The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 0263 You Tathagata Buddha On The Great Ah?

"As for this, Tang Sanzang?" Suddenly an extremely deep voice came from the sky, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, making the master and apprentice want to kneel down.

"The Tathagata Buddha, it is the Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Unexpectedly, the appearance of the Tathagata Buddha at this time really surprised the master and the disciples.

In the process of learning Buddhist scriptures, Tang Sanzang's every move and every thought will be controlled by the Tathagata Buddha.

Just now, Tang Sanzang violated the laws and regulations of the Buddhist world, and did not forget the seven emotions and six desires. The Tathagata Buddha counted his fingers in Lingshan, and then hurriedly came to understand the situation.

"Buddha Tathagata, why did you move your god? Really, hehe." Zhu Bajie laughed loudly. During the process of learning scriptures, he was secretly protected by Liu Ding Liujia. Buddha Tathagata has never shown up in person.

If there are some small things, it is Guanshiyin who takes care of them.

"It was all under my control before, but this time the unknown food is not under my control of the Three Realms, so I have to investigate and find out, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, Tang Sanzang, you can follow orders, and you can eat as you like." I'll go to that restaurant." Buddha Ruga actually wanted to go to Wanjie Restaurant.


"Buddha, are you very free? If you are very free, you can bring us some fortune, the food in the restaurant is too expensive, we can't afford it." Zhu Bajie said to Tathagata Buddha.

Tang Sun Wukong felt that what Bajie said was very true, so he said: "Yes, yes, Buddha, I can't afford it anymore, should I ask Buddha to let the God of Wealth give us some money?"

Although Wukong and Zhu Bajie hold big-screen mobile phones and enjoy future high-tech products in advance, they are burdened with heavy loans.

If you don’t return it within the time limit, you will need to charge them a lot of fees. Tathagata Buddha calculated again, and then said: “Okay, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, what should you three do for not protecting Tang Sanzang well? Going to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, and went to buy a mobile phone?”

"Ah? Tathagata Buddha, you know all about it?"

"Sun Wukong, where is your golden cudgel?" At this time, Tathagata Buddha went straight to the point, and Sun Wukong naturally couldn't explain it, because the golden cudgel was in the Wanjie restaurant, and he couldn't get it out now.

Sun Wukong and Bajie looked at each other, and Wukong jumped to Buddha's side and said: "Buddha, Buddha, that stick is in my old grandson's ear, hehe, it's safe."

The Buddha did not speak, and then asked Zhu Bajie directly: "Zhu Bajie, where is your nine-toothed rake? Where is it?"

Zhu Bajie wanted to tell the truth, because of his rake...but Wukong refused to let him speak, Bajie said, "It's in my ears too."

"You two liars, dare to use tricks to deceive my Buddha, the crime will be added!"

Seeing that Monkey King and Zhu Bajie couldn't hide it, they immediately begged for mercy: "Tathagata Buddha, please forgive me, Tathagata Buddha, please forgive me, because we bought the mobile phone of the restaurant owner, but we have no money, so we have to take the weapon as collateral."

When Tang Seng heard it, he was shocked and said: "Wukong, Bajie, why are you so confused, how can you fight monsters on the road without weapons, hey!"

This can be regarded as making Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie regret it. If they had known this, they would not have bought a mobile phone. They felt that they had been fooled by Li Fan, so Sun Wukong said: "Buddha, calm down."

Master, don't worry, my old grandson will go to the boss to get the golden cudgel back. "

Zhu Bajie saw that Sun Wukong said so, so he also said: "Brother Monkey is going to go, and my old pig is also going to do the same. Go now and return the smartphone to the store. We want the golden cudgel."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Bajie and Monkey King summoned an auspicious cloud and turned their heads to go, but Buddha Tathagata shouted, "Slow down!"

"What's wrong?" Wukong and Bajie turned their heads and asked.

"Do you really think that if you go back the same way and return the phone to the shopkeeper, he will give you the golden cudgel? And Sha Wujing, if you want to say no to the things you have played with, then you don't want them, let the other party Will the other party refund the money?"

"This..." Sun Wukong was more clever, scratched the monkey hair on his head, shook his head, then waved his hands again: "No, no."

"Just know it won't work." Tathagata Buddha looked cold, as if he had understood that the boss would not return the weapons to Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.

"Then what should we do? You can't learn without weapons?" Zhu Bajie said.

Buddha did not say.

Tang Seng said: "This is easy to handle. Let the Buddha get some dishes and come here. By the way, let the boss cook another bowl of fried rice with eggs for the poor monk. The taste is really delicious. Just thinking about it will make your mouth water three thousand feet.

...asking for flowers......

"..." Hearing this, Wukong and Bajie were speechless for a while, they were planning to start a fight directly with the shop owner Li Fan, this master still has the leisure to eat elegantly, he will definitely not give it to him.

Zhu Bajie said: "Buddha Tathagata, with a single slap of your hand, you can slap your elder brother under Wuzhi Mountain for five hundred years. Your ability is astonishing. I am afraid that this is a heaven-defying thing. In the current Three Realms, there is no one except you. Can other people do it, Buddha, if you get some money, the store will naturally return the weapons to us after getting your money.

Of course Zhu Bajie didn’t want to get into trouble with Li Fan, he was still thinking about going to Li Fan to eat two baskets of soup dumplings in the future? The taste of soup dumplings is really refreshing.


"Huh? Zhu Bajie, how can you be so greedy? After studying scriptures for so long, can't this habit still be changed?" Tathagata Buddha said.

"Well, well, it might be a bit difficult to get my old pig to quit other delicacies, but it's almost impossible if I don't eat the dishes made by that boss. Buddha, why don't you go and talk to that boss , he will be the full-time chef of our scripture learning team in the future, how about it? You see, we have worked hard to learn scriptures, and we must keep up with our nutrition. Look at Brother Hou, who is as thin as a hair, and the master, who is as thin as a monkey, Sha The monk is as thin as a master, but no matter how hungry the old pig is, people will call me Lao Sha in the future."

Zhu Bajie, what kind of logic is this, but the Tathagata Buddha came this time to help them regain their weapons, so several people discussed for a while, and finally decided that the Tathagata Buddha himself went to the Wanjie Restaurant!

In the restaurant of Wanjie, the strong men of Wanjie had already left after eating and drinking, and the brothers who learned from the scriptures also left, leaving only the dishes and chopsticks, the dirty table and the garbage full of bones .

Nakiri Erina, Tadokoro Megumi, and Zhang Xiaoqi worked together in a division of labor and were responsible for cleaning the restaurant. After finishing the final sanitation, they can finally rest. These ten days are really exhausting.

However, the restaurant has a high turnover and has earned a lot of money. Li Fan is in charge of counting today's "trophies" in the small room behind the restaurant. .

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