The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 90: Sky Obstacle Zhenxing Vs Naval Headquarters

Uchiha Madara jumped from the sea, and fell straight onto the beach with a bang, looking up at the Navy headquarters in the distance, with a solemn face.

The man in red armor looked around slightly, and found a large number of naval warships docked on the shore, as well as the "Navy" flag standing on the island.

"The base camp of the navy has always been stationed with more than three generals, a marshal, and many major generals. It can be said that most of the world's naval powers are here... What a good opponent."

Madara Uchiha raised his mouth slightly, and glanced at the information on his smartphone.

Although he is quite confident in his own strength, how could he come to other worlds without making other preparations?

This first-hand information is the information he exchanged from Wanjie Restaurant. Although it is brief, it is enough!

Uchiha Madara jumped, and the dark blue chakra covered the body, evolving into a blue titan skeleton, tendons, blood vessels, muscles, etc. quickly imitated, and a pair of huge wings suddenly opened to cover the sun.

"what are you planning to do?"

Whitebeard frowned, telling him intuitively that Uchiha Zema was about to do something terrible.

Madara Uchiha sneered and said, "What else can we do, of course we should say hello to our enemies first."

Lowering his head, Uchiha Madara's purple reincarnation eyes looked at the Navy Headquarters below.

Relying on the strength of only two people, it is too slow to destroy the Navy Headquarters, which makes Uchiha Madara not very happy.

So he intends to use a very simple method.

Uchiha Madara quickly formed a seal with his hands, and Susano from the outside world also opened his hands to form a seal.

Huge chakra fluctuations and pupil power fluctuations were released, turning into an invisible energy fluctuation sweeping through the atmosphere.


Outside the atmosphere, a huge meteorite with a width of 100 meters appeared out of thin air, so huge that even Susano was blocked by the pitch-black piece.

Heavenly Shattering Earthquake!

The power of this trick is quite good, and it can even be said to be one of the most powerful techniques of Uchiha Madara, but it has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the speed is too slow.

As long as it is a strong speed type, it is easy to avoid the attack range of this move.

However, if it is used as a sneak attack, or to attack a fixed target as before, the effect is still great.

......In Wanjie restaurant, Li Fan was amazed: "Uchiha Madara is very good at making troubles. He used the sky-blocking shock star at the beginning."

Nakiri Erina and Tadokoro Megumi behind them had widened their eyes long ago, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, there are people so terrifying that they can summon meteorites!

This, this, this! Is this still a human being!

Li Fan's expression was calm. Compared with Liu Dao Ban, the meteorites summoned by the Eye of Samsara were not enough to look at.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The huge meteorite fell from the sky, being pulled by the gravity of the earth, the speed became more and more violent, and soon the surface was covered with a layer of astonishingly hot frictional flames.

Like a bolide, falling from the sky, destroying everything.

The howling wind faintly formed several waterspouts on the sea surface, causing Whitebeard to squint his eyes subconsciously.

"Sure enough, it's the right choice for me and you guys to come!"

Whitebeard wielded his naginata, and while resisting the strong wind, he couldn't help but whisper, Uchiha Madara's eyes are really terrifying, and he can summon meteorites at will.

If there are more meteorites like this, even he is not sure that they can destroy them all.

After all, the queen will become a small meteorite.

The huge meteorite oppressed the sky. Even if they didn't see it with their own eyes, all the navy could feel the tremor of the sea and the sudden rise in temperature.

"what is that?"

On the sentry tower of Marin Fanduo Island, a sailor saw the red dot in the distant sky with a telescope, and couldn't help but look puzzled.

Before I had time to report it to others, I suddenly felt dark in front of my eyes, as if the sky had darkened.

When he stuck his head out of the window, his eyes widened.

"Grass! Meteorite!"

The sea soldier subconsciously uttered a foul language, and pulled down the alarm bell. Immediately, the entire naval headquarters resounded with harsh warning sounds.

The sense of oppression brought by the meteorite was so strong that before the alarm sounded, many people looked up at the red dot in the sky with horrified faces.

If a meteorite of this level falls on the center of the island, not only can it directly destroy the entire naval headquarters, but it will also set off a tsunami hundreds of meters high, which will cause a devastating blow to all the surrounding naval warships!

Can't even escape!

"Hmph! Are the pirates so rampant now!"

A cold snort spread throughout the Navy Headquarters, and amidst the raging flames, a burly man was seen standing on the ground, wearing a peaked military cap, a red suit and a white justice cloak symbolizing an admiral.

"It's really troublesome, let's get rid of it quickly."

A lazy voice sounded, and the ocean, which was oppressed by the meteorite and turbulent, suddenly quieted down. Looking carefully, there was actually a faint layer of ice freezing the surface of the ocean.

The ice spread faster and faster, and its hardness also gradually increased, instantly freezing all the sea areas near the Navy Headquarters, preventing the possibility of naval warships colliding.

"Oh?" Madara Uchiha showed a look of surprise, "There is such a strong person in Pirate World?"

"Interesting! Let me see to what extent your strength has reached!"

Uchiha Madara laughed loudly, and his hands formed a seal 423 again, and the meteorite in the sky became even bigger, falling four or five times faster.


Before the meteorite landed, it shattered a large piece of the frozen ice layer.


The red dog's eyes were wide open, his hands clapped on the ground, and the crazy magma spewed out from the depths of the ground, like a meteorite blasting into the sky from a potential dragon coming out of an abyss.

The ejected magma gradually spread from one meter in diameter to thirty meters in diameter, and the hot lava rays penetrated the meteorite, melting the middle core of the meteorite.

A faint crimson halo spread across the sky, and the meteorite split in two like this, spreading to the other two sides.

When the meteorite was about to fall, two exaggerated ice peaks suddenly rose from the ground, catching and freezing the meteorite abruptly.

Uchiha Madara showed a thoughtful expression.

Ice escape and fire escape?

Unlike, those two guys didn’t have seals at all, so they used them directly... I see, is this the power of Devil Fruit? It’s really interesting!

"However, this is not enough!"

Uchiha Madara looked crazy, he wanted to force out all the powerful people in the Navy Headquarters, this is not arrogance or arrogance, it is just a BOSS's confidence in strength.

Only Senjujuma, only Senjujuma is qualified to be his opponent!


The Birth of Mudun · Tree Realm!.

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