The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 0291 I Warn You, Don't Shout

"When you get Mao Jianfeng, I should go home and sleep, no. Li Fan directly refused.

Wang Na was so frightened that she collapsed, what should I do, she begged for mercy: "Big brother, this big brother spares my life, the adults don't count the faults of the villains."

"My lord?" Li Fan squinted at Wang Na, now that he knows to call me your lord, what did you do just now? Didn't you just want to drive me away?

"It's useless to call me grandpa, besides, am I that old? I'm younger than you, right?" Li Fan stared at Tamako and said.

"Then I'll call you little brother, little brother, please forgive me, it's really not easy for me to get this position, and today, it's really all my hard work, really

Little brother, I beg you, you must forgive me. "

Li Fan didn't want to abuse others, but when he heard the other party calling him "big brother" for a while, and now calling him "little brother", it's not annoying. The word "little brother" has multiple meanings.

"I warn you, don't shout." Li Fan said.

"Then what do I call you? Can't I call you uncle? I'm a woman, so it's easy to come out and work hard? Me, can't you spare me? As long as you forgive me, I can call you anything? How about I call you godfather?" As she spoke, Wang Na cried, and she was naturally thinking about the small video screen in Li Fan's hand.

Li Fan has never been a cruel person, but he never relents when he meets bad people. This woman is defined between good and bad, and he just wants to fulfill the needs of seeing a doctor.

"Okay, I think it's okay if I destroy the evidence, and help me see a patient." After making a lot of trouble and making such a beautiful girl cry, Li Fan felt that it was enough, and then went straight to theme.

Wang Na thought that Li Fan needed to ask some tricky questions, but she came here to see a patient. Wang Na asked Li Fan to sit down, and then served tea and water, just like serving the emperor in the ancient court. No problem, godfather, godfather, as long as you let me go, I'll drink your footwashing water and work."

"Ugh!" Tadokoro Megumi on the side felt a little nauseous after hearing this. This woman looks like a flower, so why can't she hear her when she speaks?

Really heavy taste.

Obviously, Tadokoro Megumi looked down on Wang Na, Li Fan laughed in his heart, and said: "If you want to drink, you will have it in the future. Now, it is to see a doctor. Edison is here. I will find a doctor for you and see you." .”

"Oh, so it's not you who wants to see a doctor, right? It's this one?" Wang Na was so frightened that she couldn't even speak. If Li Fan saw a doctor, if he saw a psychiatrist, he could still threaten Wang Na like this. ?

"You really can't talk," said Tadokoro Megumi on the side.

"Yes, yes, damn it, I can't speak, I'm a pig brain." The other party repeated.

Tadokoro Megumi said: "He is my boss, you deserve to be caught by the boss, how can there be such a stupid woman like you?"

What kind of shit is Tadokoro Megumi? Urine, feces, and feces are knocking on the head of this female doctor. How can Wang Na dare to refute?

She stopped and said: "Yes, yes, this girl is right, I am cheap, I am a very cheap, very cheap woman, I am even cheaper than a pig. Not only cheap, I am also stupid, I am Damn it. I can't speak, I'm running into big shots, please let me go."

"that is!"

Hearing the conversation between the two women, Li Fan couldn't tell if Edison was sick. He probably wouldn't be able to see Edison until dawn. Li Fan said, "Tadokoro Megumi, don't."

"Yes, Boss, I just look at this woman hateful, so I just swear a few words to relieve my anger, so don't worry about it." Tadokoro Megumi said.

Li Fan nodded, did not answer Tadokoro Megumi's words, and said directly to Wang Na: "The patient is right in front of your eyes, help me see if he is still alive."

Li Fan inquired about Wang Na's personal information, and found that although this woman borrowed someone to get her position, she was really capable. In fact, many people have strength, but they have no means.

Therefore, Li Fan thinks that Wang Na can at least diagnose the initial illness after watching it. If Edison is really hopeless, he should give up decisively and see if there are any important figures in the last century who want to travel to Wanwan. Boundary restaurant, when the time comes, give up Edison.

However, there are really not many talented people like Edison. It is not a problem to train them well and unify the 19th century. His development should not only be in the field of invention, creation and commerce. Li Fan can actually train Edison Become the overlord of the 19th world.

"Then...can you tell me about this gentleman's current condition?" Wang Na sat diagonally across from Li Fan, because Li Fan knew too much about her just now, so she was still very afraid to communicate with Li Fan Yes, even speaking is timid.

Li Fan said: "Oh, he's from Edison in the 19th century, very famous, I'm sure you've seen this guy in your primary school textbooks.

"々.Edison?" When Li Fan said these three words, Wang Na seemed to be shocked by electricity, her eyes turned white, her whole body was convulsed, and she almost fell to the ground.

"What's the matter? Is this doctor sick himself?" Tadokoro Megumi who was on the side saw this scene and said back.

Li Fan said: "Maybe I was frightened by Edison. If you reveal your identity, she will probably be frightened."

Of course, the female doctor really didn't believe that the person sitting in front of her was someone from more than a century ago. This Wang Na usually reads novels about women's wear quickly...

Is this the kind of character written in the fast time travel novel? The three people in front of me are all from the novel, no, from other worlds?

I don't know where Wang Na derived the theoretical reference.

She very much believes that if a person has reached a certain high level in a certain field, there must be experts from other worlds (ugly and good) to visit her.

Like her, who is already one of the best in the field of psychiatry in the medical field, will she really meet these experts? Anyway, Li Fan's omniscience just now has scared her.

"Okay, I know it's hard for you to accept this fact. You just think of yourself as a time-traveler. Well, you travel to the 19th century to treat Edison, or if you think about it upside down, Edison traveled to the 21st century and ask you to give He sees a doctor, it's such a simple thing, please hurry up, I'm very busy, I don't have time to spend here with you

"Li Fan said flatly.

"Okay, okay, I'll see a doctor right away." Now it doesn't matter what Edison, time travel is, she needs to obey Li Fan's order, otherwise she will be finished tomorrow, just serve Li Fan well, take back and delete those video negatives , she will be able to be stable in the future, otherwise there will definitely be endless troubles. .

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