The God Of All Gods: Choose Azure Dragon For The Start

Chapter 242 This is basically a gang fight in the underworld!

Tina suddenly felt a huge force coming from the little hand she was touching, followed by the sound of broken bones and the screams of a certain bishop, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ "

Ten minutes later, Tina and Angie walked towards the camp.

Tina muttered with her right hand that had just been cured with the healing light, "She looks like a lady, but she has so much strength. It's really violent!"

Two realistic eyes shone on Tina, and Angie’s coldly voice came, "What are you talking about?"

Tina waved her hand immediately, "No! Nothing!" A certain double ponytail immediately slapped her ass, "By the way, Angie Miss, what are you looking for? How about I help you in the Crusade Looking for it?"

Angie sighed, "It's just an operating table and a necklace that assists in surgery."

"What is that operating table for? Why would you lend it to that city lord?"

Angie glanced at Tina, "Forget it, it's nothing special. That operating table can produce small sage stones. The lord of this city worked in a mercenary group in the early years. Now he is old and wants to live more. A few years later, I lent him the operating table to continue his life."

Angie said lightly, Tina was dumbfounded. She had tried the resurrection ability of the Sage's Stone in the Magical Beasts forest. If she had such a powerful thing, Kai would not be invincible!

However, Angie’s next sentence made Tina fall from heaven into The Underworld, “If you can find it, just look for it. If you can’t find it, it’s very slow to produce the Sage’s Stone anyway, and this world It is estimated that no one but me will be able to operate that."

After finishing talking, Angie didn’t notice Tina, who was looking sad. “Now my business here is over. I will leave as soon as I get to the camp. There is one more thing I want to tell you. You cross this time. The army’s lineup is very strong. If my calculations are correct, you should be able to attack the Orcs’ capital all the time. You can kill the prophet when you have a chance."

Tina came back to her senses, "The prophet of the orcs? Kill him? Can I do it?"

Angie looked at Tina, then at the crusaders like robbers, and said in thought, "According to the prophecy, it should be killed... Maybe..."

"Hey!! It's a prophecy again!! But what's the matter with your unsure expression! How do I feel that I am going to be killed by the orc prophet!!"

As soon as Tina and Angie returned to the camp, Angie left. Originally, Tina wanted to watch Angie change clothes, but the beauty just patted her hands and disappeared in front of Tina for a while, making her feel disappointed.

After confirming that Angie had left, Tina immediately took out the operating table, looked up, and touched it down. After a long time, Tina confirmed one thing. As Angie said... she wouldn't be able to operate it at all! !

After kicking both feet on the operating table, Tina put it into the inventory again. The crafting tool of the Sage's Stone was right in front of him, but she would not use it. This was too tragic.

That night Tina lived in a city that had been ransacked by the Crusaders. Of course, the Crusaders also lived in. Who would want to have a house and city walls without them, and ran out to camp in the desert.

After preparing for a few days, the Crusaders sent back all the spoils and the wounded who could not fight back to Fort Morro. In other words...Are there wounded? Of course there is! A group of people squeezed into a room to grab things, and stepped on them everywhere regardless of whether they were knocked down or not. How could there be no wounded! !

After dragging for a week, the army continued to move forward, using this city as a logistical supply station to continue advancing to the next city to the west.

After a few days, the army stopped, and the scouts reported that a large army of orcs was waiting in front of them.

The Crusaders also set up a formation and slowly moved towards the half-orcs, saying that the formation is good, it is basically a posture of lining up the army to oppress the territory.

Since Tina knew that the Orcs had no long-range strike capability, she walked to the forefront of the team very justly and awe-inspiringly.

The position of the Crusaders was on a sandy slope, and Tina could easily spot the Orcs army below. She found that the Orcs army on the opposite side had formed columns and phalanxes. Obviously, this shape was much better than the Crusaders.

Tina turned her head and asked, "General William, the orcs are in a good formation. There is no problem with this battle?"

