The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 995 Time is such a strange thing

Zhao Chen didn't think too much, or in other words, the emperor's performance was very good today.

He didn't care about the emperor's little thoughts.

He had not read this letter from Li Yuanji before.

When I opened the letter, the handwriting inside seemed sloppy, but it was still vaguely legible. .??.

"The words of King Qi are really hard to describe in one word." Zhao Chen complained.

The emperor smiled and said, "Yuanji is only good at martial arts and has no interest in reading and writing."

"Brother Che Che, I haven't heard from you for several months, but there are so many things going on here. The food I planted last month has been eaten up by locusts in one day."

"When locusts passed through the border, some people complained that the emperor had lost his virtue, but Ji did not think it was right."

"What does this natural disaster have to do with the Emperor? Ten years have passed and the Tang Dynasty is flourishing. This is the manifestation of the Emperor's virtue."

"Ji knows very well that my brother is still worried about the past. However, things have changed and people have changed. I must not keep these regrets in my heart anymore."

"I heard that the emperor has the intention to recruit my brother to the court. If my brother is willing, we must not miss this opportunity."

"Ji has become like a withered corpse. It no longer has the same scenery as before. I have endless regrets in this life. I only want to go to Chang'an and see the old places."

"On the day of my departure, I wrote to my brother. Please don't worry. Everything is going well."

"Bear down Diji."

Zhao Chen and the emperor read slowly.

Sure enough, just as Miss Xue said, Li Yuanji went to Chang'an.

But this is no joke.

They specially set out from Chang'an to find Li Yuanji, but Li Yuanji ended up going to Chang'an?

Although this letter is more than half a year old, there is no telling where Li Yuanji is now.

After Zhao Chen finished reading, he handed the letter in his hand to the emperor.

Only the emperor knew whether Li Yuanji's handwriting was authentic.

The emperor picked up the letter in front of him and said nothing.

His eyes were just staring at the contents of the letter.

As if reminiscing about something.

Zhao Chen would not wait stupidly for the emperor to speak, he would take his time and

Had dinner.

The dishes on the table are actually all prepared for Lao Li Tou.

When exercising, you have to eat well and avoid accumulating too much fat.

Zhao Chen himself burped after eating.

The emperor still didn't speak.

Zhao Chen moved his stool back and leaned against the pillar in the room.

The emperor didn't speak and didn't leave, so it was hard for him to drive people away.

"Yuanji would never have had such an attitude when he spoke back then." The emperor suddenly said leisurely.

"You mean, the person who wrote this letter is not King Qi, so hurry up and eat, don't affect my rest." Zhao Chen said.

He didn't care much whether Li Yuanji lived or died.

This matter has nothing to do with him in the first place, right?

"The letter was written by Yuan Ji. Although the tone is different from that of the past, the handwriting has not changed at all." The emperor said slowly.

"Back then, Yuanji had a surly personality and was very aggressive and aggressive. Every letter was filled with arrogance and arrogance."

“Never has I been as humble as the contents of this letter.”

"Time is such a strange thing, even Yuanji has become like this." The emperor continued, reading the letter in his hand carefully several times.

Zhao Chen didn't speak.

The emperor had confirmed that Li Yuanji was still alive, but this letter said that Li Yuanji had gone to Chang'an.

It's hard to say whether he will continue to track down Li Yuanji's whereabouts in Jiangnan or return to Chang'an.

For Zhao Chen, returning to Chang'an is of course the best choice.

I'm afraid that this guy, Old Li Tou, will choose to continue going to Jiangnan.

"Boy Zhao, I have decided to continue going to Jiangnan. It would be best if Yuanji returns to Jiangnan. If not, then we will go back to Chang'an to look for him."

"In short, we must find the whereabouts of Yuanji." The old man

Li Tou had a rather decisive attitude.

Zhao Chen was too lazy to say anything.

He had long expected this decision from the emperor.

Anyway, it was impossible for him to see his son born for the first time. .??.

"Why don't you speak?" Zhao Chen's silence surprised Lao Litou.

"What did you say?" Zhao Chen replied abruptly.

"Young man Zhao, you must put the overall situation first. Find Yuanji and return to Chang'an. I will make you the Duke of the country."

"If a boy is born in your family, he will be made a princess. If a girl is born, he will be made a princess."

"How's it going?" Old Li Tou and Zhao Chen drew a pie.

The method of trying to draw a big pie is of no use to Zhao Chen.

"Old Li Tou, are you stupid or am I stupid, just make the princess or princess a prince?"

"Aren't you afraid that I won't be targeted in the court?" Zhao Chen looked at Old Li Tou with disdain.

Those who are given the title of Duke or Princess upon birth.

Not without.

But who are those people?

Those are all the sons and daughters of the prince.

For example, if Li Ke gives birth to a son or a daughter, then he may be named a princess or princess.

He, Zhao Chen, now has no official title. If you draw him such a cake, he will have to swallow it.

"I am the emperor, this world belongs to me, why can't I..."

"Okay, okay, I know. You are the emperor, and the world belongs to you. Please finish your meal quickly and get out of here."

"I still want to sleep." Zhao Chen responded hurriedly, and the words that came out of his mouth were not pleasant.

He didn't believe Old Li Tou's nonsense.

Old Li Tou was choked by Zhao Chen's extremely perfunctory words.

After taking a few bites, he took the letter and returned to his room.

Two days of publicity, pension insurance plan

It spread quickly in Dingzhou City.

This matter was discussed everywhere in the city of 200,000 people.

Everyone will get old and frail one day, and no one can guarantee that they will have relatives around to take care of them when they are old.

This pension insurance is very easy to resonate with the people.

Especially the lonely elderly people in Dingzhou City, they feel that this pension insurance is extremely appropriate.

If it can really be implemented, the future lives of many people can be guaranteed.

No longer need to worry that one day you can’t do anything anymore and you can only lie at home and starve to death.

The Dingzhou Governor's Mansion was filled with Dingzhou officials of all sizes today.

Students from the academy also came here.

On behalf of Zhao Chen, they came to discuss the matter with Dingzhou City officials.

There is no way, Zhao Chen can't show up. After all, Xue Wanche, as the representative of the people of Dingzhou, is looking for traces of Zhao Chen among the students of the academy.

If he found this, he would probably start a fight on the spot.

As the king of Shu, Li Ke naturally sat in the first seat.

The governor of Dingzhou stood aside, preparing to preside over the discussion.

In fact, the content of the discussion is also very simple.

It's pension insurance. How much do people have to pay every year, at what age they pay, and how much they can get every year when they reach that age.

"Everyone, I invite you here today to discuss the specific content of this pension insurance."

"The people of Dingzhou City are extremely interested in this pension insurance."

"Today there are Mr. Zhao's team who proposed the pension insurance plan, a team of Dingzhou officials, and representatives of Dingzhou people."

"The only pity is that Mr. Zhao can't come here because of some things."

"But it's the same with His Royal Highness the King of Shu and others." The governor of Dingzhou spoke.

When it was mentioned that Zhao Chen could not come, everyone in the hall showed strange smiles.

Xue Wanche's face turned dark immediately.

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