I saw a large group of people gathering in front of me.

Looking at them, they are all people from nearby Dingzhou.

There were ordinary people among them, as well as many wealthy businessmen in gorgeous clothes. ??

But I didn't see Dingzhou officials.

Maybe he was wearing civilian clothes and blending in among them.

In front of everyone, there was a high platform, and on the high platform stood a thin man.

The man's whole body was shrouded in black clothes and black robes, with only a pair of eyes exposed from his whole body.

Not to mention how weird it is.

"Sir!" Luo Tong also came here at some point, walked to Zhao Chen and shouted softly.

"Luo Tong? Why are you here, where is Old Li Tou?" Zhao Chen hesitated briefly and looked around.

There was no trace of Old Li Tou.

"What about that." Luo Tong pointed with his hand, and Zhao Chen saw Old Li Tou standing in front, staring expressionlessly at the Dongshan Immortal on the high platform with his hands behind his back.

"The shopkeeper heard that there was some great immortal here, so he came over this morning." Luo Tong and Zhao Chen said.

Zhao Chen nodded and walked forward to Lao Li Tou.

"Why, Lao Li Tou, do you believe this too?" Zhao Chen looked at Lao Li Tou's side face and asked with a smile.

Li Shimin turned around and saw Zhao Chen standing next to him.

"You weren't looking for Miss Xue's family, why did you find her here?" Old Li Tou was not in a high mood, and his tone was a little cold.

"Miss Xue's family is going out to the city to burn incense, but I don't know what stick of incense she is burning."

"Why don't you follow the crowd here?" Zhao Chen explained.

On the high platform, a large oil pan was set up in front of Dongshan Daxian. Under the oil pan, a fire was burning.

"Today the Great Immortal of Japan has come here and will demonstrate the infinite power of this Immortal to all believers." Dongshan Immortal stood in front of the oil pot and shouted loudly to the people in the audience.

"Dongshan University

Immortal, the power is boundless! "

"Great Immortal Dongshan, grant me blessings!"

"The Great Immortal Dongshan is merciful and benevolent to me!"

The people in the audience cheered.

Everyone's face is full of enthusiasm.

Zhao Chen stood next to the emperor and watched as Old Li Tou's face turned from green to black, and then turned livid again.

The scene before him probably made the emperor very angry.

Isn't it a joke that the common people do not rely on themselves to change their lives, but rely on the blessings of this deceitful Dongshan Immortal!

If there really were gods who could save people in distress, would there still be so many unjust things in the world?

"Old Li Tou, are you particularly angry?" Zhao Chen teased the emperor from the side.

He just liked to see Old Li Tou look like he was about to be exploded, but he was helpless.

"I want you to take care of it!" Old Li glanced at Zhao Chen and said angrily.

Zhao Chen smiled and didn't answer with his hands behind his back.

On the high platform, Dongshan Daxian slowly rolled up his black long sleeves, exposing his two arms.

"Look, Dongshan Immortal is about to use his magic."

"What is in front of us is a boiling hot oil pan. Ordinary people's hands will blister and peel when they touch it. The Daxian has to put both hands completely into it."

"Yes, yes, Dongshan Immortal is a god. You will be able to see Dongshan Immortal's miracles later."

"I saw it with my own eyes last time. Under the hot oil pan, Dongshan Immortal blessed his arms with his magical power. When he took it out, there was no trace at all."

Among the people, there are those who have deep faith in Dongshan Immortal.

At this moment, seeing Dongshan Immortal about to put his hands into the frying pan, he was extremely excited.

"Zhao Chen, do you think his hands are really not afraid of oil burning?" The emperor looked at the Dongshan Immortal in front of him and said in a deep voice.


"The Great Immortal has used his magic power, look!" Zhao Chen was about to speak, but his voice was blocked by a crowd of excited people.

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