General William smiled. He smiled very proudly, "Master Bishop, we will win this battle. Don't look at the way these half-orcs pose very well. I have been dealing with half-orcs for a lifetime, these green-skinned guys. There is no cooperation at all. As long as a fight occurs for a while, the formation will definitely be chaotic. I don't know which half-orc tribe is the young chief who wants to train the half-orcs in the way of human combat. What a fool."

When Tina thought about it, it turned out that the odds of winning in this battle were so great, so she felt relieved, as long as the Crusaders could win, she wouldn't have to waste time summoning skeletons to fight.

This is the first time the Crusaders have fought the Orcs in the wild since the Western Expedition. This victory is the best opportunity to improve their reputation. Naturally, General William will not waste such an opportunity.

However, he asked politely, "Sir, do you want to encourage the army before the war?"

Tina waved her hand, "I'm not good at speaking, it's better for you to come."

William was happy in his heart, and he was still respectful on the surface, "Don't mind, Master Bishop just say something casually, and let me help you finish it in the end."

"All right, I'll just say something." Tina nodded.

William thought to himself, "This girl bishop will use the goddess' encouragement at most. When she finishes, I will end it with impassioned words for the country and the people. By then, the reputation will be mine."

Tina took out the sound reinforcement stone, "I am Bishop Tina, all the crusaders listen." At this time, all the crusaders were quiet, and they were completely convinced by the bishop who could trigger divine punishment.

Tina nodded in satisfaction, she said in a very majestic voice.

"Today you are truly sheltered!"

"Today you are fighting for the goddess!"

"Today you are knights of the holy war! Baptized in the blood of our evil enemies!"

"Um!!!" the Crusaders shouted loudly.

William froze for a moment, just as he was about to make the end.

Tina pointed at the orc below, "Look at the mob below. If you commit a crime today, there will only be failure!"

"Ready to fight." When Tina finished saying this, the Crusaders put on their helmets one after another.

"Take up the weapon!" At this time the Crusaders drew their swords, and the sound of weapons being unsheathed throughout the desert.

Tina yelled, "Offensive!!"


"For the goddess!!" The Crusaders shouted and rushed down Shapo, towards the Orc army.

Only William was stupidly there. After waiting for a long time, he was relieved, "Hey! You don’t know how to say this! And you have even finished the ending. The most Damn it is even offensive. Two words don't give me a chance!!"

Tina did not realize that her impassioned words had deeply offended General William. At this time, she was watching the battle carefully.

As William said, the Orcs immediately lost their formation when they saw the Crusaders pounce on them, and many Orcs rushed out of the phalanx without getting orders.

One, two, ten, one hundred, as more and more half-orcs rushed out of the phalanx, other half-orcs also rushed out, and the column and phalanx formed by the half-orcs disappeared all at once.

The formation of this kind of thing will naturally greatly improve the combat effectiveness, but if it is breakthrough or the formation is chaotic, then the combat effectiveness is weaker than that of a group fight.

The Crusaders shouted and rushed to the Orcs, and part of the Orcs rushed to the Crusaders, and the other part was hesitating whether to rush.

Bang bang bang ~ ~ The sound of shield collision and screams sounded everywhere, the Crusaders and the Orcs immediately killed many people, and the battle began to scramble.

Tina had heard from William before that in the field battles between Orcs and the Crusaders, most of them ended in failure, and now she understood why.

The Crusaders are all assembled from various places, and they don’t know each other. Naturally, it’s impossible to match their formations. But they are humans. Secondly, they are crowded. In short, the Crusaders and the Orcs are the easiest way to fight. The way is the crowded tactics.

The huge number of crusaders can be used to the extreme in places like the desert where there are no obstacles. There is no need for others to command. The crusaders spontaneously spread out to encircle, and the crusaders are easily encircled. There is no concept of formation, just know. Destroy the army of orcs in front of the enemy.

Tina looked at the lusty men with a red cross on their chests in surprise, and quickly surrounded the army of green half-orcs, and then the green half-orcs were reduced and reduced by the whiteness... ...

Tina immediately came up with a sentence "Hey!! This is simply a gang fight in the underworld!!"

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