William knew that now the Bishop Tina has become a symbol among all the Crusaders, that is, no matter which city the bishop attacks, the city will inevitably be breached, and there are even many people who give Tina a nickname. , Bishop of Sinking City.

It may be difficult to take away the command of such a bishop. Even if it is taken away forcibly, if the next siege fails, who will carry the black pan that caused the strategic failure by changing the commander? So the Crusader leaders just shook their heads.

William was helpless. Since the yin was not enough, he decided to come. From then on, once encountering a field encounter, he could see William taking the lead and commanding the formation. He wanted to win the battle quickly and reduce his own losses.

During the siege, Tina also sent all the skeletons to fight very hard to gain more experience and a good Ascension level. These two efforts will undoubtedly benefit the ordinary soldiers of the Crusade, because their casualties are huge. Reduced.

Time flies quickly, half a year has passed in the bloody West Expedition. Tina and William have achieved great results in their battles. They have won fifteen times in the field encounters and won seven times in siege battles. , Plus the first occupied city, the eight cities that have been captured by half-orcs have now all returned to human hands.

Although the city has returned to human hands, Tina, who is the commander-in-chief of the siege, is not happy at all, because every time she attacks the city, she finds that there is no human in the city, and all that is left is haste. Pile up the dead bodies.

Where did millions of people go in eight cities? Could it be that the half-orcs...

Tina didn't dare to think about it anymore. What the half-orcs were doing now made her understand one thing deeply. If they are not my race, their heart must be condemned. Since half-orcs can do this, so can humans! She had secretly decided in her heart that if she had the opportunity, she would not hesitate to annihilate the orcs.

William wanted to kill Tina more than Tina wanted to kill the orcs. No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't surpass the bishop with two pony tails.

Now Tina walked in the camp without the clergy. After such a long time of contact, she no longer wanted to put on the stance of the gods in front of the Crusaders. It’s okay to put it once in a while. too tired.

This also made her deeply admire those guys in the Holy See who pretend to be gods for 36 days a year, every day, you can really pretend!

And Tina doesn’t like being watched by the eyes of these popes. As for the safety issue, she really doesn’t believe that anyone with short eyes would dare to be attacked by the crusaders in the camp of the crusaders. The respected Bishop Tina.

Tina walked alone in the camp. This time she was going to attend the military meeting held by William. Recently, her relationship with William was getting worse and worse, and it was almost impossible to fight. This directly caused the crusade leaders of other William factions to fight. With her dissatisfaction, she sometimes even wondered if she wanted to grab the position of the siege commander with William, and now she has offended so many high-powered people.

When she passed by the Crusaders, the Crusaders took off their helmets, bowed slightly, and bowed their heads. This is a very high courtesy for the knights of the Crusaders. Generally, the Crusaders only need to put their right hand on their chest. They saluted, and from the expression on the crusaders' faces, it can be seen that they respected the bishop from their hearts.

Tina also took off the hat from the burqa to reveal the purple double ponytail and lovely face, and gave a sweet smile to the Crusaders, which was the least courtesy to friends.

"The Bishop... Your Excellency... You... hello..." A strong crusader stood in front of Tina.

"What's the matter with you?" Tina looked at the crusader suspiciously.

The girl’s sweet voice and lovely face made the country crusaders very embarrassed. He blushed and said, "Master Bishop, I am a countryman, I don’t know the rules, but I still want to thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Tina was stunned. There really wasn't any Crusaders who had told her to thank her or gave her a gift.

The country crusader touched the back of his head, "I also participated in the first siege war. I was in the siege team at that time. At that time, many brothers died. The friends who came with me all died on that day. Yes, just when I was about to climb the city wall, your retreat order came, I wouldn't say anything, I just wanted to say... Thank you, thank you for letting me and the brothers who were going to die that day survive. "

After saying this, the crusader ran to the crusaders who came with him behind him, put his right hand on his chest with them, knelt down on one knee in front of Tina, and followed them. The more and more crusaders also knelt down.

