The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 97 Qinglong Version Rising Dragon Dumplings

After making the fillings, Li Fan grabs the last part of the Thang Long Dumplings – the shrimp tail.

The tip of the knife scratches on the smooth surface of the shrimp tail, turning the sharp edge into knife marks, removing the useless parts, and gradually shaping it into a rather mighty dragon tail shape.

Click! Click! Click!

Shrimp shells are flying, and the white broken shells are like beautiful crystal fragments.

"Xingyi Dao, carve to form, carve to express ideas!"

Li Fan looked calm, but deep in his eyes contained a deep confidence, this is his home game.

The sharp knife seems to turn into a beautiful butterfly, flying and dancing between Li Fan's fingers, carving the tail of the shrimp into the shape of a dragon's tail, and the little bit of powder of the tail of the shrimp swaying down seems to be the foil of the dancing butterfly.


The tsunami hit the sky, and everyone seemed to "810" to see a world-ending wave coming suddenly, covering the sky above them, and the shadow enveloped everything.

The whistling blue water rushes past the body, indistinctly, others seem to see a black shadow in the water, passing the water rapidly, the sea current is divided into two halves.

The black shadow swayed slightly, and hundreds of thousands of vortexes formed, rolling all creatures in a radius of thousands of miles, tearing everything apart.


It was a dragon tail that spanned an unknown number of kilometers, breaking through the endless water flow and indirectly triggering the tsunami toss.

Garp's eyes widened when he saw this scene for the first time, all the cells in his body were invaded by sea water, and his whole body was overwhelmed by Longwei.

What the hell is this Neptune...why haven't I seen it before?

This imposing manner is even better than that of Roger the Pirate King!


A long and indeterminate dragon roar came from the depths of the seabed, shaking the waves away, and the clouds above the nine heavens also dissipated.

In an instant, the wind swept away, the phantom disappeared, and the surrounding tsunami apocalypse turned into ordinary tables, chairs and floors of the restaurant.

Garp was taken aback, and subconsciously touched his hair, only to find that it was still as dry as ever.

The scene of being hit by the tsunami before was so real!

What kind of ability is this? Is it a devil fruit in terms of illusion? Or is it the same power as the man with the purple swirl eyes?

With a lot of doubts in his heart, Karp sat back on the chair and waited for the Shenglong dumplings to come out of the pan with White Beard.

"The most important process of making dumplings is the filling. It can be said that the way of filling determines the taste of dumplings."

Listening to Li Fan's words, Nakiri Erina and Tadokoro Megumi thought about it. This kind of knowledge is impossible to be imparted by Tōtsuki Academy. For them, it belongs to Xintiandi's culinary skills

Li Fan is also holding the way of cultivating them, so he will teach them casually.

Now the number of customers in Wanjie Restaurant has gradually increased, and Li Fan almost needs a few helpers to help him cook.

You know, both Nakiri Erina and Tadokoro Megumi's cooking talents are above S level, it would be a bit wasteful if they are just waiters.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Li Fan's right hand danced so fast that afterimages appeared, and in an instant, he wrapped the dumpling skins made of two different materials together, and wrapped the shrimp meat stuffing as thin as crystal. The whole movement was smooth and straight.

The left hand is extremely slow, like an old man on the verge of rotten wood, smoothing out the gaps in the skin bit by bit, and wrinkling it.

The right hand is extremely swift and fierce, more violent than thunder and lightning than the wind, quickly put the shrimp head and shrimp tail on the head and tail of the dumplings, and make finished Shenglong dumplings.

The two hands are fast and slow, weird and harmonious at the same time, there seems to be a black and white Tai Chi circle in a trance, rotating with the evolution of Li Fan's technique.

To the surprise of Tadokoro Megumi.

"Could this be Chinese Tai Chi? I didn't expect that the boss is not only a great chef, but also a Tai Chi master!"

Tadokoro Megumi is deeply impressed. For the Japanese, everything in China is very new and interesting.

This has nothing to do with hating China or not, but pure envy and wanting to know.

Whirring whirring!

Gradually, Li Fan's movements became faster and faster, staring at his hands would feel extremely slow, but in the blink of an eye he had made dozens of Thang Long dumplings.

The afterimage of the hand speed formed a black wind, like a sandstorm enveloping the kitchen counter, frantically making dumplings one by one... The excessive hand speed drives the flow of air, forming two cyclones, Rolling the remaining flour on the kitchen counter and flying up, like a white dragon hovering, singing and howling...

Not long after, a large pile of dough skins in front of Li Fan disappeared. Those dough skins were wrapped with shrimp meat, fitted with special faucet tails, and sent to the steam drawer.

Everyone was stunned, even Whitebeard and Karp were stunned with disbelief.

This kind of power, which neither belongs to devil fruit nor illusion, has greatly exceeded their imagination.

Cooking? No kidding!

Just looking at the production process can make people fall into the terrifying illusion of ocean waves. Who would believe that this thing is cooking?!

Li Fan smiled, and while waiting for the Shenglong dumplings to be cooked, he wiped off the impurities on the pig knife with a white cloth.

Every swing of the Xingyi Saber is mixed with Li Fan's extremely precise thinking, and even the trajectory of the swing in the air is the result of several calculations by the eyes of God.

Only with such high-precision calculations can it be possible to form a strange effect similar to illusion through calculations from various aspects such as the reflection of light by the blade, the resistance of the blade to break through the air, and the roughness of the handle rubbing against the palm of the hand.

"Time is up!"

After waiting for a full twenty minutes, Li Fan opened his eyes and opened the steam drawer.

In the wooden steam drawer, a dazzling golden light that is hard to see directly 2.4 bursts out suddenly, milder than the sun's light, and more dazzling than the gold's light.

In the bright and gorgeous golden light, a gigantic blue dragon unexpectedly flew out of the steam drawer, and hovered around the top of the steam drawer. Its majestic dragon pupils made people dare not look directly at it.

Under the influence of the updraft of the steam, Qinglong's head swayed up and down, as if he scanned the crowd and judged them, which surprised everyone.

"Wait! There's something wrong with the green dragon's scales!"

Nakiri Erina seemed to have noticed something, pointed to the blue Thang Long dumpling surrounded by steam, and opened her mouth.

"Every dragon scale of this green dragon is actually composed of ordinary Shenglong dumplings. This is not a dish that humans can create at all!!".

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