The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 109 Water As Tendons And Beans As Bones

Seeing this scene, Dai Long's old eyes widened again, the turbid eyes seemed to be shot out, and his body was very excited.

"How is it possible! Could it be that this is the legendary hand that divides muscles and bones?! Liuhe returns to one, grasps and transforms into one, entangles and locks! There is nothing wrong!"

Under the gaze of the old man, Li Fan's hands were unbelievably fast.

Tap the fingertips on the water surface, and there will be circle after circle of ripples. The speed of the ripples is getting faster and faster. Because the speed of the ripples is too fast, the distance between each ripple does not exceed 0.5 cm.

A series of black shadows flashed by, but they were afterimages left by too fast hands, as gorgeous as a butterfly piercing flowers, making people feel like a pianist tapping the piano keys gracefully.

In Li Fan's divine eyes, the water tank in front of him has no secrets at all, and the distribution of tofu flower and soy milk water is clearly visible.

"It's unbelievable. As expected of the five senses of God, it can even observe and analyze the flow speed of water."

A smile flashed across Li Fan's face. With the help of the God's Eye, he easily found the location of those tofu flowers without any effort.

And through the sense of smell of God's Nose, he can also judge which tofu flowers will condense first, and collect them in order.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Slapping and grasping with both hands from time to time, straightening the violent water flow little by little, and slowing it down.

Li Fan's hand speed was really too fast, as if a gust of rain hit the water tank, forcibly stagnating the rushing vortex, and countless water droplets swayed into the sky.

"Crack! Crack!"

Two hands delicately patted the water surface, shaking a little bit of tofu flower flying into the sky, gathering with other tofu flowers to form a larger piece of tofu flower.


The white beard outside the kitchen counter touched his chin. He felt that the usage of the limbs and limbs seemed to be similar to his own trembling fruit.

But White Beard didn't have the slightest intention to try it. This method requires too much precision, and it's no different than a strong man's difficulty for him.

"Hey, people are more angry than people. I don't know how the boss can be so powerful while controlling his power so finely."

Whitebeard simply didn't want to, anyway, to him, it doesn't matter to control power, as long as he can hit people.

Contrary to the white beard, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Worthy of being the boss, every move contains the ultimate principle of martial arts, Liuhe locks the dragon, fights the cow across the mountain, if it is not in the Wanjie restaurant, I would like to try new skills immediately


Apart from Ye Fan, Uchiha Madara and Xiao Yan also looked thoughtful, as if they understood something.

If Li Fan knew that these three guys had learned some new tricks just by watching the process of cooking, it would probably be a pain in the ass.

As expected of a character at the protagonist level, this luck...


With the support of the muscles and bones, Li Fan's hands are extremely smooth in the water, cutting the connection between the water flow and the tofu flower.

Crash! Crash!

Listening to the sound of turbulent water, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the things in everyone's eyes changed a little.

The tank filled with soy milk and bean curd seems to have turned into a dissected yak.

The moment Li Fan took out the bean curd with his hands, it was like pulling out the bones of a cow. The smooth movement and the admiration of watching "all make people eye-opening.

Yep, it's not about making tofu at all, it's pure art!

"The so-called division of tendons and bones does not necessarily mean separating the tendons and bones, it is just the name of the move, and it can be used in thousands or even tens of thousands of variations in real situations.

Li Fan stirred the water with both hands, as if he took the extremely fast vortex as a tendon, and with a light wave of his hand, the flow of the water was pushed away.

Using the tofu flower around the water flow as a bone, with a flick of the wrist, he took out the tofu flower from a tricky angle, and the whole movement was done in one go. (dacf) A confident smile appeared on the corner of Li Fan's mouth. With master-level techniques and hand-splitting, his heart is full of indescribable confidence, and he even feels that no one is invincible... This is not self-confidence Big or arrogant, purely the confidence brought by strength!

That's all!

With a plop, the water splashed everywhere, and Li Fan decomposed all the tofu flowers in the blink of an eye.

The white tofu flowers are suspended on the calm water like this, gathering into one piece, attracting people's attention like pearls.

The freshly made tofu flower has not been compressed into tofu, but it has begun to emit a faint fragrance.

This is the most original taste of soybeans, nothing is added, only the fragrance and tranquility of the field.

"It smells... like the smell at home!"

Tadokoro Megumi, who grew up in the countryside, smelled this fragrance, and instantly flushed and became excited.

"Indeed", Dai Long nodded, "this bean curd flower should be made from the purest soybeans, and the faint bean fragrance retains the original country style. It’s soybeans, but I remember that even big soybeans don’t have such a strong aroma......”

No matter how hard Dai Long thought about it, he would never have thought of the existence of the system.

"As expected of a product produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product."

Li Fan wiped a little tofu flower with his fingers, put it in his mouth, and tasted it slowly.

The hot tofu flower melted quickly, and a fragrant bean fragrance escaped. Li Fan could clearly feel the secretion of saliva, and it could even be said that the secretion speed was frighteningly fast.

The tofu flower that was just made has no fishy smell of soybeans at all.

It can even be said that the taste is unimaginably sweet.

An irresistible aroma!

After chewing and swallowing, Li Fan even felt inexplicably comfortable when the tofu flower flowed down his throat.

"As expected, the bean curd is made from soybeans produced by the system. This taste makes people unable to resist the second bite after the first bite. It seems that the tofu produced must be more delicious..."

Li Fan swallowed, forcibly suppressed the desire to continue eating tofu flowers, and prepared to start making water tofu.

If you want to use devil fruit, you must use solid tofu, and rotten tofu flowers are not tofu at all.


Li Fan took out a large wooden spoon, scooped up the tofu flowers floating on the surface of the tank, and poured them gently into a small wooden bucket.

This cycle goes on and on until the barrel is finally filled.

The aroma filled the restaurant. .

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