All the Crusaders knew in their hearts that as a soldier, when the number was scarce, maybe the lords would treat you as a useful talent, but in the Western Expedition, the large number of Crusaders in the commander’s mind, they just A bunch of numbers are numbers that can be sent to death at will, but only reduced.

The number of crusaders can be continuously replenished, and there is no need for General William to spend a penny, so William wanted to use corpses to push the walls during the siege.

The life of a soldier is something that ordinary clergymen don’t need to care about, but the distinguished bishop in front of him is really thinking about the crusaders. She and General William turned their faces just to make them humble. The crusaders will not die in vain, all the crusaders are deeply impressed by her kind heart.

Tina looked at these crusaders in surprise, and she said quietly, "You don't need to do this, I just hope that my own companion can sacrifice less."

companion? A bishop who was only one career lower than the Pope, even compared their humble soldiers to their companions, and the crusaders' heads were lowered even lower.

Tina yelled a few times but found that they just couldn't get up on their knees. She was not a king or emperor, but she didn't want others to worship herself like this, so she figured it out. You won't be kneeling here anymore after I'm gone. Bar?

Tina turned around and left, but at this time no one noticed the resolute expression on her face. Now she finally understands that there was nothing wrong with robbing William’s command. She did not regret saving so many companions and so many. If her family were given another chance like this, she would still grab it.

Tina came to the tent where the meeting was held, put on her hat and raised her collar, her entire face was hidden in the shadows, and she returned to the original state of the mysterious bishop.

Tina wouldn't treat this fellow William as a friend, and she didn't make any announcements at all, she walked in carelessly.

William glanced at Tina and didn't say much, "Since everyone is here, let's start this meeting."

"Everyone must be very puzzled, all the cities have been taken back, why do we have to hold a military meeting." William looked around and found that all the crusaders leaders were puzzled.

"In fact, this is the first time you have participated in the Western Expedition. Some things may not be known. I have participated in the Western Expedition several times. This time I have encountered the least anti-orcs in the Western Expedition."

Everyone looked at William in surprise, and didn't understand what William meant by this.

William sighed, "After I have observed several times, every time we encounter in the wild is some young chiefs and their tribes, and during the siege, they were all recruits, equipped and fighting. The skills are very poor."

Seeing that the Crusaders were still ignorant, William’s face sank, “I’ve said so, don’t you understand? There are two possibilities now. First, the half-orcs were fighting against each other when they captured these eight cities. Too many troops were lost in the battle of the defenders in the city, which caused all the elite troops to withdraw westward, leaving only some second-rate troops to defend the city."

Then William stood up and walked to a map in the tent, pointing to the west, frowning and saying, "Secondly, it is also the last thing I want to happen. There is a terrible leader among the orcs. Withdrawal, after our army leaves, Isis resettled a large number of civilians to these eight cities..."

William slapped his palm on the location of the eight cities on the map and said, "When the Crusaders retreat, they will recapture these cities and deal a heavy blow to the entire Isis."

All the people attending the meeting were in a cold sweat, and even Tina was stunned. Although she didn't like William's competitive character, Tina didn't admit that William was really good at fighting.

"I don't know what your plans are?" William looked at the leaders of the Crusades. He was already old and hoped that some of these young people could replace him in the future.

The meeting room suddenly became lively, and all the young Crusaders began to argue with each other.

Tina yawned. She didn't want to hear the crusade leaders yelling, because all those guys were talking about was "Which way is safer to go back!" Or "You must leave a few troops behind." ," Or "We must ensure that the supply line materials are transferred away when we retreat."

Listening to the words of these crusaders who only thought about how to run away, Tina shook her head and glanced at William, and found that the general's face was getting redder and red, and she might be killed soon because of the anger tank max. Skilled.

In order to prevent William's anger from being raged for a while, Tina, who thinks she is very kind, decided to give William a step down, "This time the commander-in-chief of the Crusade, the great Crusader General William, what do you mean? ?"

"Commander-in-chief, plus great crusaders, plus generals..." When William heard these words, the chrysanthemum suddenly tightened, because deep down he seemed to remember the last time a ponytail said these words. Keep him out of the stage.

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